
July 2024

“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.” – Confucius

PowerShell – Detect User in Local Admin Group
Microsoft Teams – Batch – PowerShell – Uninstaller
Java Client 8 Update 421 Failing Install, 1603 Error
PowerShell – Return Current User from QUser
Azure – AVD – PowerShell – Install Zoom Client in Virtual Environment
PowerShell – Change Base Priority of Process
Batch – Return User Session Information
Intune – Forcing Device Sync
Arduino Project 3: Photoresistor, LEDs, Fan


April 2024

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” – E.E. Cummings

Arduino Project 2: Photosensitive Testing, Discrete LEDs
Arduino Project 1: Photosensitive Testing, Built-in LED Blinker


December 2023

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” – Lombardi

PowerShell – Return Current User – System Account
PowerShell – Return BitLocker Data using MSGraph
PowerShell – Empty Reboot


July 2023

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln

Mac – Reset Password in Recovery Mode for Apple Silicon
Citrix DPI Solutions


June 2023

“For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.” – Walter Scott

Intune – Mac – Deploy a Mobileconfig


February 2023

“Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.” – Gandhi

Adobe Acrobat/Reader ProgIds


July 2022

“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” – Estée Lauder

PowerShell – Form – Detect Autoscaling
PowerShell – Form – Set DPI Aware
PowerShell – Form – Set Autoscale
PowerShell – Uninstall Silverlight (or other Apps)

Office 2021 Suite App SKUs
Azure- AVD – Nerdio – Add AD Group to Host Session
Mac – Intune/SCCM – Sign PKG, Wrap PKG for Deployment
SCCM – Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 Console Error
Windows – Servicing – Company Portal


June 2022

“Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” – Bobby Unser

PowerShell – Detect if Administrator
PowerShell – Form – Adding Tabs to a Form


March 2022

“Action is the foundational key to all success.” – Picasso

PowerShell – Add DNS Suffix to Ethernet Connections


January 2022

“Much effort, much prosperity.” – Euripides

PowerShell – Enabling All Notifications (Azure and Desktops)
PowerShell – Scan Text File for String


December 2021

“Success is dependent on effort.” – Sophocles

PowerShell – Delete Empty Lines in Text File
PowerShell – Dynamically Return Directory Name
PowerShell – Delete String Containing Brackets


September 2021

“We first make our habits and then our habits make us.” – John Dryden

PowerShell – Create Restore Point


August 2021

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw

Active Directory – PowerShell – Return User, Username, Email Address
Python – Count Words in String


July 2021

“The real secret of success is enthusiasm.” – Walter Chrysler

AVD – Acrobat 2020 – App Attach Testing
App Attach – Create Shortcut


June 2021

“Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see further.” – Thomas Carlyle

Azure – Batch – Add User into Local Administrators Group
Azure – PowerShell – Add User into Local Administrators Group
PowerShell – List BIOS Information
PowerShell – Scheduled Shutdown
PowerShell – Time Zone Examples


May 2021

“The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill

PowerShell – Create Zip and Backup File
PowerShell – Read Text File from Bottom to Top
PowerShell – Add ISE Support for PowerShell 7
PowerShell – Create Self-Signed Certificate

MSIX Packaging Error 0x800B0100
Windows – Rename Computer
Windows – Freeze a Windows Build Version


April 2021

“Do it with passion, or not at all.” – Rosa Nouchette Carey

Batch – Return Major Build Version
PowerShell – Automate Cleanmgr.exe
WVD/AVD – FSLogix Hung File Handlers


March 2021

“Give light and people will find the way.” – Ella Baker

AutoIt – Copy Current Page to Clipboard – Search for String
Batch – Return Available Drive Space in Gigabytes – No Decimals
SCCM Agent: CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80070643
Windows – Could not load file or assembly Accessibility, Version=
Windows – Copying Data From Cached Redirected Folders (User Profile)


February 2021

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou

Citrix Fatal Error – ‘WEB_CLIENT’ failed during request
Mac – Zscaler Installation Command
PowerShell – Verify OneDrive is Installed
SCCM – WQL – Return PKI-Client Certificate Type
Windows – Disable – Allow my organization to manage my device (Azure)


January 2021

“The future belongs to the competent. Get good, get better, be the best!” – Brian Tracy

Adobe Flash – Disable and Remove
HP Sure Sense – Uninstall
Intune – Flow of Downloads
Windows – Reset-Reseal Computer
Windows – Uninstall Office 365


December 2020

“Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities.” – Robert H. Schuller

C# – Change Computer Time
C# – Return Prime Numbers with User Input
C# – Extract Email Addresses from Text File


November 2020

“Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.” – Hayley Williams

C# – Encrypt Message to Text File – Decrypt Message from Text File
PowerShell – Return Current User
PowerShell – Sandbox Testing App Attach – No WVD Required
Windows – Install Assemblies


October 2020

“Without hustle, talent will only carry you so far.” – Vaynerchuk

PowerShell – Remove Built-in Administrator Account
PowerShell – Show Time Zone Info
PowerShell – Search Start Menu for String
PowerShell – Speech Synthesizer


September 2020

“Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive.” – Hafez

Batch – Create PFX Certificate – Use for Code-Package Signing
PowerShell – Autopilot – Return HWID
Python – Read JSON File
Python – Read Text File, Parse Data

Chrome – Set Startup Page – Policy
Mac – Citrix Client – Detection Rule in SCCM
WordPress – Disable Search Icon in Menu


August 2020

“To be prepared is half the victory.” – Miguel de Cervantes

Batch – Clear Windows Logs
PowerShell – Convert to EXE Files with GUI
PowerShell – Hide Console
PowerShell – Remove Certificate
PowerShell – Return All Shortcuts

Mac – CMAppUtil – failed with 80004005
Windows – Disable IPv6


July 2020

“One love, one heart, one destiny.” – Bob Marley

PowerShell – Play Alert or Sound
PowerShell – Focus this Window or Process
PowerShell – Form – Close Button
PowerShell – Form – Remove/Disable Cancel, Minimize, Maximize
PowerShell – Counter
PowerShell – Form – Countdown
Pulse-Secure – Signout User


June 2020

“I would rather die of passion than of boredom.” – Vincent van Gogh

Windows – Batch – Reset Default Local Windows Folders (Folder Redirect)
Azure – PowerShell – Device User and Owner ObjectId
PowerShell – Generate Script – Run Script – Use Toasts v1
PowerShell – Return Machines Based Upon Logon Count
SCCM – PowerShell – Return Domain using ResourceID
SCCM – PowerShell – Return Device Name using ResourceID
Mac – Skype – CMMAC Detection.xml
Mac – Google Chrome – CMMAC XML Data


May 2020

“The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.” – Feirstein

C# – List Files in Directory – Perform Action
PowerShell – Delete User Account
PowerShell – Log Off and Shutdown
PowerShell – Log Out v1 – 15 Minutes
PowerShell – PING in GUI Window v1
PowerShell – PING Loop – With and Without GridView
Windows – Remove HP Software – OEM Build 1903
PowerShell – Run Scheduled Task Once and Delete


April 2020

“Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse

Batch – Disable & Remove WAN Miniport

Adobe Creative Cloud — (New Page)
Intune – SCCM – Change Time Zone
Windows – Allow Users to Change Time
Windows – Change Owner and Organization
Windows – Delete Built-in Account
Windows – Disable Smart Screen


March 2020

“My mind is my kingdom.” – Francis Quarles

Assembly – Hello World – Variation 2
Assembly – Check Prime Number
Assembly – GUI Message Box
Batch – Replace Specific String in Text File
C# – Prevent Sleep on Windows v2

Amazon WorkSpaces Client––– (New Page)
Citrix Workspace App ––– (New Page)
Intune – Set up Power Management
Microsoft Edge Browser ––– (New Page)
Pulse Secure App ––– (New Page)
Reverse Engineering ––– (New Category)
Windows 10 – Enable Network Discovery


February 2020

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” – Thoreau

C# – Prevent Sleep on Windows v1
Microsoft Teams – PowerShell – Disable Auto Start

Apple iTunes –
Azure – Intune – Disable Antivirus Notification
Google Chrome Browser – 80.0.3987.87
Google Chrome Browser – 80.0.3987.106
Mozilla Firefox Browser – 73.0
Panda Adaptive Defense 360 – Remove Uninstall Password via Web Console
SCCM – Hung or Frozen Configuration Manager Update
Skype for Desktop –
Slack – 4.3.4
VSCode – 1.42.0
Windows 10 – Disable Antivirus Notification
Windows 10 – Disable Windows Firewall Notification
Windows 10 – Fix Blank Search Results
Windows 10 – Run App without UAC
Windows Virtual Desktop – Sessions Showing UTC Time


January 2020

“Reason is mechanical, wit chemical, and genius organic spirit.” – Schlegel

Batch – Simulating Arrays
C# – Search Unsorted Array for Value
C# – Compare List1 with List2, Return Differences
PowerShell – Adding Registry Keys for Group Policy
Azure – PowerShell – Update Device Registered User

Firefox Browser – 72.0
Firefox Browser – 72.0.1
Firefox Browser – 72.0.2
Google Chrome Browser – 79.0.3945.117
Google Chrome Browser – 79.0.3945.130
Java Client – 8 Update 241
MSIX Packaging Tool – 1.2019.1220.0
SCCM – Deploy Firefox as Application, Win Installer Error
Slack – 4.3.2
VitalSource Bookshelf – AppxBundle
Windows Terminal – 0.8.10091.0 (Preview)


December 2019

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

C# – Load, Copy, Reverse Elements in Array
C# – Read Text File into Array, Return Specific Elements
C# – Sorting Lists: Read Text File, Sort, Write Text File
C# – Read Text File, Remove Dupes, Write Text File
C# – Progress Bar as Thread Wrapper; Form

Adobe Acrobat Reader – 19.021.20058
Apple iTunes –
Citrix Workspace – (1911)
Firefox Browser – 71.0
Google Chrome Browser – 79.0.3945.79
Google Chrome Browser – 79.0.3945.88
Azure – Intune – Deploy Acrobat Reader Package
Azure – Intune – Deploy Apple iTunes Package
Azure – Intune – Deploy Citrix Package
Azure – Intune – Deploy Skype Package
PowerToys – 0.14.1
SCCM – Agent Repair – Uninstall
Skype for Desktop –
Skype for Desktop –
Slack – 4.3.0
Windows 10 Edge – Disabling Features


