Master Index

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value." - Albert Einstein


<< Moved to WordPress >>

October 2013 

Return Machine Model 2 Ways
Rename Computer Model Number & Service Tag
Deploy Reg Settings to 64 bit Systems
Install Chrome Extension
Return Username on Remote Machine
Stop and Start the Sql Server Browser
Load Bitlocker Recovery Keys to AD Manually

Import Bitlocker Info into Active Directory
Enabling Bitlocker in a Script - Automated
Cannot Logon onto Computer
Check and Log into Form
Delete all Temps in all Profiles
Some Silent Switches

September 2013 

Move User to Group
Countdown Timer
Run As Someone Else
Logon Script Copy Files
PowerShell Count Files
VBScript Count Files
PowerShell Bulk Create Users from CSV  

Write Event Log Using PowerShell
Create Users in AD
Create a Restore Point
Repair BCD Repairs
Using Diskpart
Some Silent Switches

August 2013 

Map Printer Based on OU
SpybotSD Cleanup Spyware
Rename Computer
Find Dated Computer Objects
Enter Computer Name and Rename
Rename PC with Netdom
Autologin Once - reduced steps
Change Name and Join Domain
Correcting User Account and Mailbox Associations
Returning Paths and Extension
Background Previewer
Picture/Book Slide Show
Some Silent Switches  

July 2013 

Setting Folder Permissions
Users and Logon Scripts
Renaming PDF Files
Remove Legacy SMTP Proxy Addresses
Detect USB Drive and Alert
Determine which USB Devices are connected
How to install Zenworks Silently

Remove User from Local Admin
Remove Novell Account
Set IP Address to Static
Show Current Team Viewer ID
Join Computer to Specific OU
Some Silent Switches

June 2013 

.Net Framework Missing on Server 2012
Autologin Once
Add PCInfo at Logon Screen Win7
Chatter Desktop Deployment
Firefox Silent Install
Google Talk Silent Install
iTalc Deployment

iTunes Deployment
Kno App Deployment
Speed up YouTube Downloading
Change Monitor Setup Command Line
Wake on LAN and Do Stuff
Some Silent Switches

May 2013 

IE Maximize Screen
Simple Trust Fix
Aleir Silent Installation
Clear Firefox Cache
Adobe Captivate CS6 Silent Install
SmartDraw & Silent Install
NIC Enabler

Runas for HTA
Volume Up and Volume Down
Volume Mute
AutoHotkey Media Next Track
AutoHotkey Media Previous Track
Some Silent Switches

April 2013 

Bootable Ubuntu Drive
Scripted Button in Ubuntu
Fix USB Drive
Hide Desktop Icons in Ubuntu
Hide Launcher in Ubuntu
Ubuntu Boot Menu
Workplace Icon in Ubuntu

Startup Programs in Ubuntu
Install Citrix in Ubuntu
Clone USB Drive
Basic Ubuntu Commands
Common Errors
Some Silent Switches

March 2013 

Web Page to PDF
Bing Desktop Images
Flash Player mms.cfg File
Disable Shockwave Player Update
Shake Image Effect
Drag Objects in Web Pages
Custom Opacity Settings
Disable System Restore
Runas Windows 7
Rename Computer with Input Box
Join Domain
Chrome 1722 Error
Some Silent Switches
February 2013 

Toggle Desktop Icons Show/Hide
Enumerate All Users in a Domain
Enumerate All DCs in a Domain
Random Password Generator
Find Locked Out Users
Move Inactive Computer Accounts
Delete Files Older Than X Days

Return User Account Info
Windows Update Fix
Return Domain Logon History
Password is about to Expire
Reset The Local Password On All Machines
Some Silent Switches
January 2013 

Archive and Delete Event Logs after 80MB
Auto-Fill Computer Description
Check to see if account is disabled
Cleanup Logs on Multiple Servers
Disable Flash Update
Enumerate Admins to File
List Disabled Accounts in AD

List Disabled Accounts in AD - PowerShell
Uninstall All Versions of Java Except Current
Send e-Mail When USB Gets Plugged In
Rename Script to e-Mail
Return Last Logged On User
Some Silent Switches
December 2012 

Remove Orphaned Reg Keys
Windows 8 Shortcut to Launch Start Screen
Windows 8 Remove Windows Store
Enable AutoLogin
Return IP Address
Remove Autologon
Compress a Folder

Uncompress a Folder
Split Text Files
Install Google Talk Plugin
List Print Commands
Find PST on Computers
Some Silent Switches
November 2012 

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Silent Installation
Installing Media Player
Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Silent Installation
Quicktime Silent Installation
Remotely Set Permissions
Uninstall Old VLC
Display Computer Status - GUI PowerShell

