PKI – Script the Request, Submit, and Import Cert

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This is the client side process for creating a certificate request, submitting a request, and importing a returned certificate for workgroup computers. These steps need to be done in order. This assumes CEP and CES are properly working in your DMZ, and that you have set up the enrollment policy, locally. What is recommended…if you’re going to automate this, is to create a script, and then compile it. The account used in the enrollment process should have no access to do anything else on your domain.


Step 1 of 5 – Using an INF (which you’ve already saved), create request



Step 2 of 5 – Submit request (this is dependent on a working CES and CEP)

certreq -submit -username DOMAIN\USERNAME -p PASSWORD -PolicyServer “” -config “” -attrib “CertificateTemplate:WorkgroupCertificateNameHere” SCCM_WORKGROUP.req SCCM_WORKGROUP.cer


Step 3 of 5 – Accepting the Certificate

certreq -accept SCCM_Workgroup.cer


Step 4 of 5 – Exporting the Certificate

certutil -p PASSWORD -exportPFX %computername% SCCM_WORKGROUP.pfx


Step 5 of 5 – Import certificate returned from request

certutil -f -addstore “ROOT” SCCM_WORKGROUP.cer
certutil -p PASSWORD -importPFX SCCM_WORKGROUP.pfx NoExport



Submit request

certreq -submit -f -config “\DOMAIN-CA” SCCM_Workgroup.req SCCM_Workgroup.cer

Delete cert url cache:

certutil -urlcache * delete

Delete cert user cache:


Delete cert computer cache:
