Compiled in Visual Studio 2017.
using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; class RegTimestamp { // MAIN static void Main() { // input DateTime dTime = LastWriteTime(@"HKU\S-1-5-21-3492930481-2827506072-2794401122-1001\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.txt\UserChoice"); // output Console.Write(dTime + "\n"); // wait Console.ReadKey(); } // METHOD TO RETURN WRITE TIME public static DateTime LastWriteTime(string regKey) { Query(regKey); return DateTime.FromFileTime(lpftLastWriteTime); } // METHOD TO PROCESS INPUT public static void Query(string regKey) { string[] hive = regKey.Split(new char[] { '\\' }, 2); if (String.Equals(hive[0], "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || String.Equals(hive[0], "HKLM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) hKey = (UIntPtr)0x80000002; else if (String.Equals(hive[0], "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || String.Equals(hive[0], "HKCU", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) hKey = (UIntPtr)0x80000001; else if (String.Equals(hive[0], "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || String.Equals(hive[0], "HKCR", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) hKey = (UIntPtr)0x80000000; else if (String.Equals(hive[0], "HKEY_USERS", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || String.Equals(hive[0], "HKU", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) hKey = (UIntPtr)0x80000003; else if (String.Equals(hive[0], "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || String.Equals(hive[0], "HKCC", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) hKey = (UIntPtr)0x80000005; RegOpenKeyEx_DllImport(hKey, hive[1], 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, out hKeyVal); RegQueryInfoKey(hKeyVal, classStr, ref classSize, IntPtr.Zero, out lpcSubKeys, out lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, out lpcbMaxClassLen, out lpcValues, out lpcbMaxValueNameLen, out lpcbMaxValueLen, out lpcbSecurityDescriptor, out lpftLastWriteTime); } // DLL IMPORTS - FOR INTEROPERABILITY public const int KEY_QUERY_VALUE = 0x1; static UIntPtr hKey = (UIntPtr)0x80000002; static UIntPtr hKeyVal; static StringBuilder classStr = new StringBuilder(255); static uint classSize = (uint)classStr.Capacity + 1; static uint lpcSubKeys; static uint lpcbMaxSubKeyLen; static uint lpcbMaxClassLen; static uint lpcValues; static uint lpcbMaxValueNameLen; static uint lpcbMaxValueLen; static uint lpcbSecurityDescriptor; static long lpftLastWriteTime; [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "RegOpenKeyEx")] extern private static int RegOpenKeyEx_DllImport(UIntPtr hKey, string lpSubKey, uint ulOptions, int samDesired, out UIntPtr phkResult); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "RegOpenKeyEx", SetLastError = true)] public static extern int RegOpenKeyEx(UIntPtr hKey, string subKey, uint options, int sam, out UIntPtr phkResult); public static UIntPtr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = new UIntPtr(0x80000002u); public static UIntPtr HKEY_CURRENT_USER = new UIntPtr(0x80000001u); public static UIntPtr HKEY_USERS = (UIntPtr)0x80000003; public static int KEY_SET_VALUE = 0x0002; public static int KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = 0x0004; public static int KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS = 0x0008; public static int KEY_WOW64_64KEY = 0x0100; public static int KEY_WOW64_32KEY = 0x0200; [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern int RegCloseKey(UIntPtr hKey); [DllImport("advapi32.dll")] extern private static int RegQueryInfoKey( UIntPtr hkey, StringBuilder lpClass, ref uint lpcbClass, IntPtr lpReserved, out uint lpcSubKeys, out uint lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, out uint lpcbMaxClassLen, out uint lpcValues, out uint lpcbMaxValueNameLen, out uint lpcbMaxValueLen, out uint lpcbSecurityDescriptor, out long lpftLastWriteTime ); }
Interoperability Overview (C# Programming Guide)
Consuming Unmanaged DLL Functions
Exposing COM Components to the .NET Framework
Creating and Using DLL (Class Library) in C#
Functions in Advapi32.dll
AuditLookupCategoryNameW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
AuditLookupSubCategoryNameA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
AuditLookupSubCategoryNameW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
AuditQueryGlobalSaclA | 6.1 and higher | |
AuditQueryGlobalSaclW | 6.1 and higher | |
AuditQueryPerUserPolicy | 6.0 and higher | documented |
AuditQuerySecurity | 6.0 and higher | documented |
AuditQuerySystemPolicy | 6.0 and higher | documented |
AuditSetGlobalSaclA | 6.1 and higher | |
AuditSetGlobalSaclW | 6.1 and higher | |
AuditSetPerUserPolicy | 6.0 and higher | documented |
AuditSetSecurity | 6.0 and higher | documented |
AuditSetSystemPolicy | 6.0 and higher | documented |
BackupEventLogA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
BackupEventLogW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
BaseRegCloseKey | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegCreateKey | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegDeleteKeyEx | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegDeleteValue | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegFlushKey | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegGetVersion | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegLoadKey | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegOpenKey | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegRestoreKey | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegSaveKeyEx | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegSetKeySecurity | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegSetValue | 6.2 and higher | |
BaseRegUnLoadKey | 6.2 and higher | |
BuildAccessRequestA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
BuildAccessRequestW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