SNMP Script Engine
Using Imagew.exe
Simple WinPE Boot.wim Editing
A required privilege is not held by the client.
Some Silent Switches

October 2012
Timestamp in Loop
Simple Copy Script
Drag Pic To VBS Create HTA
Disable Sleep on Chromebook
HTA Progress bar
Cleanup LANDesk/Symantec IDs
Deploy IE Tab to Chrome Browser 

Password Generator
Mouse Cursor Trailing Clock
Change Computer Description
Disable Back Button
Chrome Browser and Your Enterprise
Some Silent Switches

September 2012
Return Uninstall Commands
Disable Account If User Change PW
Move Computer from OU to OU
Query if Laptop or Desktop
Return all Product IDs/Names
Return NIC Speeds
Pause Printing

Return Refresh Rate
Modify Service Properties
List Disk Drive & Capacity
Enable Wake-on-LAN
Move Old Computers
Some Silent Switches

August 2012


Post It Note
Granting Rights
Rename Computer
Return Screen Resolution
Return Process Found
Disable Standby
Return Profile Names

Suppress Extended Protection
Add Dynamic Content in HTA
Content Glider
Picture Carousel
Smoother Ticker
Some Silent Switches
July 2012
Simple Green LCD Clock
Apply Group Policy
IE Pop-up Countdown
Lava Lamp
Return Current User SID
Automatically Rename Computer

List Windows 7 Updates
Replace Underscores In File Names
Scrollbar Feedback
IE Pop-up Yes-No
Fix PNG Error
Some Silent Switches
June 2012  

Combine Excel Files
Convert CSV to Excel
Convert Excel to CSV
Determine 32bit 64bit OS
Draw Excel Pie Chart using VBScript
Iterate through Folders
Sort Servers/Web Sites by Response Time

Forensic Script
Create Simple Event log
Compare WMI Device IDs
Stop Java Pop-ups
Simulate Left Mouse Click
Some Silent Switches

May 2012  
Disable XSS Filter Setting in IE9 - All Users
Create Bootable Thumb Drive from WIM
Change Computer Name to Service Tag
Deploy Google Bookmarks Win7/WinXP
Uninstall IE9
Return SID Windows 7
Configure BIOS Settings for MDT

Disable Hibernate - Enforce Always On
Retrieve Office 2007 Key
Retrieve Office 2010 Key
Retrieve Windows Keys
Robocopy Profiles When USMT Fails
Some Silent Switches
April 2012

Return Command to Variable/Popup
Simple Backup Script
Show File Extension
Copy Files with Extension I
Copy Files with Extension II
Change File Attributes
Change from DHCP to IP

Window 7 Speed Tweak
Clean/Delete Win7 Profiles
List all files in folder
Using 7Zip in VBScript
Enable Windows Auto Updates using AutoIT
Some Silent Switches
March 2012

Facebook Like Button
Change Registered User and Owner
Download a Remote File
Enable Disable Sound
HTA Countdown Timer - Input Variable
Read Word Document
Remove WGA Notification

Restore VBScript Extensions
Parse a URL - Return Page Name
Change Screensaver 3D Text
Testing Batch File Color Codes
Event Log to Text File
Some Silent Switches
February 2012

Retrieving SKU for Win7
Display NIC Speed
Flashing Keyboard Keys
Install Printer - Auto-elevation
Salvador Dali Clock
UAC - on
Enumerate Reg Hive Keys

Color Progress Bar
Cloning a Timestamp
Add VBS to Right-click Context Menu
HTA and DIV Power
Some Silent Switches
January 2012
Bold Specific Word in Doc
Deleting Temps
Find and Replace String in Text File
List All Open IE URLS
Add a Background Picture to Excel
Shortcut Maximize
Shortcut Fullscreen

Network Disconnect Notify
Move files, Perform MD5, Delete files
Pause Printing
Get Notified
Return User SID
Some Silent Switches

December 2011

Deltree via VBScript
Download File From Website
Web Site Online Checker
Simple Web Calendar
Digital Clock
Dual Clock
Elevate by Extension
(jump tool)

Title Bar Clock
World Clock
LANDesk Versioning
Simple/Fading Unpacking Splash Screen
Random Password
Some Silent Switches

November 2011

Uninstall Project 2010
Uninstall Office 2010
Download Webpage as MHT file
List all installed software
Remove XPS/MDIW Printers
Force 32-bit to work on 64-bit OS

Text Bubble Popup
Fading Scroller
Side Menu
Outlook Bar
Some Silent Switches

October 2011

Traverse Folders
Copy File to all Profiles
Return Product Code
Uninstall using GUID
Bottom Clock
Expanding DIVs
Cursor Effect: Hash Marks

XP Style Progress Bar
Daily Background Changer
Yet Another Snow Effect
Set Scheduled Task to Wakeup - Windows 7
Drag and Drop - Move Items Around
Some Silent Switches

