Create Task to Run with Highest Privileges

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on error resume next

Dim WshShell, strWinDir, strCmdLine, lngExitCode
Const OpenAsCurrentWindowIsOpened = 10, WaitForExit = True

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strWinDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WINDIR%")

strCmdLine = strWinDir & "\System32\SCHTASKS.exe /create /SC DAILY /TN ""My Script"" /TR """ & "c:\setup\setup.cmd"" /RL HIGHEST /RU ""NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"""

lngExitCode = WshShell.Run(strCmdLine, OpenAsCurrentWindowIsOpened, WaitForExit)

If lngExitCode = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Success"
WScript.Echo "Failed with error code " & CStr(lngExitCode)
End If