BuildExplicitAccessWithNameA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildExplicitAccessWithNameW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithNameA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithNameW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildImpersonateTrusteeA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildImpersonateTrusteeW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildSecurityDescriptorA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildSecurityDescriptorW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildTrusteeWithNameA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildTrusteeWithNameW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndNameA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndNameW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndSidA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndSidW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
BuildTrusteeWithSidA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
BuildTrusteeWithSidW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
CancelOverlappedAccess | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
ChangeServiceConfig2A | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ChangeServiceConfig2W | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ChangeServiceConfigA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ChangeServiceConfigW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
CheckAppInitBlockedServiceIdentity | 6.0 only | |
CheckForHiberboot | 6.2 and higher | |
CheckTokenMembership | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ClearEventLogA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ClearEventLogW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
CloseCodeAuthzLevel | 5.1 and higher | |
CloseEncryptedFileRaw | 5.0 and higher | documented |
CloseEventLog | 3.51 and higher | documented |
CloseServiceHandle | 3.51 and higher | documented |
CloseThreadWaitChainSession | 6.0 and higher | documented |
CloseTrace | 5.0 and higher | documented |
CommandLineFromMsiDescriptor | 5.0 and higher | |
ComputeAccessTokenFromCodeAuthzLevel | 5.1 and higher | |
ControlService | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ControlServiceExA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
ControlServiceExW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
ControlTraceA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ControlTraceW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ConvertAccessToSecurityDescriptorA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
ConvertAccessToSecurityDescriptorW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
ConvertSDToStringSDDomainW | 6.2 and higher | |
ConvertSDToStringSDRootDomainA | 5.0 and higher | |
ConvertSDToStringSDRootDomainW | 5.0 and higher | |
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToAccessA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToAccessW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToAccessNamedA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToAccessNamedW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ConvertSidToStringSidA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ConvertSidToStringSidW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ConvertStringSDToSDDomainA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
ConvertStringSDToSDDomainW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
ConvertStringSDToSDRootDomainA | 5.0 and higher | |
ConvertStringSDToSDRootDomainW | 5.0 and higher | |
ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ConvertStringSidToSidA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ConvertStringSidToSidW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ConvertToAutoInheritPrivateObjectSecurity | 5.0 and higher | documented |
CopySid | 3.51 and higher | documented |
CreateCodeAuthzLevel | 5.1 and higher | |
CreatePrivateObjectSecurity | 3.51 and higher | documented |
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx | 5.0 and higher | documented |
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CreateProcessAsUserA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
CreateProcessAsUserSecure | some 5.0 and some 5.1 only; 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP4; 5.1 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3 |
CreateProcessAsUserW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
CreateProcessWithLogonW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
CreateProcessWithTokenW | 5.2 and higher | documented |
CreateRestrictedToken | 5.0 and higher | documented |
CreateServiceA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
CreateServiceW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
CreateTraceInstanceId | 5.0 and higher | documented |
CreateWellKnownSid | 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP2, and higher | documented |
CredBackupCredentials | 6.0 and higher | |
CredDeleteA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredDeleteW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredEncryptAndMarshalBinaryBlob | 6.0 and higher | |
CredEnumerateA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredEnumerateW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredFindBestCredentialA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
CredFindBestCredentialW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
CredFree | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredGetSessionTypes | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredGetTargetInfoA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredGetTargetInfoW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredIsMarshaledCredentialA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredIsMarshaledCredentialW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredIsProtectedA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
CredIsProtectedW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
CredMarshalCredentialA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredMarshalCredentialW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredProfileLoaded | 5.1 and higher | |
CredProfileLoadedEx | 6.2 and higher | |
CredProfileUnloaded | 6.0 and higher | |
CredProtectA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
CredProtectW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
CredReadA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredReadByTokenHandle | 6.0 and higher | |