November 2019

“You are never too old to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

Intune – PowerShell – Add Screensaver Config
PowerShell – Return Environment Variables
SCCM – PowerShell – Return Current User

Adobe Acrobat Reader – 19.021.20049 is available
Adobe Creative Cloud – is available
Amazon Workspaces Client – 2.5.11 is available
Apple iTunes – is available
Firefox – 70.0.1 is available
Google Chrome – 78.0.3904.97 is available
Google Chrome – 78.0.3904.108 is available
Google Chrome – Open Task Manager
MSIX Packaging Tool – 1.2019.1018.0 is available
PowerShell – 6.2.3 (Stable)
PowerShell – 7.0.0 (Preview 5)
PowerShell – 7.0.0 (Preview 6)
PowerToys – 0.11.0
PowerToys – 0.13.0
Skype for Business – Uninstall from Office 2016
Skype for Desktop – is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
Slack – 4.2.0 is available
VSCode –
VSCode –
VSCode –
Windows 10 – Allow Users to Change Time
Windows Terminal – 2019.1022.2157.0 (Preview)


October 2019

“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” –

Mac – Bash – Symantec AV-SEP Agent Uninstaller
Windows 10 – Batch – Set Product Key
PowerShell – Check Temperature of CPU
PowerShell – Encrypt and Decrypt using SecureString

Adobe Acrobat Reader – 19.021.20047 is available
Adobe Brackets – 1.14.17740 is available
Apple iTunes – is available
Firefox – 69.0.2 is available
Firefox – 69.0.3 is available
Firefox – 70.0 is available
Google AdWords Editor – is available
Google Chrome – 77.0.3865.120 is available
Google Chrome – 78.0.3904.70 is available
Inkscape – 0.92.4 64 Bit is available
Java Client – 8 Update 231 is available
Mac – Symantec – System Extension Blocked
OneDrive – Redirect Folders
Skype for Desktop – is available
Slack – 4.1.0 is available
Slack – 4.1.1 is available
Slack – 4.1.2 is available
Windows 10 – Repair-Reset Network Adapters (devcon)


September 2019

“With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.” – Burton

Batch – Return Current User
C# – Return Area and Circumference of Circle
Hyper-V – PowerShell – Create VM
Mac – Bash – SCCM Agent – Uninstall
PowerShell – Create AD Group and Mirror Members
PowerShell – Download Specific Type of Files
PowerShell – Return AD Users and Last OU
PowerShell – Active Directory Cmdlets
PowerShell – Hyper-V Cmdlets
Google Drive File Stream – PowerShell – Uninstaller
Junos Pulse – PowerShell – Uninstaller
Windows 10 – PowerShell – 1809-2004 – Install RSAT

Amazon Workspaces Client – is available
Apple iTunes – is available
Azure – Create Virtual Machine (Portal)
Azure – Create Availability Set (Portal)
Azure – Create Virtual Network (Portal)
Azure – Az Commands
Citrix Workspace – (1909) is available
Firefox – 69.0 is available
Firefox – 69.0.1 is available
Google Chrome – 77.0.3865.75 is available
Google Chrome – 77.0.3865.90 is available
Mac – SCCM – VLC CMMAC Error
SCCM – Link Two Packages, Run in Two Security Contexts
Skype for Desktop – is available
VLC Player – Download Videos from YouTube
Windows – Set a Default Logon Profile on Welcome Screen
Windows 10 – Launch Store App from Command Line


August 2019

“It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.” – Amelia Barr

Bash – Delete Files and Folders
Mac – Bash – Install Telnet
Mac – Bash – Install Fink
Mac – Bash – Package-Repackage
Mac – Bash – Disable Chrome Auto Updates
Mac – Bash – Parallels Agent Install Script
Mac – Bash – Office 2019 Apps Will Not Open
Mac – Bash – Manage a Service
Mac – Bash – Download DMG using URL
Mac – Bash – Attach-Use-Detach DMG
SEP – Batch – Uninstaller_Removal
Azure – PowerShell – Create a VM
Azure – Cmdlets
PowerShell – Cycle through Usernames or User SIDs
PowerShell – Show Startup Commands
PowerShell – Countdown Timer
PowerShell – Random Fun
PowerShell – Remove Lines Matching String
SCCM – Cmdlets
SCCM – PowerShell – Verify that clients can contact Configuration Manager

Adobe Acrobat Reader – 19.012.20036 is available
Adobe Digital Editions – is available
Amazon Workspaces Client – 2.5.9 is available
FileZilla – 3.44.2 is available
Firefox – 68.0.2 is available
Google Chrome – 76.0.3809.87 is available
Google Chrome – 76.0.3809.100 is available
Google Chrome – 76.0.3809.132 is available
Mac – Hide All Desktop Icons
Slack – 4.0.1 is available
Slack – 4.0.2 is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
VitalSource Bookshelf – AppxBundle is available
VLC Player – 3.0.8 is available


July 2019

“Impossible is for the unwilling.” – John Keats

C# – Knapsack Problem
C# – File to Bytes to Stored Hex to Bytes to File
PowerShell – Encoded Commands
PowerShell – Download and Execute File
PowerShell – Convert Docx Files to PDF
VBScript – Insert Line into Text File

Adobe Connect – 19.5.1 is available
Adobe Creative Cloud – is available
Apple iTunes – is available
Citrix Workspace – (1907) is available
Firefox – 68.0 is available
Firefox – 68.0.1 is available
Google Chrome – 75.0.3770.142 is available
Java Client – 8 Update 221 is available
Junos Pulse Secure – is available
SCCM – BitLocker Management (from Microsoft)
Skype for Desktop – is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
Slack – 4.0.0 is available
Windows – Pending Reboot Registry Keys


June 2019

“The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward

AutoIt – Run Disk Cleanup, Hide Manager and Notification Window
AutoIt – Minimize and Restore Window
Batch – Return True if Part of IP Address is Found
Batch – Windows – Setting Screen Brightness
Batch – Turn Off Computer Screen
C# – Turn Off Computer Screen; Form
PowerShell – Turn Off Computer Screen
PowerShell – Run Cleanup Manager, Partially Automated
PowerShell – Base64 Encode/Decode (embed files in your script)
PowerShell – Check VPN Connection, Present Splash, Install MSI
PowerShell – Check VPN Connection, Wait Until Session Has Ended, Upgrade VPN
PowerShell – Add Shortcut to Start Menu
PowerShell – SCCM – Delete Temps on Computer
Python – Prevent Screen Sleep and Screensaver

Adobe Creative Cloud – is available
Apple iTunes – SCCM – is available
Citrix Workspace – (1905) is available
Firefox – 67.0.3 is available
Firefox – 67.0.4 is available
Google Chrome – 75.0.3770.80 is available
Google Chrome – 75.0.3770.90 is available
Google Chrome – 75.0.3770.100 is available
Mac – Error logging into App Store – AMD-Action:authenticate:SP
SCCM – Agent Will Not Update Client Actions
Slack – 3.4.3 is available
VitalSource Bookshelf – AppxBundle is available
VLC Player – 3.07.1 is available
Windows – Disable Network Adapter Power Management
Windows – Disable Lock Screen
Windows – Display/Monitor Timeout after 10 minutes
Windows 10 – Environment Variables


May 2019

“Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do.” – B. Tracy

Batch – Add TCP/IP Printer in Windows via Scripted Commands {updated}
C# – Return Lines Matching String
PowerShell – Install AppX via Command Line
PowerShell – Export AD Users to CSV
PowerShell – Test Admin Status of Current User
PowerShell – Return IP, Subnet, Gateway, and DNS
PowerShell – Return Product Key
PowerShell – Return USB Drive Usage
PowerShell – Return Installed Software
PowerShell – Install Patches Remotely

Adobe Connect – 19.3.3 is available
Adobe Creative Cloud – is available
Citrix Workspace – (1904.1) is available
Google Chrome – 74.0.3729.131 is available
Google Chrome – 74.0.3729.157 is available
Google Chrome – 74.0.3729.169 is available
Mozilla Firefox – 67.0 is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
Slack – 3.4.1 is available
Windows – Joining a Workgroup using WMIC
Windows – Short Name Issues with Progra~1 and Progra~2


April 2019

“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou

Batch – Return Serial Number of Certificate.cer File
C# – Disable Desktop Icons in Windows
C# – Enable Desktop Icons in Windows
C# – Set Wallpaper and WallpaperStyle in Windows
C++ – Change Background Color in Windows 10
JavaScript – Toggle Function to Hide and Show Content
PowerShell – Add Reg Info for Tracking Purposes
PowerShell DSC – Registry Example
PowerShell DSC – File Example
PowerShell DSC – Enable Web-Server, Windows Feature
PowerShell DSC – Copy Folder, Recursively
PowerShell DSC – Service Example
Python – Change File Names from European to American Dates
VBScript – Hide Desktop Icons in SCCM
VBScript – Disable C Drive in SCCM
VBScript – Disable Right Click in SCCM
VBScript – Set Wallpaper Policy in SCCM

Apple iTunes – is available
Google Chrome – 73.0.3683.86 is available
Google Chrome – 73.0.3683.103 is available
Google Chrome – 74.0.3729.108 is available
Java Client – 8 Update 211 and 212 are available
Mac – Xcode 10.1 – High Sierra 10.13.6
Mozilla Firefox – 66.0 is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
Windows – Disable Access to Screensaver Settings
Windows – Set Screensaver Policy
Windows – Setting Wallpaper Policy
Windows – Disable Command Prompt Policy
Windows – Disable Run Command Policy
Windows – Enable Terminal Services, Remote Desktop
Windows 10 – Set Accent Color
Windows 10 – Disable Hello


March 2019

“Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.” – W. Clement Stone

C# – FizzBuzz Example
JavaScript – FizzBuzz Example
Python – Pass Argument to a Button Command in Tkinter
Python – Change to Current Script Directory
Python – Delete File
Python – Test for Palindrome
Python – Test for Anagram
Python – Launch URL
Python – Minimize-Restore Window/Form
Python – Read Lines from Text File
Python – Write Lines to Text File
Python – Exit Window/Form
Python – Enable-Disable Button
Python – Update Image Dynamically