September 2011

Allow PST ADD Disable PST Grow
Date and Time Parsing
Disable Offline Files
Echo Current Path
Get MAC Address
Set Date
Return TCP Active Sessions Count

Time Zone Script
Cursor Stretch
Wake up and Defrag Computer
Cursor Circling Text Effect
Cursor Trailing Text Effect
Some Silent Switches

August 2011

Windows XP Countdown
Matrix Text Effect
Moving Light Over Image
Stretch Image
Scrolling Across Text
Color Scroll Bars
Scrolling Background Image
Scrolling Tooltips
Floating Images and Links
Button Color Change on Hover
Image Zoom
Fading Pictures
Some Silent Switches

July 2011
Scripting Context Menu

Add Firewall Exception
Control Marquee
Encryptor - updated
Return IP Address
Return If Local User Exist
Write To File Button

Hide Button
Launch Survey on Reboot
Remove spaces in batch file
Stretch Image to Background
Moving Stars
Some Silent Switches

June 2011
Simple Blinking Text
Change Backgound Color
Change Background Color on Hover
Cross Hairs
Add Music
Gradient Color Effect

Waving Text
Add to Favorites
Some Silent Switches

May 2011

Fading Menus
Drop Down Menu
Message Cycling
Color Burst
Simple Clock
4 Moving Texts
Open Pop-up

Disable Right-Click
Cursor Effect
Night Raining
Shake the Screen
Automatic Scroller II
Automatic Scroller I
April 2011
Desktop Engineering
Scripting Resources

MSIs Resources

Prism Pictaker
Packaging Resources
Package Types

New Boundaries Deploy
Deployment Resources

Imaging Resources
March 2011

Show Time
Change Background Colors Automatically
Frameless Partylight With Text Overlay
Progress Bar
IT Department Text Effect
Basic Text Fade
Install Java Update 6.0.240
The WPL Format
Simple Text Scroller
Pop-up Tooltip Messages
Install IE8
Drag & Drop Files Onto Script
Launch Process in System Account

Party Light For Your Pictures
Enlarge Picture on Hover

Place Online Flash Video into HTA
Basic Text Highlight
Scanning Menu Highlight Effect
Install Print Driver in Windows 7 - no Pop-ups
Install Print Driver in Windows 7
HTA Roll-over Color Change
Print Directory in HTA
Press Button Effect in HTA
Simple Progress Bar in HTA
Read Items into Array from Config File

February 2011

Adobe Acrobat X Silent Install
Installing Firefox, Opera, Messenger Live
Installing DoD Certificates
Javascript Scrolling
Install Communicator, LANDesk, SEP
Picture Film Strip

Javascript Fading Box
Scrolling up with Backgroud Images
Cursor Chasing
Stretch Image
Flashing Text
January 2011
Change Workgroup
Fade-in and Fade-out
Environmental Variables in VBScript

Communicator R2 Deployment
Faster Dimming With Sound
Scrolling Splash Screens

December 2010
Build HTML from a Shell Script
Clear Event Logs
Alphabetize/Sort a Text File
Passing Credentials in Windows 7
How To Dim The Screen
Talking Scripts
Disable NICs
Install VLC Player
Live Person Enterprise Deployment
WISE Installer
Distribute a Video File
Re-Write Text File From Bottom To Top
Return SID-Username-Load Reg-Apply Reg Keys
Return Current Dir and Program Files
PING Connection If-Exist
Check Running Process

November 2010
Drop File
SnagIt v10 Enterprise Deployment
Counter In Batch File
Dynamic Path In Batch File
Verify Local Account Exists
Disable IPv6 via Registry
Returning NIC Settings
Install FTP Server Role IIS7
Creating Shares & Assigning Permissions
Adding an Account to the local Admin Group
Setting Static NIC Settings

Enable File Server Role On Server 2008
Enable Web Server Role
Add Virtual Directories In IIS7
Configure MIME Types On Server 2008
Enable Web Directory Browsing IIS7
Server Automation Splash Screen v1
eVault 9.0.1
Microsoft Office 2010 For Desktops
Flash Player Deployment
Shockwave Deployment


October 2010
WMIC Commands
Symantec 11.06 Un-Install
Countdown Installation Timer
Alert Notification v1
Office 2010 Deployment
Generic Splash Screen

Office 2010 Won't Install
Message Command File
BGInfo 4.16 Deployment
Enable WMI In WDS
V-Model Testing
September 2010
DPInst.exe-Driver Installs and Subdirectories
Microsoft Project 2007 Professional Deploy
Microsoft Visio 2007 Enterprise Deploy
WSUS Reg Key - Automatic Updates For Clients
Symantec Service Restart-Reset HardwareID
Collect PST Information - Send To LANDesk
Use General Time Of Day In Your Scripts
Simple Backup Utility In Shell