CredReadDomainCredentialsA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredReadDomainCredentialsW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredReadW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredRenameA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredRenameW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredRestoreCredentials | 6.0 and higher | |
CredUnmarshalCredentialA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredUnmarshalCredentialW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredUnprotectA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
CredUnprotectW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
CredWriteA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredWriteDomainCredentialsA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredWriteDomainCredentialsW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredWriteW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
CredpConvertCredential | 5.1 and higher | |
CredpConvertOneCredentialSize | 6.0 and higher | |
CredpConvertTargetInfo | 5.1 and higher | |
CredpDecodeCredential | 5.1 and higher | |
CredpEncodeCredential | 5.1 and higher | |
CredpEncodeSecret | 6.0 and higher | |
CryptAcquireContextA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptAcquireContextW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
CryptContextAddRef | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptCreateHash | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptDecrypt | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptDeriveKey | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptDestroyHash | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptDestroyKey | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptDuplicateHash | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptDuplicateKey | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptEncrypt | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptEnumProviderTypesA | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptEnumProviderTypesW | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptEnumProvidersA | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptEnumProvidersW | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptExportKey | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptGenKey | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptGenRandom | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptGetDefaultProviderA | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptGetDefaultProviderW | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptGetHashParam | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptGetKeyParam | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptGetLocalKeyLimits | 4.90 only | documented |
CryptGetProvParam | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptGetUserKey | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptHashData | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptHashSessionKey | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptImportKey | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptReleaseContext | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptSetHashParam | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptSetKeyParam | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptSetProvParam | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptSetProviderA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptSetProviderExA | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptSetProviderExW | 4.80 and higher | documented |
CryptSetProviderW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
CryptSignHashA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptSignHashW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
CryptVerifySignatureA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher | documented |
CryptVerifySignatureW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
DecryptFileA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
DecryptFileW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
DeleteAce | 3.51 and higher | documented |
DeleteService | 3.51 and higher | documented |
DenyAccessRightsA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
DenyAccessRightsW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
DeregisterEventSource | 3.51 and higher | documented |
DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity | 3.51 and higher | documented |
DuplicateEncryptionInfoFile | 5.0 and higher | documented |
DuplicateToken | 3.51 and higher | documented |
DuplicateTokenEx | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
ElfBackupEventLogFileA | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfBackupEventLogFileW | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfChangeNotify | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfClearEventLogFileA | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfClearEventLogFileW | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfCloseEventLog | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfDeregisterEventSource | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfFlushEventLog | some 5.0, some 5.1, and higher; 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP4; 5.1 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3 |
ElfNumberOfRecords | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfOldestRecord | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfOpenBackupEventLogA | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfOpenBackupEventLogW | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfOpenEventLogA | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfOpenEventLogW | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfReadEventLogA | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfReadEventLogW | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfRegisterEventSourceA | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfRegisterEventSourceW | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfReportEventA | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
ElfReportEventAndSourceW | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | |
ElfReportEventW | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
EnableTrace | 5.0 and higher | documented |
EnableTraceEx | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EnableTraceEx2 | 6.1 and higher | documented |
