VDI – PowerShell – Install Zoom Client in Virtual Environment

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This will install the Zoom client in a VDI environment. And yes, Zoom has a different version of the Zoom client for VDI.



Tested in the SYSTEM account in VDI.

# MrNetTek 
# eddiejackson.net 
# 7/13/2024
# free for public use 
# free to claim as your own

# Initialize
# Reference Client: https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0063810#collapseVD88
$ZoomClientUrl = "https://zoom.us/download/vdi/"

# Start powershell logging
$SaveVerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference
$VerbosePreference = 'continue'
$VMTime = Get-Date
$LogTime = $VMTime.ToUniversalTime()
mkdir "C:\Windows\temp\NerdioManagerLogs\ScriptedActions\zoom_sa" -Force
Start-Transcript -Path "C:\Windows\temp\NerdioManagerLogs\ScriptedActions\zoom_sa\ps_log.txt" -Append
Write-Host "################# New Script Run #################"
Write-host "Current time (UTC-0): $LogTime"

# Make directory to hold install files
mkdir "C:\Windows\Temp\zoom_sa\install" -Force

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ZoomClientUrl -OutFile "C:\Windows\Temp\zoom_sa\install\ZoomInstallerVDI.msi" -UseBasicParsing

# Install Zoom. Edit the argument list as desired for customized installs: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362163
Write-Host "INFO: Installing Zoom client. . ."
Start-Process C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe `
-ArgumentList "/i C:\Windows\Temp\zoom_sa\install\ZoomInstallerVDI.msi /l*v C:\Windows\Temp\NerdioManagerLogs\ScriptedActions\zoom_sa\zoom_install_log.txt /qn /norestart" -Wait
Write-Host "INFO: Zoom client install finished."

# End Logging
$VerbosePreference = $SaveVerbosePreference

# Session clean up
$VMTime = ""
$LogTime = ""
$ZoomClientUrl = ""




Zoom Developer Support

Zoom Changelog

Zoom Release Notes