Google Chrome – 72.0.3626.121 is available
Mac – Create a Daemon to Load App
Mac – Install Python 3
Mac – Install py2app
Mac – Install pyinstaller – Create .APP File
Mac – SCCM – CMMAC and PKG
Windows – Cannot Connect to Network Share or Map Drives


February 2019

“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” – C.S. Lewis

Bash – Hello World
C# – Simple Desktop Notification with two Return Codes; Form
C# – Display Triangle Patterns
C# – Change Base Priority of Current App
C# – Flashing Taskbar Icon
C++ – Number Tree
Pascal – Hello World
Pascal – Iteration and Input
PowerShell – Balloon Tip – Toast {updated}
Python – Simple Form, with Functions and Buttons

Apple iTunes – is available
Azure – Replace Package Owner with Domain User Owner
Google Chrome – 72.0.3626.109 is available
Mac – Gatekeeper Settings
SCCM – Return MP Candidate Information
SCCM – Change Client Connection from Intranet to Internet
Skype for Desktop – is available
Windows – Increase Notifications Duration
Windows 10 – Randomly Disconnecting Mapped Drives {updated with Failsafe script}


January 2019

“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” – Michael John Bobak

C# – Getter Setter Example
C# – Test String for Palindrome
C++ – Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
C++ – Determine Prime Numbers in Array
C++ – String Rotation
PowerShell – Fix Software Center Shortcut for SCCM
Python – User Input and Basic Logic
Python – Simple Function

Adobe Connect – 19.1.2 is available
Azure – Create VM in Azure Cloud Shell
Azure – Create Website in Azure Cloud Shell
Apple iTunes – is available
Firefox – 65.0 is available
Slack – 3.3.7 is available
Windows – Add Space to C: Drive, though D: exists


December 2018

“…do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you.” – George Whitefield

C# – Algorithms (updated)
C# – Mathematics (updated)
C++ – Show Growing and Shrinking Number Set
C++ – Return Binary from 1-256
C++ – Show Growing Letter Count ABCDEF
C++ – Print Cascading Alphabet Table (Vigenere Square)
Fortran – Subroutines and Iteration
Fortran – Perform Sum of Given Numbers
Fortran – Create Array and Sort Given Numbers
Fortran – List Prime Numbers 1-100
Fortran – Hello World

Azure – Bulk Enrollment and Computer Name (updated)
Citrix Workspace – is available
Firefox – 64.0 is available
Google Chrome – 71.0.3578.80 is available
Google Chrome – 71.0.3578.98 is available
VLC Player – 3.0.5 is available
Hacking/Reverse Engineering – Remove RemotePC Client Side Notify Icon (updated)
Microsoft Ignite 2018 Links
SCCM – Minimum Permissions Needed To Perform Client Push
Skype for Desktop – is available
Windows – Uninstall Windows Update
Windows 10 – Update KB4469342 (OS Build 17763.168)


November 2018

“Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.” – Earl Nightingale

AI – C# – Chatbot with Random Responses; Form
C++ – Show X Amount of a Character
C++ – Build Multiplication Table
Azure – PowerShell – Install AzureAD Cmdlets
Azure – PowerShell – Connect to Azure
Azure – PowerShell – Show All Devices
Azure – PowerShell – Show Specific Device
Azure – PowerShell – Show All Users
Azure – PowerShell – Show Specific User
Azure – PowerShell – Remove Device
Azure – PowerShell – Remove Registered Owner
Azure – PowerShell – Add Registered Owner
Azure – PowerShell – Add Registered User
Azure – PowerShell – Import BitLocker
Azure – Bulk Enrollment and Computer Name
SCCM – SQL – Return All Package Names

Citrix Workspace – is available
Google Chrome – 70.0.3538.102 is available
Java Client 8 – 191-192 are available
Skype for Desktop – is available
SCCM – Cannot Image Machine – Failed to Run Task Sequence (0x8007000F)
SCCM – CTRL-ALT-DEL does not work on Remote Control Host
Windows – Disable SmartScreen
Windows – Block Windows Updates
Windows 10 – Update KB4462933 (OS Build 17134.376)


October 2018

“Practice like you’ve never won. Perform like you’ve never lost.” – Bernard F. Asuncion

Assembly – Search for Number in Array
Bash – Loops
Java – Fibonacci Sequence in Array
C# – Show or Hide Process; Form
C# – Console ShowWindow
C# – Run Application
AI – C# – Neural Net
AI – C# – Chatbot With Built-in Responses
AI – Batch – Chatbot With Text File Responses
AI – PowerShell – Toying With Removing Hyperlinks; Pattern
AI – PowerShell – Search for Pattern in Multiple Files
AI – VBScript – Finding Indexes – Pattern Recognition
PowerShell – Working with JSON
PowerShell – Check Password Complexity
PowerShell – Balloon Tip – Toast
PowerShell – GUI, Forms, Labels, Text, Input, Image, Icon

Windows – Disable Print Screen – Disable Save to OneDrive
Windows – wmic.exe – Return OS Install Date
Windows – reg.exe – Add Runonce Key
Adobe Creative Cloud – – Install & Uninstall
Firefox – 63.0 is available
Google Chrome – 70.0.3538.67 is available
Skype for Desktop – is available
SCCM – WQL – Query for Windows 10 by Build Numbers
Amazon – Open Directly To ‘Look Inside’


September 2018

“I failed my way to success.” – Thomas Edison

Windows 10 – Batch – Exploring Quick Assist
Windows 10 – Batch – Create a Folder Junction
Windows 10 – Remove Provisioning Package
Windows 10 – Unpacking and Packing AppX Files
Windows – Batch – Check if User is Local Admin
Windows – Batch – Return a Profile Using Marker File
C# – Return FileWriteTime of File
C# – Calling into Native DLLs
C# – Return LastWriteTime Registry Key
C# – Check Email Address Formatting
C# – Arrays
PowerShell – Return LastWriteTime Registry Key
Citrix – Moves from Receiver to Workspace
Assembly – Addition and Subtraction
Assembly – Multiplication
Assembly – Even or Odd Number
Assembly – Hello World
DISM – OS Uninstall Options
JavaScript – Key Codes
C++ – Hello World
C++ – Basic Math
C++ – Input and Output
C++ – Return Addition with Integers
C++ – Return Factorial with Integers
C++ – Return Factorial
Java – Prime Numbers with User Input
SCCM – IP Addresses


August 2018

“I dwell in possibility.” – Emily Dickinson

Adobe Creative Cloud – ACCCx4_6_0_391 Requires Login
Windows Defender – Add Exclusion for Adobe Connect
Hacking – Remove RemotePC Client Side Notify Icon
Java 8 – Update 181
VBScript – Scan and Replace a String in Text File
Windows 10 – Install APPX Files
Skype for Desktop – Disable Auto Updates
SCCM – SQL – Edit SMS Query in CM Database – Hung Query
SCCM – View SMS Classes in SCCM Console


July 2018

“Action is the real measure of intelligence.” – Napoleon Hill

POODLE Attack: Registry Settings to Disable SSL 3.0
Dameware – Remove Dameware Remote
SCCM – Join SMS_R_System and SMS_R_User
SCCM – Use the Remote Control Viewer from Other Computers
AutoIt – Create GUI Box with Title Menu
AutoIt – Return PID and Set Parent Window
AutoIt – Return and Use Screen Height
Google – Launch Application as Command with Example
SQL – Search Entire Database
OneDrive – Remove/Hide
PowerShell – Using Sendkeys and Runas.exe


June 2018

“Failure is success in progress.” – Einstein

SCCM – Windows 10 Upgrade – Error code 0x8007000d
Windows 10 – PowerShell – Disable Cortana
Windows – PowerShell – Return Installed Applications
Windows – PowerShell – Return Computer Status, IP, OS, etc.
Windows – PowerShell – Set Screen Resolution
PowerShell – Set up Hidden/Special Account
Mac – Bash – Create Pop Up Message
Mac – Bash – Add a Trusted Root Cert to Keychain
Mac – Bash – Set and Change to Current Folder
Mac – Bash – SCCM Agent Install and PKI Enrollment
Windows 7 – PowerShell – Repair Windows Updates
PowerShell – Return Installed Windows KBs


May 2018

“The road to success is always under construction.” – Arnold Palmer

PKI – CES/CEP – Enrollment Policy
PKI – Autogenerate INF
PKI – Script the Request, Submit, and Import Cert
SCCM – Install Agent on Workgroup Computer
Python – ICSplit – Split Google Calendar File
PowerShell – View Objects of Processes
PowerShell – Output Local Certificates to File
PowerShell – Verify if Device is Connected
Windows – Perfmon not working


April 2018

“Anyone who has ever made anything of importance was disciplined.” – Andrew Hendrixson

SCCM – Change MP
SCCM – Force DP/MP to Remove Quickly
Windows – certutil.exe – Add Certificate to Stores
SCCM – Logs
SCCM – PowerShell – Change Site Code
PowerShell – Return Disk Space in Chart/Graph
Windows 10 – Download Windows App – Install without Windows Store (AppX)
Windows 10 – TLS Cipher Suites in Windows 10 v1709
Google Chrome – Disable/Enable Auto Update


March 2018

“It’s always too early to quit.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Windows – devcon.exe – Roll Back a Driver
Google File Stream – A partially deleted previous installation
Windows 10 – Disable UAC for Remote Assistance/Google Remote Desktop/QuickAssist
SCCM – SQL – Return Logged in Computers for Users
Windows 10 – Install SQL Server 2005
SCCM – SQL – Return Computers and IP Addresses
Windows – auditpol.exe – Global Audit Policy
C, C++ – Windows, Linux – Shutdown Computer
Windows – PsPing
Server 2016 – Run ‘slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004F069’ to display the error text
SCCM – Command Line Options for Setup
SCCM – Link AD Users/Groups to Collections
Windows – ProcMon – Monitor Boot Time


February 2018

“Nothing will work unless you do.” – Maya Angelou

Windows 10 – Application Settings Randomly Popping Up
Batch – Google Chrome – Uninstall-Scrubber
Batch – Change Roaming Aggressiveness in Windows
SCCM – PowerShell – SQL Query
Windows – Disable Intel AT Registration Notification
Windows 10 – Start Menu/Pinned Icons Corrupted – Rebuild Menu
Windows – Enable Remote Assistance
Windows – PowerShell – Remove Windows Store Apps
Windows – PowerShell – Reset Windows Updates
Turn off Screen – Place Display into Standby Mode
PowerShell – AutoIt – Set Window Size and Position
Windows 10 – DVI Adapter Monitor Issues, Half of Monitor
Windows 10 – Associate Image Types to Photo Viewer
Windows – Resource Icons
PowerShell – Update SQL Record
SCCM – Application Stuck on Installing or Downloading


January 2018

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” – Herman Melville

Windows 10 – DPI Scaling Causing Blurred Fonts
Windows 10 – Randomly Disconnecting Mapped Drives
Windows 10 – Default Printer Not Available
Windows 10 – Auto-Tuning Disable it or not?
Windows 10 – Disable Screen Rotation
Windows 10 – Disable First Logon Animation
Windows 10 – Set Default Lock Screen Wallpaper – Image
Windows 10 – Disable Consumer Features
Windows 10 – Useful Registry Paths for Apps & Settings
Windows – UserAccountControl Attribute
PowerShell – Return File Names and File Versions
SCCM – Imaging, Join Domain Fails in Task Sequence
Office 2016 – Disable the First things first Window
VBScript – Return Drive Letter by Drive Label Name
Java – Disable Auto Updates
Citrix Receiver – Disable Add Account Pop up
SCCM – PowerShell, VBScript – Name Computer in Task Sequence
SCCM – Task Sequence Variables
SCCM – Activate Office 2016 in Task Sequence
SCCM – Stamp Registry in Task Sequence
PowerShell – Basic Form


December 2017

“Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas Inspire change.” – Barbara Januszkiewicz

PowerShell – Install Fonts
Windows – Fix Boot Issues
SCCM – PowerShell – Remove Reg Keys on Remote Computers
Windows 10 – Fix Default Associations
Windows 10 – Repair System Files
Windows 10 – Open Reg Key at Specific Location
Windows – Remotely Install App and Mask Password
Windows – Enable/Disable Superfetch
Windows 10 – Set Time and Time Zone Automatically
Windows 10 – Disable Background Apps
PowerShell – Disable UAC
PowerShell – Return Installed Applications – To Screen or File


November 2017

“Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” – Dillon Panthers, Friday Night Lights

SCCM – Windows 10 – Upgrade Boot Loop
SCCM – Windows 10 Upgrade – Task Sequence failed: error code 0x800702C2
SCCM – Distribution Point Selection Steps
Windows – whoami.exe – Determine Security Privileges an Account Has
SCCM – Windows 10 Upgrade – Task Sequence failed error code 0xc1900204
Windows 10 – Cannot Connect to Wireless
.NET – Announcing the .NET Framework 4.7.1
What is Teredo?
SCCM – Windows 10 Upgrade – Update failed: error code 0x87D00708
Windows 10 – Clean up Locked Setup Files
SCCM – Windows 10 – Agent Stuck in Provisioning Mode
SCCM – Windows Updates in Log Files
Windows 10 – Enter Safe Mode
Windows – rundll.exe – Edit Environmental Variables
SCCM – Failed to get class ‘CcmTables’ from WMI namespace: error code 0x80041002
SCCM – Expanding SCCM Right-Click Tools


October 2017

“Luck is great, but most of life is hard work.” – Iain Duncan Smith

Uninstall Save as PDF, XPS, and PDF and XPS Add-ins
Live Meeting – Uninstall Live Meeting 2007
SharePoint – Uninstall SharePoint Designer 2010
Office – Microsoft Office Paths
PowerShell – Return Inactive Computer Accounts
PowerShell – Join Multiple Computers to Domain
PowerShell – Returning Time
PowerShell – Backup Product Key
Windows 10 – Build 1709 App IDs
Windows 10 – Build 1709 Features that are removed or deprecated
Windows 10 – 1709, 16288
Windows 10 – 1709 ADK – Get it now
SCCM – Windows 10 Upgrade – SetupComplete.cmd
IDT Audio Silent Uninstall
PowerShell – Encoding a Password
Windows 10 – Wake Timers – Wake on LAN – WoL
Pascal, C++, JS, PS, C# – Return Prime Numbers 1-100
Windows 7 – Clear Frequently Used Apps
Windows – Updating Specific Elements in the Computer Description
Windows – Disable RC4
Windows – Disable TLS 1.0
Windows – Disable 3DES
Windows – Disable DES-CBC3-SHA
Batch – Manage Windows Updates via a Script
Windows – Enable SMB Signing


September 2017

“My powers are ordinary. Only my application brings me success.” – Isaac Newton

Batch – Repair Windows Updates
Batch – Return Computer SID
SCCM – Fix Hung/Locked Task
SCCM – Delete Task Request – Software Center Task
SCCM – Computer Won’t Show up in Devices
Bash – Return Date, Users, Disk, and Memory to Text File
VBScript – Write Specific Hard Drive Attributes to Registry
SCCM – Allow Remote Control Without Permission
VBScript – Create Automated Remote Assistance Session
Windows 10 – Set PDF Default Application – UserChoice – File Association
Windows 10 – Prevent Edge from Hijacking Associations
Windows 10 – Example Start Menu Layout Registry Keys & XML
Windows 10 – Example Pinned Shortcuts Registry Keys
Windows 10 – Batch – Add Pinned Items into Default User Profile
Windows 10 – Repair System Files


August 2017

“The best vision is insight.” – Malcolm_Forbes

SQL – Search for Table Name
SCCM – VBScript – Return Data from SCCM DB No DSN
SQL – Cleaning Up Records in Custom Table
SCCM – PowerShell WMI for the SMS_R_System Class
SCCM – PowerShell – Set up Local Accounts
Windows 10 – Start Button Doesn’t Work
Windows – Redirect Downloads Folder
SCCM – wmic.exe – Issue Triggers using WMI
SCCM – Windows Upgrade Return Codes


July 2017

“Words may show a man’s wit but actions his meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin

SCCM – Package is showing Content Distribution ‘In Progress’
SCCM – Rebuild WMI
PowerShell – Working with User Accounts
SCCM – Launch Control Panel Applet
SCCM – Install Distribution Point on Workgroup Computer
SCCM – How to Rebuild NAL
SCCM – PowerShell – Modify ADR’s Deadline Time
Batch – Reboot Computer if Up Time Greater than 5 Days
SCCM – VBScript – Return Records from Database with DSN


June 2017

“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts.” – Sivananda Saraswati

Batch – FileZilla Installer
SCCM – Install CmdLets
SCCM – CmdLet Updates
SCCM – Configuring WORKGROUP Computers
SCCM – Add BitLocker Passwords
SCCM – More Advanced BitLocker Password Handling
Office – Microsoft Office Build Numbers
SCCM – SQL Queries
Windows – Disable Windows Defender
Windows – Run RSAT/Admin Tools from Workstation Computer


May 2017

“Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result.” – Oscar Wilde

Visual Studio – Command Task Runner
Visual Studio – TextHighlighterExtension2015
Windows Build Numbers
Comment in JSON can be done
PowerShell – Move/Disable Inactive Computers in AD
Juniper Pulse Client Removal
Windows 10 – Fix Broken Apps
PowerShell – Excel Report Multiple Hotfixes & Computers
PowerShell – Excel Report for a Single Hotfix
PowerShell – Return List of Windows Updates from Microsoft
Assembly – Your First Program
SCCM – IIS Missing or Cannot Start w3svc
SCCM – System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070003)
SCCM – If IIS Becomes Corrupted, or Just Needs to be Completely Reset
SCCM – Restart the Whole WSUS/SUP Instance
SCCM – Automated WSUS & SUP Install
SCCM – Sync SUP Automatically
SCCM – Create New Site System Automatically
PowerShell – Get-WindowsFeature & Install-WindowsFeature
SCCM – System Center Configuration Manager Tools
VMWare Workstation – Repeated Characters When Typing


April 2017

“There is a difference between knowing what is true and knowing why it is true.” – Edward Witten

VBScript – Check to See if Web File exists, Download It
Batch – LANDesk Local Admin Password Change
VBScript – Translating Characters that have been Substituted
C# – Elevation of Applications, Runas (Jump)
C#/VBScript – LANDesk Client Elevated Repair – Proof of Concept
Batch – Engine Example – v2
PowerShell – Change Registry Key Permissions


March 2017

“Nothing endures but change.” – Heraclitus

Foxit PDF Reader – Switches – Options
Batch – Engine Example – v1
VBScript – Encoding and Decoding a Stored Password: v1
C# – Hashes and Comparisons
C# – Encrypt/Decrypt Password
C# – Change Local Admin Password
C# – Change Local Admin Password and Add Encrypted Reg Key
Shockwave – GUIDs
JavaScript – Dimming and Lighting Through Opacity
PowerShell – Return Computer name, Count of Missing Updates, Missing KBs
VBScript – SCCM Change Site Code
PowerShell – Return True or False for Certificates
Windows – Enable/Disable SMBv1, SMBv2, SMBv3


February 2017

“What consumes your mind, controls your life.” – Unknown

Skype – Silent Install
Batch – Verify Returned Values are Numbers
Adobe Connect – No Longer Automated in Chrome
PowerShell – Return Product Key
PowerShell – Return Product Key and/or Save to Text File
PowerShell/VBScript – Return Members from AD Group
PowerShell – Is User a Member of a Group
VBScript – Is User a Member of a Group
Firefox – Disable Auto Updates
VBScript – Determine Domain and Do Something
PowerShell – Domain or Workgroup
PowerShell – Determine Domain and Do Something
Bookshelf 7.1.2
Juniper Pulse – Disconnecting Users
Tableau Reader – GUIDs
LANDesk – Creating Numerous C:\Users Profiles
PowerShell/VBScript – Verify Credentials of Active Directory User
PowerShell/VBScript/Batch – Generate Report of Last Boot Time from Computers.txt
VBScript – Add/Remove User from Local Admin, based upon AD Group; User Aware
LANDesk – Remove Line from LANDesk Actions.ini File
LANDesk – Update Line from LANDesk Actions.ini File