EncryptedFileKeyInfo | 5.1 and higher | |
EncryptFileA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
EncryptFileW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
EncryptionDisable | 5.0 and higher | documented |
EnumDependentServicesA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
EnumDependentServicesW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
EnumDynamicTimeZoneInformation | 6.2 and higher | |
EnumServiceGroupW | 4.0 and higher (NT only) | |
EnumServicesStatusA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
EnumServicesStatusExA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT only) | documented |
EnumServicesStatusExW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT only) | documented |
EnumServicesStatusW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
EnumerateTraceGuids | 5.1 and higher | documented |
EnumerateTraceGuidsEx | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EqualDomainSid | 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP2, and higher | documented |
EqualPrefixSid | 3.51 and higher | documented |
EqualSid | 3.51 and higher | documented |
EtwLogSysConfigExtension | 6.2 and higher | |
EventAccessControl | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EventAccessQuery | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EventAccessRemove | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EventActivityIdControl | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EventEnabled | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EventProviderEnabled | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EventRegister | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EventSetInformation | 6.2 and higher | |
EventUnregister | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EventWrite | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EventWriteEndScenario | 6.0 and higher | |
EventWriteEx | 6.1 and higher | documented |
EventWriteStartScenario | 6.0 and higher | |
EventWriteString | 6.0 and higher | documented |
EventWriteTransfer | 6.0 and higher | documented |
FileEncryptionStatusA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
FileEncryptionStatusW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
FindFirstFreeAce | 3.51 and higher | documented |
FlushEfsCache | 6.0 and higher | |
FlushTraceA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
FlushTraceW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
FreeEncryptedFileKeyInfo | 5.1 and higher | |
FreeEncryptedFileMetadata | 6.0 and higher | |
FreeEncryptionCertificateHashList | 5.0 and higher | documented |
FreeInheritedFromArray | 5.1 and higher | documented |
FreeSid | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetAccessPermissionsForObjectA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
GetAccessPermissionsForObjectW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
GetAce | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetAclInformation | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetAuditedPermissionsFromAclA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetAuditedPermissionsFromAclW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetAuditedPermissionsFromSDA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
GetAuditedPermissionsFromSDW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
GetCurrentHwProfileA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetCurrentHwProfileW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetDynamicTimeZoneInformationEffectiveYears | 6.2 and higher | |
GetEffectiveAccessRightsA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
GetEffectiveAccessRightsW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
GetEffectiveRightsFromAclA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetEffectiveRightsFromAclW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetEffectiveRightsFromSDA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
GetEffectiveRightsFromSDW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
GetEncryptedFileMetadata | 6.0 and higher | |
GetEventLogInformation | 5.0 and higher | documented |
GetExplicitAccessRightsA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
GetExplicitAccessRightsW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
GetExplicitEntriesFromAclA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetExplicitEntriesFromAclW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetFileSecurityA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetFileSecurityW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetInformationCodeAuthzLevelW | 5.1 and higher | |
GetInformationCodeAuthzPolicyW | 5.1 and higher | |
GetInheritanceSourceA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
GetInheritanceSourceW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
GetKernelObjectSecurity | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetLengthSid | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetLocalManagedApplicationData | 5.1 and higher | |
GetLocalManagedApplications | 5.0 and higher | documented |
GetManagedApplicationCategories | 5.1 and higher | documented |
GetManagedApplications | 5.0 and higher | documented |
GetMangledSiteSid | 5.0 only | |
GetMultipleTrusteeA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetMultipleTrusteeOperationA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetMultipleTrusteeOperationW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetMultipleTrusteeW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetNamedSecurityInfoA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetNamedSecurityInfoExA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
GetNamedSecurityInfoExW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
GetNamedSecurityInfoW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetNumberOfEventLogRecords | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetOldestEventLogRecord | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetOverlappedAccessResults | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
