“How can you own numbers? Numbers belong to the world.” – Knuth
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Discrete Mathematics (TutorialsPoint) (website) [free]
Discrete Mathematics in the Real World (MathILy) (website) [free]
Discrete Mathematics (Udemy) (course) [paid]
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (Berkeley) (course content) [free]
What exactly is Discrete Mathematics? (Quora) [free]
Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics (PDF) (307 pages) [free]
Discrete Mathematics Notes (Yale) (PDF) (458 pages) [free]
CS 30: Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science (Dartmouth) (lectures) [free]
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Perform all Basic Arithmetic Operations
Generate the Factorial of a Given Number
Generate the Sum of N Numbers
Check Whether the Entered Number is an Armstrong Number or Not
Check Whether the Entered Number is a Perfect Number or Not
Generate Fibonacci Series
Return Factors of Entered Number
Return the H.C.F. of a Given Number
Check Whether the Entered Number is a Amicable Number or Not
Add 2 Complex Numbers
Return Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
Calculate the Series sin(x)=x-x^3/3!+x^5/!-x^7/7!+
Trigonometry Angles in Degrees
Trigonometry Angles in Radians
Create Multiplication Table
Standard Deviation of a Set of Given Numbers
Mean of Given Set of Numbers
Calculate Simple Interest
Calculate Compound Interest
Find the Value of Cos(x)
Reverse a Number and Check if it is a Palindrome
Calculate the Distance Traveled by Reading Speed and Time
Check Whether Number is a Prime number, if so, Display Largest Factor
Display a Pascal Triangle
Sum of first 50 Natural Numbers using For Loop
Multiply given Number by 4 using Bitwise Operators
Sum of Two Binary Numbers
Display Floyd’s Triangle with a Numeric Mode
Multiplication of two Binary Numbers
Perform Multiplication of Exponents of Same Base
Check the Edge Values in Power Function
Calculate Fractional Power
Calculate the Power Exponent Value
Calculate Period Duration
Calculate Power of Three
Find Whether the Number is Divisible by 2
Show Bitwise Operations
Find Power of 2 using Bitwise Operator
Find Roots of a Quadratic Equation
Display Absolute Value of a Number
Add Two Dates
Generate Register Number Automatically for Students using Static Constructor
Return Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)
Return all the Multiples of 17 which are Less than 100
Return the Sum of all the Multiples of 3 and 5
Return the Cube Root of a Given Number
Return the Square Root of a Given Number
Calculate Area and Volume of a Cone
Calculate nPr
Volume and Surface Area of a Sphere
Calculate Perimeter of Circle and Rectangle
Calculate the Value of nCr
Return the Maximum Range of Values for Decimal, Float, and Double Datatype
Return the Minimum Range of Values for Decimal, Float, and Double Datatype
Calculate 25% Probability
Calculate the Inner Angles of a Trapezoid
Trigonometric Identities
Implement Sin Method
Implement Cos Method
Calculate Root, Mean, Square
Determine if Given Number is a Multiple of 3
Return Prime Factors of Given Number
Return Factorials of 1 through 10
Using Math.Sign Method
Returns Angle whose Tangent is the Given Number
Return Area and Circumference of Circle