January 2017

“Don’t tell people your dreams. Show them.” – Unknown

Windows 10 – BitLocker
PowerShell – GUI and Package
VBScript – Encode/Obfuscate Numbers in the Registry
Windows – Always Run As Admin
LANDesk – Pending Reboots in LANDesk
PowerShell – Install Windows Updates – Suppress Reboots
Batch – Install Windows Updates – Suppress Reboots
Batch/PowerShell – Inject Windows Updates into WIM


December 2016

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Emerson

VBScript – Skype Wrapper and Installer
C# – Database App – CRUD and Form (Studies)
C# – Date and Time (Studies)
C# – Working with Collections (Studies)
C# – Classes and Constructors (Studies)
C# – LINQ (Studies)
Enable Hyper-V on Windows 10
C# – Enumeration and Switch (Studies)
C# – Handling Exceptions (Studies)
How to find which OU a computer belongs to?
C# – Windows Task View using Code
Disable/Enable Touch Screen on the Surface Pro
AutoHotKey and On Top Windows
Surface Pro – Stylus Issues – Hardware
Bose Headphones – Replacement Cushions
Python – Silent Install (notes on 2.7.13150 as well)


November 2016

“Just because my path is different doesn’t mean I’m lost.” – Unknown

Tableau Reader – Silent Install
C# – Text File and Arrays
Batch – Query BitLocker Info – Single Machine
Batch – Query BitLocker Info – Multiple Machines
PowerShell – Return Computers from AD
PowerShell – Write to Computer Object Description
PowerShell – Activate Windows
PowerShell – Speech in a Function – PowerShell
LANDesk – Sending Direct Miniscan data in LANDesk


October 2016

“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn

Tableau Automation
PowerShell – Basics
Windows – Install Windows Updates Remotely
PowerShell Return PS Version
C# – Testing Some Basics – Part 2 of 2


September 2016

“Never was anything great achieved without danger.” – Niccolo Machiavelli

VBScript – Return Gateway Address, Write to Registry; Site-Aware
VBScript – Return IP and Gateway Addresses; Raw formats
PowerShell – Write to Computer Object Description
PowerShell – Install Pester for PowerShell
PowerShell – Form; GUI
PowerShell – Form Input Field; GUI
PowerShell – Form Input, Enter, Escape, OK Button


August 2016

“To believe in the heroic makes heroes.” – Benjamin Disraeli

C# – Buttons, Transparency, and On Top; Form
VBScript – Office 2016 Modified Scrubber
Batch – Engine to Install MSI on Remote Computers
C# – Add Reg Key
Windows 10 – Remove Recent Files
Mac – Keep Mac Awake
MDT – Suppress Error Codes
MDT – Error Codes
Windows 10 – Computer Description
MDT – Configure the Windows 10 task sequence to enable BitLocker
VBScript – Return AD Properties
C# – Common Data Types
MDT – Elevated Custom MDT Task Sequence
VBScript – Write ActiveDirectory FIM Properties to Reg Keys
VBScript – Copy Reg Keys from HKCU to HKLM


July 2016

“Dream big and dare to fail.” – Norman Vaughan

Microsoft Surface Deployment Accelerator
Repairability of HP X2 and Surface Pro 4
Windows 7 – User Profile Service failed the logon
Change the Color of the Login Screen
Surface Deployment Accelerator Installation
Windows – Enable/Disable TLS Registry Setting
Batch – Remove Google Toolbar – Any Version


June 2016

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” – Fred DeVito

Windows 10 – TPM and BitLocker
PowerShell – Add New Table into AdventureWorks2016 Database
PowerShell – Add Schema, Add Table into a SQL Test Database
PowerShell – Create SQL Database
PowerShell – Add Entries into SQL Database
PowerShell – List BIOS Settings
PowerShell – Change BIOS Settings
Adding PowerShell support to Windows PE
Prevent Boot Device from Booting into UEFI Mode
Install InfoPath 2013 Silently


May 2016

“The starting point of all achievement is desire.” – Napolean Hill

JavaScript – Hello World
Windows 10 – Experience Index
Internet Explorer 11 Upgrade – Suppress Reboot
Adobe Reader DC Customization Tool and Setup
What is IE Enterprise Mode?
R and RStudio with Config
Disable Automatically Install Updated IE Versions
Python Silent Installs
Windows – Deleting User Profiles
Windows 10 – Remove Windows 10 Built-in Apps
Windows 10 – Removing Windows 10 Native Shortcuts
Windows 10 – Custom Start Menu in Windows 10
Windows 10 – Create Windows 10 Profiles from Default Profile
PowerShell – ByPass Execution Policy
Windows 10 – Cannot Enable PowerShell Scripting
PowerShell – Function Comma List and Text File


April 2016

“Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.” – Chris Grosser

Scripting the Windows 10 Upgrade
Batch – Stop Ransomware – A Scripted Solution
PROJECT: USB Ports and Devices
Office – Disable Macros in Office
CIM from Microsoft
QuickTime – Remove App using Display Name
PowerShell – Autologin into Windows
Clearing an IE Session
Windows – Enable Remote Desktop


March 2016

“Technology is teaching us to be human again.” – Simon Mainwaring

Mac – Create a Bootable Mac Drive
Windows – Enable PowerShell Remoting
Windows – Enable/Disable Admin Share
OSSEC Install
Remove – Modify the Utility Text in TwentyTwelve Theme
Adjust Sidebar Size in TwentyTwelve Theme
Modify Syntaxhighlighter Font Size and Width
PowerShell – Make Your Scripts Speak – Talk
PowerShell – Take Snapshot of Screen
PowerShell – Return Logged on User


February 2016

“There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power.” – Honore de Balzac

PowerShell – Playing Music
PowerShell – Quickly Disable Network Cards
PowerShell – Copy a File
PowerShell – Office 2016 Script
VBScript – Return Windows Product Key
C# – Testing Some Basics – Part 1 of 2
PowerShell – Simple Hash Table
PowerShell – Acrobat Reader Silent Install
PowerShell – VLC Player Silent Install
VBScript – Listing Directory Contents in Pop up


January 2016

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Mac – Bash – Uninstall DLP
Mac – Bash – Uninstall LANDesk
Mac – Disable SIP on Mac
Windows – Manage.bde.exe (or other command) is not recognized as an internal or external command


December 2015

“Be a yardstick of quality.” – Steve Jobs

VBScript – Join Computer to Domain – Automatically
Bash – Create Timestamp in Bash Script
Bash – Remove Symantec Files on a Mac (from Symantec)
Bash – Privilege Issues and Executing Bash Script
VBScript – Return OU Path for Specific Computer
VBScript – Return All Available Computer Attributes
VBScript – Return Computer Object Properties into Text File
AutoIt – Move/Resize Window


November 2015

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” – Helen Keller

Windows – Suspended MSI
Windows – Add Printer via a Script
VBScript – Text Files: Read, Write, Append
Batch – Add Counter into Registry
Batch – Simple Counter
Bash – Scripting on the Mac – Install Flash
Mac – Platypus – Packaging Apps
Mac – Common Keyboard Shortcuts for the Mac
Mac – Taking a Snapshot on a Mac
Mac – Screen Recording
PSExec – Black Windows – PAExec
Windows – Disable/Enable Network Interface Cards
Windows 7 – Repair BitLocker
Scaling on Webpage
HP BIOS Updater


October 2015

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

Chrome OS – Prevent Sleep in Chromebook/box
Mac – Reset Mac Password
Mac – Hung Download in Mac
VBScript – Unpin Shortcut from Start Menu
VBScript – Pinning Shortcuts in Order
HTA – Disable F5/Refresh in Browsers
Microsoft ForeFront UAG – Silent Install


September 2015

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” – Mandino

DirectAccess 2012 (webpage)
DirectAccess – Check Effective Policy
IPv6 Disable ISATAP and 6to4
Windows – Import Certificate to Personal Store – Suppress Security Warning
Windows – Search for String in Personal Store Certificates
Windows – Delete a Personal Store Certificate
Windows – Deleting All Files Starting with a Tilde
Windows – Robocopy – Moving My Documents
PowerShell – Archive Users Not Logged in 90 Days
PowerShell – Archiving Disabled Users Home Directories
AHIMA 8.5.307.1955 – Update
Citrix Receiver – Silent Install
iTunes – Silent Install
Office Mix 0.1.3885.0 – Silent Install
Adobe Connect – Silent Install


August 2015

“Genius is talent set on fire by courage.” – Henry Van Dyke

Cannot Connect to Terminal Server – Licensing Issue
OneDrive – Uninstall OneDrive for Business
Google Drive Plugin – Silent Install
Visual Superscript – Silent Install
Batch – Windows – Set Computer to Boot to WinPE
AlertLogic – Install AlertLogic
AutoIt – Runas Elevation
VBScript – Simple Reporting from Active Directory
Batch – Simulated While Statement
OneDrive for Business


July 2015

“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.” – John Ruskin

Python – Hello World
C++ – Sleep
C++ – Define/Redefine Variable
C++ – Setup Help/Information
C++ – Console Color
Batch – Redirection and Output
AutoIt – Kill Process
AutoIt – Kill Window
AutoIt – Notify if Process Starts
AutoIt – Change Wallpaper – RegWrite
AutoIt – Speak Text
AutoIt – Click Sound
AutoIt – Remove Line Containing Text
AutoIt – Test String for Numeric Value
AutoIt – Remove Blank Lines
AutoIt – Test Internet Connection
AutoIt – Launch Commands
Open Command Window from Task Manager
Quickly Open Task Manager
Quick Repair for Office 2013
PowerShell – Count Users in AD
PowerShell – Return All BitLocker Keys from AD
PowerShell – Active Directory


June 2015

“The role of genius is not to complicate the simple, but to simplify the complicated.” – Jami

Windows – Force Password Reset – Change at Next Logon
Windows – Bootmgr failed to obtain the BitLocker Volume Master key from the TPM
Batch – Return MAC Addresses from Enterprise Machines
Batch – Credant – Create DCID Report


May 2015

“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” – Plato

Batch – IE10 Install Script
VBScript – Scan Computer for Specific Extension – Output to text file
VBScript – Delete Empty Folders
Windows – Stuck Volume Control
Set DNS Addresses from Command Line
Windows – Rebuild Icon Cache
VBScript – Read Reg Key – Output to text file
AutoIt – Automatically Close Network Location