GetPrivateObjectSecurity | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSecurityDescriptorControl | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSecurityDescriptorDacl | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSecurityDescriptorGroup | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSecurityDescriptorLength | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSecurityDescriptorOwner | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSecurityDescriptorRMControl | 5.0 and higher | documented |
GetSecurityDescriptorSacl | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSecurityInfo | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetSecurityInfoExA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
GetSecurityInfoExW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
GetServiceDisplayNameA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetServiceDisplayNameW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetServiceKeyNameA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetServiceKeyNameW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSidIdentifierAuthority | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSidLengthRequired | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSidSubAuthority | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSidSubAuthorityCount | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetSiteDirectoryA | 5.0 only | |
GetSiteDirectoryW | 5.0 only | |
GetSiteNameFromSid | 5.0 only | |
GetSiteSidFromToken | 5.0 only | |
GetSiteSidFromUrl | 5.0 only | |
GetStringConditionFromBinary | 6.2 and higher | |
GetThreadWaitChain | 6.0 and higher | documented |
GetTokenInformation | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetTraceEnableFlags | 5.0 and higher | documented |
GetTraceEnableLevel | 5.0 and higher | documented |
GetTraceLoggerHandle | 5.0 and higher | documented |
GetTrusteeFormA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
GetTrusteeFormW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
GetTrusteeNameA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetTrusteeNameW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetTrusteeTypeA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetTrusteeTypeW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
GetUserNameA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetUserNameW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
GetWindowsAccountDomainSid | 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP2, and higher | documented |
GrantAccessRightsA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
GrantAccessRightsW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
I_QueryTagInformation | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | |
I_ScGetCurrentGroupStateW | 4.0 and higher (NT only) | |
I_ScIsSecurityProcess | 5.0 and higher | |
I_ScPnPGetServiceName | 5.0 and higher | |
I_ScQueryServiceConfig | 6.0 and higher | |
I_ScRegisterPreshutdownRestart | 6.2 and higher | |
I_ScSendPnPMessage | 6.0 and higher | |
I_ScSendTSMessage | 5.1 and higher | |
I_ScSetServiceBitsA | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
I_ScSetServiceBitsW | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
I_ScValidatePnPService | 6.0 and higher | |
IdentifyCodeAuthzLevelW | 5.1 and higher | |
ImpersonateAnonymousToken | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ImpersonateLoggedOnUser | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ImpersonateNamedPipeClient | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ImpersonateSelf | 3.51 and higher | documented |
InitializeAcl | 3.51 and higher | documented |
InitializeSecurityDescriptor | 3.51 and higher | documented |
InitializeSid | 3.51 and higher | documented |
InitiateShutdownA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
InitiateShutdownW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
InitiateSystemShutdownA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
InitiateSystemShutdownExA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
InitiateSystemShutdownExW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
InitiateSystemShutdownW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
InstallApplication | 5.0 and higher | documented |
IsAccessPermittedA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
IsAccessPermittedW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
IsInSandbox | 5.0 only | |
IsProcessRestricted | 5.0 only | |
IsTextUnicode | 3.51 and higher | documented |
IsTokenRestricted | 5.0 and higher | documented |
IsTokenUntrusted | 5.1 and higher | |
IsValidAcl | 3.51 and higher | documented |
IsValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor | 6.0 and higher | |
IsValidSecurityDescriptor | 3.51 and higher | documented |
IsValidSid | 3.51 and higher | documented |
IsWellKnownSid | 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP2, and higher | documented |
LockServiceDatabase | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LogonUserA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LogonUserExA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
LogonUserExExW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
LogonUserExW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
LogonUserW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupAccountNameA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupAccountNameW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupAccountSidA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupAccountSidW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupPrivilegeNameA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupPrivilegeNameW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupPrivilegeValueA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupPrivilegeValueW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
LookupSecurityDescriptorPartsA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
LookupSecurityDescriptorPartsW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
LsaAddAccountRights | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaAddPrivilegesToAccount | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaClearAuditLog | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaClose | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaCreateAccount | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaCreateSecret | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaCreateTrustedDomain | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaCreateTrustedDomainEx | 5.0 and higher | documented |