Qfiniti Deployment
Assign Dir /b /s *.exe To A Variable
Remotely Execute Process In VBScript
Terminate Process In VBScript
Return The Owner Of A Process
Message Dialog Box
Logged-In Status VBScript Function


August 2010
Iron Mountain Deployment OS Detect
Symantec Vault Deployment OS Detect
VBScript objShell Run Codes
Office 2007 Error Code Export To Txt File
Installing Office 2007 Client-Side
Symantec Update Config Command
Bigger and Better Splash Screens
PING And Run Cmd Timestamped Logs
Return Site Code To LANDesk Return GW
Return OS In Batch Shell OS Detect

Return Folder Size In Batch Shell

Return File Size In Batch Shell
Scan For Local PSTs And Return Report
Adobe Professional 9.0.0 Update Cmd
Return Model Of Machine
PING In VBScript
Turning Firewall Off Command
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Deploy
Return OS Version Into Variable
Adobe Professional 9 Enterprise Deploy
July 2010
Launching Commands & Pausing In Javascript
Nice Little Google Wait/Busy HTA
Safari Silent Deployment
Mozilla Silent Deployment
Google Chrome Silent Deployment
Load Registry Key With A Token + Hidden Process
How To Create A Shortcut In VBScript
Password Box In HTA

June 2010
Single Window Progress Bar Model Of Machine
Countdown Boxes With Percentage Complete
Sending Input To DataArea.HTML
Install Drivers Silently
Read Text File From Bottom UP
DIR /B Variable
Track Internet Usage
Access Hyperlink Using Text Box
Taskkill Filter Memory Usage
Beeps & Sounds
Smoother HTAs
Restoring Files via HTA
Del Files By Extension Older Than 10 Days
Read In Text File Extension
OpenOffice 3.2 Silent Installation
Adobe Reader 9 Silent Installation
Run One-Time Registry Key
Command Window Here

Create Day Of The Week Variable

Countdown Buttons & Read In Messages
Bubble Sort

Delete Files Older Than 14 Days
Random Ping
XCOPY Exclude

Send Automated Emails
Tasklist Logic AND & OR
HTML Button Border Color
HTML Input Box Color & Size
Start Explorer.exe On Startup
Turn Win 7/Vista UAC On & Off
Create Shortcut Folder Link
Create Shortcut File Link
iTunes Silent Uninstall
iTunes Silent Installation
Offline Search Engine In HTA

Installing Printer Drivers


May 2010
HTA Auto Refresh
Install Printer For No-Access User
Runas + Hstart Subinacl Sanur Text Token
Adobe Reader Command Line Printing

Runas + Mshta.exe + Sanur 
Automated Client Backups/Timestamp/zipup
Read/Write Text Files - Build/Use Dictionary

Read Files In Folder

FTP Script
Picasa Silent Installation

Keep Your HTA On Top Of Other Windows
WinPDF Silent Installationon
Safari Browser Silent Installation
Flash + Shockwave Silent Installation
Real Player Silent Installation
VNC Silent Installation


March 2010

Setup Blackberry Without BES
Blackberry Resets
iPhone Support


February 2010

HP SSM Information
SysInternals BGInfo Dual Screen Limitation
Server 2008 Creating 1000 User Accounts Data Collection



January 2010

How To Map Universal Drive
Sending Alerts To Multiple Computers
Randomized Timer For Your Scripts
Survey Monkey Survey Work Around
HTA Auto-Resize And Detect Resolution
Time-Based Greetings
Check Remote Access
Silent Switches: Reference 1


December 2009

AutoIT Script: Import Certificate
Compile File For Download And Install
Querying File Version In Batch
Adobe Reader Uninstaller/Installer
Email Script
Copy And Compress Logs To Timestamped Folder
Install BGInfo To Your Network Computers
Webmail String
Webmail One-Touch Panel

November 2009

PING List Of PCs With Online/Offline Logs
How To Add An Expiration Date To Your Script
How To Create Hidden Launch Using Batch
Scan IIS Log For -500 Type Errors
Install Inf From The Command Line
How To Use Send Keys

October 2009

Changing Security Context
Install Drivers
Remotely Install Symantec AV 11
Query Symantec 11 4000/4202 on Network
Restrict Guest Access
PING List Of Computers

September 2009

DICOM Analysis - My Device Can't Send To PACs
Cannot View CHM Over LAN or Internet

August 2009

Windows XP DCOM Error Event ID 10005
Forcing Compatibility Mode in IE8
Free Desktop Capture Software
Windows 7, Extend Trial Period
Customized Windows Service Reporting








I'm a Computer
Systems Engineer

Living and loving life