April 2015

“In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.” – Nikos Kazantzakis

VBScript – Return Only Numerics from String
AutoHotKey – Context Sensitive Keyboard Control
AutoIt – Set Mouse to Static Position
AutoHotKey – locking Keyboard Input
AutoIt – Controlling Blocked Input
Batch – Updated iTunes Sequence File
LANDesk – How to image devices with a LANDESK Agent installed


March 2015

“Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.” – Stephen Hawking

Agent Toolbar – Uninstaller
BGInfo – Adding BGInfo to Logon/Locked Screen
Windows – Adding/Removing Wireless Profiles


February 2015

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.” – Benjamin Franklin

Windows – Findstr to Scan Text File for String or Compare Two Files
Batch – Remove All Spaces from Variable
Office – KB Uninstalls


January 2015

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” – Stephen Hawking

Windows – Testing GP from 2 Servers
Flash Player – Corrupt Flash Player Error 1722
Windows – Get around UAC prompt for specific EXEs
Fixing Stretched Images in WordPress for Cell Phones
How to Unblock a file or many files
Windows – Disable Zone Checking for All Users
Java Client 8 Update 25 Install
ExamView TestPlayer – Install
Qfiniti – Install Command
Windows – ipconfig – Display DNS Cache in a Text File


December 2014

“The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.” – Vince Lombardi

Windows 7 – Fix Dual Username on UAC
Windows – Disable Firewall Remotely
HP 840 G1 – Driver Installation
Windows – setacl – Set Registry Key Permissions
Windows – icacls – Change Permissions on IDT Folder
Windows – dism – Inject – Delete Drivers from WIM
HP9470m – Advisories for the 9470m Notebook PC


November 2014

“Enthusiasm moves the world.” – Arthur Balfour

The remote procedure call failed and did not execute : Explorer won’t load
Disable Right-click in HTAs or Web Pages
Syncing Time
LANDesk – Inventory
Junos Pulse Secure – Deploying Client
Reset Password using WinPE – Sticky Key Method
VBScript – Return UTC with Parsing
VBScript – Convert Older Office Format to New Format
VBScript – Return Time Zone


October 2014

“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.” – Aristotle

Extracting Files from INNO Packages
VBScript – Create Task to Run with Highest Privileges
Remove Last Logged on User
Hide Admin Account on Welcome Screen
Changed Last Logged on User
BitLocker Phases
How BitLocker Encrypts Data
How to Manage BitLocker from the Command Line
MAC – DMG Files
Windows 10 – Technical Review ISO
Windows 10 – Wireless Card Upgrade Error


September 2014

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

VBScript – Check File Version
VBScript – Search and Replace in Text File
VBScript – Delete Reg Key using VBScript
VBScript – Delete Line From a Text File
Uninstall Certificate Using Certutil.exe
Install Certificate Using Certutil.exe
VBScript – Check Reg Key
Install Citrix Receiver Silently
Install VLC Player 2.1.5 Silently
Install CuteWriter 3.0 Silently
Uninstall KB2744842
Installing vWorkspace 8.0 from Dell
Elevated & Remote Commands
PowerShell – Cool PowerShell Script
VBScript – Batch – Script to copy last 10 lines from text file
Batch – Scripted Registry Variable
Java 7 Update 67 Release Highlights
Networking Equations
VBScript – HTA – Check Internet Connection


August 2014

“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” – Shakespeare

Simple AI Learner Bot
Change User Wallpaper
Get Around Locked Down Command Prompt
How to Install .CAB File on Windows
Elevated Commands
Receiving White Java Icon or Application Error in Control Panel
AutoIt – Monitor Window Title
VBScript – Read Text File into an Array
VBScript – Find the Most Recent File in Folder
Disable Auto Updates in VLC Player
QuickBooks MST for Silent Deployment
QuickBooks – Batch – Silent Install – Enterprise Deployment


July 2014

“With self-discipline most anything is possible.” – Theodore Roosevelt

VBScript – Runas with Passthrough Credentials
Locked Library.itl iTunes.itl file when Opening
Database Mail XPs Server Configuration Option
iTunes Deployment
VBScript – Return COUNT from SQL Database
VBScript – How to Connect to a SQL Database and Return
VBScript – Record Data
Issues Resulting in BitLocker Recovery Mode and Resolutions
VBScript – What are Regular Expressions
VBScript – Email Address Validation


June 2014

“The price of greatness is responsibility.” – Winston Churchill

Google Drive Silent Install
SQL – How to Calculate Age in SQL Server
Restart IIS Web Services
How to create a self-extracting archive or installer in Linux
Bash – Simple Backup Bash Shell Script
VBScript – Loading User’s Registry Hive
Your account has expired. Please see your system administrator
10 Things you don’t want to know about BitLocker
Dell BIOS Failed Upgrade – Computer Won’t Load – Bricked Machine
7Zip with Password
VBScript – Return Installed Product with GUIDs
Batch – Backup Computer to VHD
VBScipt – Email via VBScript using CDO
Batch – Iterate a folder in CMD
Timeout Utility
Batch – Dell BIOS Updater
Delete Printer via Command-line


May 2014

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” – Lou Holtz

Activate via KMS
VBScript – anaging Text Files
Dism Commands
Set Account Lockout on User Accounts
Remove the Check Mark from Never Expires on User Account
Force Password Change Next Logon
VBScript – Always Unlock a Specified Account
VBScript – Check Laptop Power Adapter Status
User Account Password Age
Useful WMIC Statements
WMIC and Windows XP
Batch – File where String is Empty


April 2014

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle

VBScript – Batch – Working with Hard Drive Stats and Transfer Times
JavaScript – Blink in HTA
Batch – Add App to Firewall
Batch – NIC Disable and Enable
How many resumes does Google receive a day?
BitLocker Prompting You for Key Due to Ownership
Get Around the BitLocker Key Required
Skype Silent Install
Bandwidth Throttling with Robocopy
Manually Remove SEP
Set Local Account to Never Expire
Batch – Set the Homepage in Registry or Script
Negotiated NT Domain Password for the Machine Account
Batch – If a Second Userprofile Gets Created, Fix It
Return SID via WMIC
VBScript – Check Windows Activation
Activating Windows 7
TPM and BitLocker passwords in Active Directory
Turn Off TPM
Invalid Boot Data while Applying a WIM File
Activating Office
Batch – Deleting Multiple Temp Profiles
Batch – Waiting for Multiple Processes to End
Silently Uninstall Office 2010
OGG Streaming
Playing a Sound in a Webpage
Remove Padlocks or Locks from your Folders
Empty Recycle Bin via Command
Batch – Scan Registry Looking for a String
VBScript – Generate User Profile without Logging in
Batch – Scripted Folder Redirection
VBScript – Check Remote User Login Status
Batch – Rollback IE11 to IE9 – 2 Pass Strategy
Batch – Stop Pending Windows Updates
Missing User Account Names at Windows 7 Logon
Robocopy.exe – Move All C:\User Folders to Another Hard Drive in Windows 7
Update the Unattend.xml File Password


March 2014

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot

Return Manufacturer via WMIC
Batch – Simple Email Address Compliance Check
VBScript – Check a Password for Complexity
Batch – Scan Text File for Registry Entries
Center DIV Vertically and Horizontally
Webpage Redirect for Mobile Phones
Webpage Redirect for Safari Browsers
VBScript – Return Manufacturer of Workstation
Open Snippet.exe from a Script
Batch – Return a Specific Line in a Text File
Batch – Return First Character from Text File
Create an External Bootable Hard Drive
Change Base Priority from Normal to High
Unlock BitLocker Drive
VBScript – Decoding Files
VBScript – Encoding Files
C#, PowerShell, VBScript – Return MD5 Hash
Batch – Setting up BitLocker on Multiple Partitions
Batch – Verify Files Based on MD5 Hash in WinPE
Batch – Verify Files Based on Size and Date in WinPE
Batch – Adding a Refresh Option to the Boot Menu
VBScript – Batch – Rename Workgroup Name


February 2014

“Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” – Jim Rohn

Automate Imaging via USB Drive
Diskpart a Drive to Create 4 Partitions
Batch – Create/Import Custom LANDesk Entry into LANDesk Database
Batch – Script to Import BitLocker Recovery Info and Update Computer Description in AD
GMail Mailto Handler
Batch – Remote Execution on Windows 7 Machines
Batch – Echoing Parentheses in a Batch File
Generate MD5
VBScript – Install Application Under Restricted User – with 3 possible passwords
VBScript – Create Local User Account via Input
Batch – Scripting the SymHelp.exe Utility
Java Security White List
ROT-13 Encode/Decode
Disable the Annoying Symantec AV Expired Message
Batch – Fix ObjectID Errors when Mounting WIMs
Batch – Figure out which Drive to Image in your Startnet.cmd file
Batch – Merge MAC Address Files with Case Conversion


January 2014

“Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.” – Arnold H. Glasgow

VBScript – Checking Different sReturn Codes for JoinDomain
VBScript – Check Domain Status
VBScript – Check Workstation Status in AD
VBScript – Scanning Reg Key Types
VBScript – Scanning and Changing Reg Keys
VBScript – Set Registry Permissions
Batch – Installing Google Chat Plugin into your Image
Add Sites to IE Zones
Enable Mixed Mode in IE
VBScript – Set Black wall paper to the new build
VBScript – Determine whether a computer is VM or Physical
VBScript – Put User Picture in Active Directory
Google Chrome Becomes Unresponsive
VBScript – Remove All Mapped Drives in VBScript
VBScript – Remove all PST from the Outlook Mailbox
VBScript – Take Screenshots


December 2013

“All progress is made by people dissatisfied with the way things are.” – Unknown

Disable/Enable Symantec Protection via Command Line
VBScript – Check Network Connectivity – Simple
VBScript – Determine Network Connectivity
Batch – Copy Files to Remote Machines via Server List
VBScript – BitLocker Compliance Script
VBScript – Clear Multiple DNS Servers’ Caches
VBScript – Get Ping Information
VBScript – Read Names From File
VBScript – Event Log Scanner
Batch – Clear temp and iPhone Stuff
VBScript – Record Logoff
VBScript – Record Logon
Batch – TightVNC MSI Install Via .bat
VBScript – Install Fonts To Workstations
VBScript – Copy Image File Based On Screen Resolution
Windows – Add an Active Directory Group to the Local Administrator Group of Workstation(s)
Windows – Manage the Volume Dirty Bit
Batch – Find Complex Strings
VBScript – netdom.exe – Rename Computer Remotely
Disable Unused Network Accounts
Batch – Change Bulk Folder Permissions
PowerShell – Pin and Unpin Applications from the Taskbar and Start-menu
VBScript – Find Which OU A User Belongs To