LsaDelete | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaDeleteTrustedDomain | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaEnumerateAccountRights | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaEnumerateAccounts | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaEnumeratePrivileges | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaEnumeratePrivilegesOfAccount | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaEnumerateTrustedDomainsEx | 5.0 and higher | documented |
LsaFreeMemory | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaGetAppliedCAPIDs | 6.2 and higher | |
LsaGetQuotasForAccount | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaGetRemoteUserName | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT only) | |
LsaGetSystemAccessAccount | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaGetUserName | 4.0 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaICLookupNames | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaICLookupNamesWithCreds | 5.1 and higher | |
LsaICLookupSids | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaICLookupSidsWithCreds | 5.1 and higher | |
LsaLookupNames | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaLookupNames2 | 5.1 and higher | documented |
LsaLookupPrivilegeDisplayName | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaLookupPrivilegeName | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaLookupPrivilegeValue | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaLookupSids | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaLookupSids2 | 6.2 and higher | |
LsaManageSidNameMapping | 6.0 and higher | |
LsaNtStatusToWinError | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaOpenAccount | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaOpenPolicy | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaOpenPolicySce | 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP2, and higher | |
LsaOpenSecret | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaOpenTrustedDomain | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaOpenTrustedDomainByName | 5.0 and higher | documented |
LsaQueryCAPs | 6.2 and higher | |
LsaQueryDomainInformationPolicy | 5.0 and higher | documented |
LsaQueryForestTrustInformation | 5.1 and higher | documented |
LsaQueryInfoTrustedDomain | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaQueryInformationPolicy | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaQuerySecret | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaQuerySecurityObject | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName | 5.0 and higher | documented |
LsaRemoveAccountRights | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaRemovePrivilegesFromAccount | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaRetrievePrivateData | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaSetCAPs | 6.2 and higher | |
LsaSetDomainInformationPolicy | 5.0 and higher | documented |
LsaSetForestTrustInformation | 5.1 and higher | documented |
LsaSetInformationPolicy | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaSetInformationTrustedDomain | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaSetQuotasForAccount | 3.51 and higher NT only) | |
LsaSetSecret | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaSetSecurityObject | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaSetSystemAccessAccount | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
LsaSetTrustedDomainInfoByName | 5.0 and higher | documented |
LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
LsaStorePrivateData | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | documented |
MD4Final | 5.1 and higher | |
MD4Init | 5.1 and higher | |
MD4Update | 5.1 and higher | |
MD5Final | 5.1 and higher | |
MD5Init | 5.1 and higher | |
MD5Update | 5.1 and higher | |
MIDL_user_free_Ext | 6.2 and higher | |
MSChapSrvChangePassword | 5.1 and higher | documented |
MSChapSrvChangePassword2 | 5.1 and higher | documented |
MakeAbsoluteSD | 3.51 and higher | documented |
MakeAbsoluteSD2 | 5.0 and higher | |
MakeSelfRelativeSD | 3.51 and higher | documented |
MapGenericMask | 3.51 and higher | documented |
NTAccessMaskToProvAccessRights | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
NotifyBootConfigStatus | 3.51 and higher | documented |
NotifyChangeEventLog | 3.51 and higher | documented |
NotifyServiceStatusChange | 6.0 and higher | documented |
NotifyServiceStatusChangeA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
NotifyServiceStatusChangeW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
NpGetUserName | 10.0 and higher | |
ObjectCloseAuditAlarmA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ObjectCloseAuditAlarmW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenBackupEventLogA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenBackupEventLogW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenEncryptedFileRawA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
OpenEncryptedFileRawW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
OpenEventLogA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenEventLogW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenProcessToken | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenSCManagerA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenSCManagerW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenServiceA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenServiceW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenThreadToken | 3.51 and higher | documented |
OpenThreadWaitChainSession | 6.0 and higher | documented |
OpenTraceA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
OpenTraceW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
OperationEnd | 6.2 and higher | |
OperationStart | 6.2 and higher | |
PerfAddCounters | 6.0 and higher | |
PerfCloseQueryHandle | 6.0 and higher | |
PerfCreateInstance | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfDecrementULongCounterValue | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfDecrementULongLongCounterValue | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfDeleteCounters | 6.0 and higher | |
PerfDeleteInstance | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfEnumerateCounterSet | 6.0 and higher | |
