This is version two of this: I wrote this to install a ‘prepared’ package to a single computer, or to a list of computers. It’s low tech to get around the numerous problems associated with remote installation using PowerShell, VBScript, or desktop management applications.
cls @Echo off Title Remote Engine by Eddie Jackson color 0a Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion :: SET COMMAND set fileName=Sequence.cmd set fileOpt= set workDir=c:\windows\system32 set hidden=No Set PCList=computers.txt :: or Set PC= :: INTERNAL :BEGIN c: cd "%~dp0" set Script=False for %%i in (%fileName%) do set cmdExt=%%~xi set Interact=-i if [%cmdExt%]==[.cmd] set Script=True if [%cmdExt%]==[.CMD] set Script=True if [%cmdExt%]==[.bat] set Script=True if [%cmdExt%]==[.BAT] set Script=True if [%cmdExt%]==[.vbs] goto VBS if [%cmdExt%]==[.VBS] goto VBS if [%hidden%]==[Yes] set Interact= set cmdPath=%workDir%\%fileName% :: CREATES DATE AND TIME TIMESTAMP :: sets a static timestamp for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " %%p in ('date/T') do set mdate=%%r%%p%%q for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=:- " %%p in ('time/T') do set mtime=%%p%%q Set Report=logs\%mdate%_%mtime%_%report%.txt md logs>nul cls if not [%PC%]==[] goto SINGLE goto MULTI :: PROGRAM ROUTINE :MULTI Echo. Echo [Entering multi computer mode] Echo. if not exist "%PCList%" ( Echo Computers text file not found^^! echo. pause exit ) Set cmdRem=PAExec.exe \\%%a -s %Interact% -w %workDir% "%cmdPath%" %fileOpt% for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (%PCList%) do ( echo Contacting %%a... ping %%a -w 250 | find "Reply">nul if errorlevel 1 (echo %%a,Offline >>"%Report%" ) else ( echo %%a,Online >>"%Report%" if %Script%==True copy /y %fileName% \\%%a\c$\windows\SysWOW64\%fileName%>nul :: LAUNCH REMOTE COMMAND echo Launching %cmdPath% on %%a... %cmdRem%>nul && Echo %%a,Success >>"%Report%" || Echo %%a,Failed >>"%Report%" echo. ) ) goto END :SINGLE Echo. Echo [Entering single computer mode] Echo. Set cmdRem=PAExec.exe \\%PC% -s %Interact% -w %workDir% "%cmdPath%" %fileOpt% echo Contacting %PC%... echo. ping %PC% -w 250 | find "Reply">nul if errorlevel 1 (echo %PC% is Offline^^! ) else ( echo %PC% is Online^^! echo. if %Script%==True copy /y %fileName% \\%PC%\c$\windows\SysWOW64\%fileName%>nul :: LAUNCH REMOTE COMMAND echo Launching %cmdPath% on %PC%... echo. %cmdRem%>nul && Echo Success^^! || Echo Failed^^! echo. goto END ) :: EXIT :END Echo. Echo Done^^! pause endlocal exit /b 0 :VBS Echo VBScripts are NOT SUPPORTED^^! echo. pause exit
Run GPUpdate on List of Servers
FOR /F “tokens=*” %%A IN (C:\script\servers.txt) DO WMIC /Node:%%A Process call create “cmd.exe /c gpupdate”
$List = ‘server1′,’server2′,’server3′,’server4’
foreach ($server in $List) {psexec \\$server gpupdate}
Move to current directory
cd “%~dp0”
Execute EXEs dynamically
FOR /f “tokens=*” %%A IN (‘dir /b *.exe’) DO (
ECHO Filename: “%%A”
:: or
:: start “” “%%A”
tags: Batch current directory, dir /b output, script engine, MrNetTek