November 2013

“Each person’s work is always a portrait of himself.” – Samuel Johnson

VBScript – HTA – Join Machine to Domain HTA – with object verification
VBScript – Verify if Computer Object Exists
VBScript – Add Dynamic Data to AD Description Field
Windows – netsh.exe – Disable Firewall
VBScript – Add IP Address to Zone
Windows – Cannot Logon onto Computer “because the logon method is not allowed”
VBScript – Add an ACE to write TPM recovery information to AD DS
VBScript – Enabling BitLocker in a Script – Automated
Batch – Import BitLocker Info into Active Directory
Access Denied Error 0×80070005 message when initializing TPM for BitLocker
Windows – manage-bde – Load BitLocker Recovery Keys to AD Manually
Stop and Start the Sql Server Browser
PowerShell – Return Username on Remote Machine
Install Chrome Extension


October 2013

“Know that there is something inside you greater than any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson

Windows – Deploy Reg Settings to 64 bit Systems
VBScript – Rename Computer Model Number & Service Tag
VBScript – XOR Encryption
VBScript – Return Machine Model 2 Ways
Decrypt / Encrypt String in ROT-13
Shrinking WIM Files
Putty – SSH into LANDesk Gateway
LANDesk – Recover the disk space on the LANDesk Gateway
LANDesk – Remove LANDesk Client
VBScript – Hide Hard Drive Letters
Extracting Citrix Receiver
Windows – Repair BCD Boot Errors
Windows – diskpart.exe – Using Diskpart
Windows – Move User from One Group to the Next
VBScript – Countdown Clock
PowerShell – Launching Commands on Behalf of Someone Else
Boot Script Copy Files
PowerShell – Count Files
VBScript Count Files
PowerShell – Bulk Create Users from CSV
PowerShell – Write Event Log Using PowerShell
PowerShell – Create Users in AD
VBScript – Create Outlook Signature
Batch – Remove Old GINA & Install New GINA
AutoIt – Create a 64/32 bit Wrapper
Batch – Hide Hidden Files and Folders
Batch – Query Show & Hide Hidden File and Folder Setting
Batch – Compare and Merge Specified Variables in Text Files
VBScript – Download Files from Website
Windows – Custom Reg Keys
VBScript – Check and Log into Form
VBScript – Delete all Temps in all Profiles


{ older site – saved html pages, only } 

* these will eventually be imported into WordPress


September 2013

Move User to Group
Countdown Timer
Run As Someone Else
Logon Script Copy Files
PowerShell Count Files
VBScript Count Files
PowerShell Bulk Create Users from CSV
Write Event Log Using PowerShell
Create Users in AD
Create a Restore Point
Repair BCD Repairs
Using Diskpart


August 2013

Map Printer Based on OU
SpybotSD Cleanup Spyware
Rename Computer
Find Dated Computer Objects
Enter Computer Name and Rename
Rename PC with Netdom
Autologin Once – reduced steps
Change Name and Join Domain
Correcting User Account and Mailbox Associations
Returning Paths and Extension
Background Previewer
Picture/Book Slide Show


July 2013

Setting Folder Permissions
Users and Logon Scripts
Renaming PDF Files
Remove Legacy SMTP Proxy Addresses
Detect USB Drive and Alert
Determine which USB Devices are connected
How to install Zenworks Silently
Remove User from Local Admin
Remove Novell Account
Set IP Address to Static
Show Current Team Viewer ID
Join Computer to Specific OU


June 2013

.Net Framework Missing on Server 2012
Autologin Once
Add PCInfo at Logon Screen Win7
Chatter Desktop Deployment
Firefox Silent Install
Google Talk Silent Install
iTalc Deployment
iTunes Deployment
Kno App Deployment
Speed up YouTube Downloading
Change Monitor Setup Command Line
Wake on LAN and Do Stuff


May 2013

IE Maximize Screen
Simple Trust Fix
Aleir Silent Installation
Clear Firefox Cache
Adobe Captivate CS6 Silent Install
SmartDraw & Silent Install
NIC Enabler
Runas for HTA
Volume Up and Volume Down
Volume Mute
AutoHotkey Media Next Track
AutoHotkey Media Previous Track


April 2013

Bootable Ubuntu Drive
Scripted Button in Ubuntu
Fix USB Drive
Hide Desktop Icons in Ubuntu
Hide Launcher in Ubuntu
Ubuntu Boot Menu
Workplace Icon in Ubuntu
Startup Programs in Ubuntu
Install Citrix in Ubuntu
Clone USB Drive
Basic Ubuntu Commands
Common Errors


March 2013

Web Page to PDF
Bing Desktop Images
Flash Player mms.cfg File
Disable Shockwave Player Update
Shake Image Effect
Drag Objects in Web Pages
Custom Opacity Settings
Disable System Restore
Runas Windows 7
Rename Computer with Input Box
Join Domain
Chrome 1722 Error


February 2013

Toggle Desktop Icons Show/Hide
Enumerate All Users in a Domain
Enumerate All DCs in a Domain
Random Password Generator
Find Locked Out Users
Move Inactive Computer Accounts
Delete Files Older Than X Days
Return User Account Info
Windows Update Fix
Return Domain Logon History
Password is about to Expire
Reset The Local Password On All Machines


January 2013

Archive and Delete Event Logs after 80MB
Auto-Fill Computer Description
Check to see if account is disabled
Cleanup Logs on Multiple Servers
Disable Flash Update
Enumerate Admins to File
VBScript – List Disabled Accounts in AD
PowerShell – List Disabled Accounts in AD
Uninstall All Versions of Java Except Current
Send e-Mail When USB Gets Plugged In
Rename Script to e-Mail
VBScript – Return Last Logged On User


December 2012

Remove Orphaned Reg Keys
Windows 8 Shortcut to Launch Start Screen
Windows 8 Remove Windows Store
Enable AutoLogin
Return IP Address
Remove Autologon
Compress a Folder
Uncompress a Folder
Split Text Files
Install Google Talk Plugin
List Print Commands
Find PST on Computers


November 2012

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Silent Installation
Installing Media Player
Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Silent Installation
Quicktime Silent Installation
Remotely Set Permissions
Uninstall Old VLC
Display Computer Status – GUI PowerShell
SNMP Script Engine
Using Imagew.exe
Simple WinPE Boot.wim Editing
A required privilege is not held by the client.


October 2012

Timestamp in Loop
Simple Copy Script
Drag Pic To VBS Create HTA
Disable Sleep on Chromebook
HTA Progress bar
Cleanup LANDesk/Symantec IDs
Deploy IE Tab to Chrome Browser
Password Generator
Mouse Cursor Trailing Clock
Change Computer Description
Disable Back Button
Chrome Browser and Your Enterprise


September 2012

Return Uninstall Commands
Disable Account If User Change PW
Move Computer from OU to OU
Query if Laptop or Desktop
Return all Product IDs/Names
Return NIC Speeds
Pause Printing
Return Refresh Rate
Modify Service Properties
List Disk Drive & Capacity
Enable Wake-on-LAN
Move Old Computers


August 2012

Post It Note
Granting Rights
Rename Computer
Return Screen Resolution
Return Process Found
Disable Standby
Return Profile Names
Suppress Extended Protection
Add Dynamic Content in HTA
Content Glider
Picture Carousel
Smoother Ticker


July 2012

Simple Green LCD Clock
Apply Group Policy
IE Pop-up Countdown
Lava Lamp
Return Current User SID
Automatically Rename Computer
List Windows 7 Updates
Replace Underscores In File Names
Scrollbar Feedback
IE Pop-up Yes-No
Fix PNG Error


June 2012

Combine Excel Files
Convert CSV to Excel
Convert Excel to CSV
Determine 32bit 64bit OS
Draw Excel Pie Chart using VBScript
Iterate through Folders
Sort Servers/Web Sites by Response Time
Forensic Script
Create Simple Event log
Compare WMI Device IDs
Stop Java Pop-ups
Simulate Left Mouse Click


May 2012

Disable XSS Filter Setting in IE9 – All Users
Create Bootable Thumb Drive from WIM
Change Computer Name to Service Tag
Deploy Google Bookmarks Win7/WinXP
Uninstall IE9
Return SID Windows 7
Configure BIOS Settings for MDT
Disable Hibernate – Enforce Always On
Retrieve Office 2007 Key
Retrieve Office 2010 Key
Retrieve Windows Keys
Robocopy Profiles When USMT Fails
Some Silent Switches


April 2012

Return Command to Variable/Popup
Simple Backup Script
Show File Extension
Copy Files with Extension I
Copy Files with Extension II
Change File Attributes
Change from DHCP to IP
Window 7 Speed Tweak
Clean/Delete Win7 Profiles
List all files in folder
Using 7Zip in VBScript
Enable Windows Auto Updates using AutoIT
Some Silent Switches


March 2012

Facebook Like Button
Change Registered User and Owner
Download a Remote File
Enable Disable Sound
HTA Countdown Timer – Input Variable
Read Word Document
Remove WGA Notification
Restore VBScript Extensions
Parse a URL – Return Page Name
Change Screensaver 3D Text
Testing Batch File Color Codes
Event Log to Text File
Some Silent Switches


February 2012

Retrieving SKU for Win7
Display NIC Speed
Flashing Keyboard Keys
Install Printer – Auto-elevation
Salvador Dali Clock
UAC – on
Enumerate Reg Hive Keys
Color Progress Bar
Cloning a Timestamp
Add VBS to Right-click Context Menu
HTA and DIV Power


January 2012

Bold Specific Word in Doc
Deleting Temps
Find and Replace String in Text File
List All Open IE URLS
Add a Background Picture to Excel
Shortcut Maximize
Shortcut Fullscreen
Network Disconnect Notify
Move files, Perform MD5, Delete files
Pause Printing
Get Notified
Return User SID


December 2011

Deltree via VBScript
Download File From Website
Web Site Online Checker
Simple Web Calendar
Digital Clock
Dual Clock
Elevate by Extension (jump tool)
Title Bar Clock
World Clock
LANDesk Versioning
Simple/Fading Unpacking Splash Screen
Random Password


November 2011

Uninstall Project 2010
Uninstall Office 2010
Download Webpage as MHT file
List all installed software
Remove XPS/MDIW Printers
Force 32-bit to work on 64-bit OS
Text Bubble Popup
Fading Scroller
Side Menu
Outlook Bar


October 2011

Traverse Folders
Copy File to all Profiles
Return Product Code
Uninstall using GUID
Bottom Clock
Expanding DIVs
Cursor Effect: Hash Marks
XP Style Progress Bar
Daily Background Changer
Yet Another Snow Effect
Set Scheduled Task to Wakeup – Windows 7
Drag and Drop – Move Items Around


September 2011

Allow PST ADD Disable PST Grow
Date and Time Parsing
Disable Offline Files
Echo Current Path
Get MAC Address
Set Date
Return TCP Active Sessions Count
Time Zone Script
Cursor Stretch
Wake up and Defrag Computer
Cursor Circling Text Effect


August 2011

Windows XP Countdown
Matrix Text Effect
Moving Light Over Image
Stretch Image
Scrolling Across Text
Color Scroll Bars
Scrolling Background Image
Scrolling Tooltips
Floating Images and Links
Button Color Change on Hover
Image Zoom
Fading Pictures


July 2011

Scripting Context Menu
Add Firewall Exception
Control Marquee
Encryptor – updated
Return IP Address
Return If Local User Exist
Write To File Button
Hide Button
Launch Survey on Reboot
Remove spaces in batch file
Stretch Image to Background
Moving Stars


June 2011

Simple Blinking Text
Change Backgound Color
Change Background Color on Hover
Cross Hairs
Add Music
Gradient Color Effect
Waving Text
Add to Favorites


May 2011

Fading Menus
Drop Down Menu
Message Cycling
Color Burst
Simple Clock
4 Moving Texts
Open Pop-up
Disable Right-Click
Cursor Effect
Night Raining
Shake the Screen
Automatic Scroller II
Automatic Scroller I


April 2011

Desktop Engineering
Scripting Resources
MSIs Resources
Packaging Resources
Package Types
Deployment Resources
Imaging Resources


March 2011

Show Time
Change Background Colors Automatically
Frameless Partylight With Text Overlay
Progress Bar
IT Department Text Effect
Basic Text Fade
Install Java Update 6.0.240
The WPL Format
Simple Text Scroller
Pop-up Tooltip Messages
Install IE8
Drag & Drop Files Onto Script
Launch Process in System Account
Party Light For Your Pictures
Enlarge Picture on Hover
Place Online Flash Video into HTA
Basic Text Highlight
Scanning Menu Highlight Effect
Install Print Driver in Windows 7 – no Pop-ups
Install Print Driver in Windows 7
HTA Roll-over Color Change
Print Directory in HTA
Press Button Effect in HTA
Simple Progress Bar in HTA
Read Items into Array from Config File


February 2011

Adobe Acrobat X Silent Install
Installing Firefox, Opera, Messenger Live
Installing DoD Certificates
Javascript Scrolling
Install Communicator, LANDesk, SEP
Picture Film Strip
Javascript Fading Box
Scrolling up with Backgroud Images
Cursor Chasing
Stretch Image
Flashing Text


January 2011

Change Workgroup
Fade-in and Fade-out
Environmental Variables in VBScript
Communicator R2 Deployment
Faster Dimming With Sound
Scrolling Splash Screens


December 2010

Build HTML from a Shell Script
Clear Event Logs
Alphabetize/Sort a Text File
Passing Credentials in Windows 7
How To Dim The Screen
VBScript – Talking Scripts
Disable NICs
Install VLC Player
Live Person Enterprise Deployment
WISE Installer
Distribute a Video File
Re-Write Text File From Bottom To Top
Return SID-Username-Load Reg-Apply Reg Keys
Return Current Dir and Program Files
PING Connection If-Exist
Check Running Process


November 2010

Drop File
SnagIt v10 Enterprise Deployment
Counter In Batch File
Dynamic Path In Batch File
Verify Local Account Exists
Disable IPv6 via Registry
Returning NIC Settings
Install FTP Server Role IIS7
Creating Shares & Assigning Permissions
Adding an Account to the local Admin Group
Setting Static NIC Settings
Enable File Server Role On Server 2008
Enable Web Server Role
Add Virtual Directories In IIS7
Configure MIME Types On Server 2008
Enable Web Directory Browsing IIS7
Server Automation Splash Screen v1
eVault 9.0.1
Microsoft Office 2010 For Desktops
Flash Player Deployment
Shockwave Deployment


October 2010

WMIC Commands
Symantec 11.06 Un-Install
Countdown Installation Timer
Alert Notification v1
Office 2010 Deployment
Generic Splash Screen
Office 2010 Won’t Install
Message Command File
BGInfo 4.16 Deployment
Enable WMI In WDS
V-Model Testing


September 2010

DPInst.exe-Driver Installs and Subdirectories
Microsoft Project 2007 Professional Deploy
Microsoft Visio 2007 Enterprise Deploy
WSUS Reg Key – Automatic Updates For Clients
Symantec Service Restart-Reset HardwareID
Collect PST Information – Send To LANDesk
Use General Time Of Day In Your Scripts
Simple Backup Utility In Shell
Qfiniti Deployment
Assign Dir /b /s *.exe To A Variable
Remotely Execute Process In VBScript
Terminate Process In VBScript
Return The Owner Of A Process
Message Dialog Box
Logged-In Status VBScript Function


August 2010

Iron Mountain Deployment OS Detect
Symantec Vault Deployment OS Detect
VBScript objShell Run Codes
Office 2007 Error Code Export To Txt File
Installing Office 2007 Client-Side
Symantec Update Config Command
Bigger and Better Splash Screens
PING And Run Cmd Timestamped Logs
Return Site Code To LANDesk Return GW
Return OS In Batch Shell OS Detect
Return Folder Size In Batch Shell
Return File Size In Batch Shell
Scan For Local PSTs And Return Report
Adobe Professional 9.0.0 Update Cmd
Return Model Of Machine
PING In VBScript
Turning Firewall Off Command
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Deploy
Return OS Version Into Variable
Adobe Professional 9 Enterprise Deploy


July 2010

Launching Commands & Pausing In Javascript
Nice Little Google Wait/Busy HTA
Safari Silent Deployment
Mozilla Silent Deployment
Google Chrome Silent Deployment
Load Registry Key With A Token + Hidden Process
How To Create A Shortcut In VBScript
Password Box In HTA


June 2010

Single Window Progress Bar Model Of Machine
Countdown Boxes With Percentage Complete
Sending Input To DataArea.HTML
Install Drivers Silently
Read Text File From Bottom UP
DIR /B Variable
Track Internet Usage
Access Hyperlink Using Text Box
Taskkill Filter Memory Usage
Beeps & Sounds
Smoother HTAs
Restoring Files via HTA
Del Files By Extension Older Than 10 Days
Read In Text File Extension
OpenOffice 3.2 Silent Installation
Adobe Reader 9 Silent Installation
Run One-Time Registry Key
Command Window Here
Create Day Of The Week Variable
Countdown Buttons & Read In Messages
Bubble Sort
Delete Files Older Than 14 Days
Random Ping
XCOPY Exclude
Send Automated Emails
Tasklist Logic AND & OR
HTML Button Border Color
HTML Input Box Color & Size
Start Explorer.exe On Startup
Turn Win 7/Vista UAC On & Off
Create Shortcut Folder Link
Create Shortcut File Link
iTunes Silent Uninstall
iTunes Silent Installation
Offline Search Engine In HTA
Installing Printer Drivers


May 2010

HTA Auto Refresh
Install Printer For No-Access User
Runas + Hstart Subinacl Sanur Text Token
Adobe Reader Command Line Printing
Runas + Mshta.exe + Sanur
Automated Client Backups/Timestamp/zipup
Read/Write Text Files – Build/Use Dictionary
Read Files In Folder
FTP Script
Picasa Silent Installation
Keep Your HTA On Top Of Other Windows
WinPDF Silent Installation
Safari Browser Silent Installation
Flash + Shockwave Silent Installation
Real Player Silent Installation
VNC Silent Installation


March 2010

Setup Blackberry Without BES
Blackberry Resets
iPhone Support


February 2010

HP SSM Information
SysInternals BGInfo Dual Screen Limitation
Server 2008 Creating 1000 User Accounts Data Collection


January 2010

How To Map Universal Drive
Sending Alerts To Multiple Computers
Randomized Timer For Your Scripts
Survey Monkey Survey Work Around
HTA Auto-Resize And Detect Resolution
Time-Based Greetings
Check Remote Access
Silent Switches: Reference 1


December 2009

AutoIT Script: Import Certificate
Compile File For Download And Install
Querying File Version In Batch
Adobe Reader Uninstaller/Installer
Email Script
Copy And Compress Logs To Timestamped Folder
Install BGInfo To Your Network Computers
Webmail String
Webmail One-Touch Panel


November 2009

PING List Of PCs With Online/Offline Logs
How To Add An Expiration Date To Your Script
How To Create Hidden Launch Using Batch
Scan IIS Log For -500 Type Errors
Install Inf From The Command Line
How To Use Send Keys


October 2009

Changing Security Context
Install Drivers + Symantec + Encryption + Remote Software + Splash Screen + Onscreen Countdown
Remotely Install Symantec AV 11
Query Symantec 11 4000/4202 on Network
Restrict Guest Access
PING List Of Computers


September 2009

DICOM Analysis – My Device Can’t Send To PACs
Cannot View CHM Over LAN or Internet


August 2009

Windows XP DCOM Error Event ID 10005
Forcing Compatibility Mode in IE8
Free Desktop Capture Software
Windows 7, Extend Trial Period
Customized Windows Service Reporting


* 800 older posts have been permanently archived offline


Merit is Might!

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. Achieve.