PerfEnumerateCounterSetInstances | 6.0 and higher | |
PerfIncrementULongCounterValue | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfIncrementULongLongCounterValue | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfOpenQueryHandle | 6.0 and higher | |
PerfQueryCounterData | 6.0 and higher | |
PerfQueryCounterInfo | 6.0 and higher | |
PerfQueryCounterSetRegistrationInfo | 6.0 and higher | |
PerfQueryInstance | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfRegCloseKey | 6.2 and higher | |
PerfRegEnumKey | 6.2 and higher | |
PerfRegEnumValue | 6.2 and higher | |
PerfRegQueryInfoKey | 6.2 and higher | |
PerfRegQueryValue | 6.2 and higher | |
PerfRegSetValue | 6.2 and higher | |
PerfSetCounterRefValue | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfSetCounterSetInfo | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfSetULongCounterValue | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfSetULongLongCounterValue | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfStartProvider | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfStartProviderEx | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PerfStopProvider | 6.0 and higher | documented |
PrivilegeCheck | 3.51 and higher | documented |
PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ProcessIdleTasks | 5.1 and higher | |
ProcessIdleTasksW | 6.0 and higher | |
ProcessTrace | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ProvAccessRightsToNTAccessMask | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
PsmActivateApplication | 6.2 only | |
PsmAdjustActivationToken | 6.2 only | |
PsmQueryBackgroundActivationType | 6.2 only | |
PsmRegisterApplicationProcess | 6.2 only | |
QueryAllTracesA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
QueryAllTracesW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
QueryRecoveryAgentsOnEncryptedFile | 5.0 and higher | documented |
QuerySecurityAccessMask | 6.0 and higher | documented |
QueryServiceConfig2A | 5.0 and higher | documented |
QueryServiceConfig2W | 5.0 and higher | documented |
QueryServiceConfigA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
QueryServiceConfigW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
QueryServiceDynamicInformation | 6.2 and higher | |
QueryServiceLockStatusA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
QueryServiceLockStatusW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
QueryServiceObjectSecurity | 3.51 and higher | documented |
QueryServiceStatus | 3.51 and higher | documented |
QueryServiceStatusEx | 4.0 and higher (NT only) | documented |
QueryTraceA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
QueryTraceW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
QueryUsersOnEncryptedFile | 5.0 and higher | documented |
QueryWindows31FilesMigration | 3.51 to 5.1 (NT only) | |
ReadEncryptedFileRaw | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ReadEventLogA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ReadEventLogW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegCloseKey | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegConnectRegistryA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegConnectRegistryW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegConnectRegistryExA | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | |
RegConnectRegistryExW | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | |
RegCopyTreeA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegCopyTreeW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegCreateKeyA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegCreateKeyExA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegCreateKeyExW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegCreateKeyTransactedA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegCreateKeyTransactedW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegCreateKeyW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegDeleteKeyA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegDeleteKeyExA | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | documented |
RegDeleteKeyExW | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | documented |
RegDeleteKeyTransactedA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegDeleteKeyTransactedW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegDeleteKeyValueA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegDeleteKeyValueW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegDeleteKeyW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegDeleteTreeA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegDeleteTreeW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegDeleteValueA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegDeleteValueW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegDisablePredefinedCache | 5.0 and higher | documented |
RegDisablePredefinedCacheEx | 5.1 from Windows XP SP3, and 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegDisableReflectionKey | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | documented |
RegEnableReflectionKey | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | documented |
RegEnumKeyA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegEnumKeyExA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegEnumKeyExW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegEnumKeyW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegEnumValueA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegEnumValueW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegFlushKey | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegGetKeySecurity | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegGetValueA | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | documented |
RegGetValueW | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | documented |
RegLoadAppKeyA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegLoadAppKeyW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegLoadKeyA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegLoadKeyW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegLoadMUIStringA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegLoadMUIStringW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegOpenCurrentUser | 5.0 and higher | documented |
RegOpenKeyA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegOpenKeyExA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegOpenKeyExW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegOpenKeyTransactedA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegOpenKeyTransactedW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegOpenKeyW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegOpenUserClassesRoot | 5.0 and higher | documented |
RegOverridePredefKey | 5.0 and higher | documented |
RegQueryInfoKeyA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegQueryInfoKeyW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegQueryMultipleValuesA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegQueryMultipleValuesW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegQueryReflectionKey | 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher | documented |
RegQueryValueA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegQueryValueExA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegQueryValueExW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegQueryValueW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegRemapPreDefKey | 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) | |
RegRenameKey | 6.0 and higher | |
RegReplaceKeyA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegReplaceKeyW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegRestoreKeyA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegRestoreKeyW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegSaveKeyA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegSaveKeyExA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
RegSaveKeyExW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
RegSaveKeyW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegSetKeySecurity | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegSetKeyValueA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegSetKeyValueW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RegSetValueA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegSetValueExA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegSetValueExW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegSetValueW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegUnLoadKeyA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegUnLoadKeyW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegisterEventSourceA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegisterEventSourceW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegisterIdleTask | 5.1 and higher | |
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RegisterTraceGuidsA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
RegisterTraceGuidsW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
RegisterWaitChainCOMCallback | 6.0 and higher | documented |
RemoteRegEnumKeyWrapper | 6.2 and higher | |
RemoteRegEnumValueWrapper | 6.2 and higher | |
RemoteRegQueryInfoKeyWrapper | 6.2 and higher | |
RemoteRegQueryValueWrapper | 6.2 and higher | |
RemoveTraceCallback | 5.0 and higher | documented |
RemoveUsersFromEncryptedFile | 5.0 and higher | documented |
ReplaceAllAccessRightsA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
ReplaceAllAccessRightsW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
ReportEventA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
ReportEventW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RevertToSelf | 3.51 and higher | documented |
RevokeExplicitAccessRightsA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
RevokeExplicitAccessRightsW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
SafeBaseRegGetKeySecurity | 6.2 and higher | |
SaferCloseLevel | 5.1 and higher | documented |
SaferComputeTokenFromLevel | 5.1 and higher | documented |
SaferCreateLevel | 5.1 and higher | documented |
SaferGetLevelInformation | 5.1 and higher | documented |
SaferGetPolicyInformation | 5.1 and higher | documented |
SaferIdentifyLevel | 5.1 and higher | documented |
SaferRecordEventLogEntry | 5.1 and higher | documented |
SaferSetLevelInformation | 5.1 and higher | |
SaferSetPolicyInformation | 5.1 and higher | |
SaferiChangeRegistryScope | 5.1 and higher | |
SaferiCompareTokenLevels | 5.1 and higher | |
SaferiIsDllAllowed | 6.1 and higher | |
SaferiIsExecutableFileType | 5.1 and higher | documented |
SaferiPopulateDefaultsInRegistry | 5.1 and higher | |
SaferiRecordEventLogEntry | 5.1 and higher | |
SaferiRegisterExtensionDll (1000) | 6.1 and higher | |
SaferiReplaceProcessThreadTokens | 5.1 to 6.0 | |
SaferiSearchMatchingHashRules | 5.1 and higher | |
SetAccessRightsA | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
SetAccessRightsW | 4.0 before Windows NT 4.0 SP4 (NT only) | |
SetAclInformation | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetEncryptedFileMetadata | 6.0 and higher | |
SetEntriesInAccessListA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
SetEntriesInAccessListW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
SetEntriesInAclA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
SetEntriesInAclW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
SetEntriesInAuditListA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
SetEntriesInAuditListW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
SetFileSecurityA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetFileSecurityW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetInformationCodeAuthzLevelW | 5.1 and higher | |
SetInformationCodeAuthzPolicyW | 5.1 and higher | |
SetKernelObjectSecurity | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetNamedSecurityInfoA | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
SetNamedSecurityInfoExA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
SetNamedSecurityInfoExW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
SetNamedSecurityInfoW | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
SetPrivateObjectSecurity | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetPrivateObjectSecurityEx | 5.0 and higher | documented |
SetSecurityAccessMask | 6.0 and higher | documented |
SetSecurityDescriptorControl | 5.0 and higher | documented |
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetSecurityDescriptorGroup | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetSecurityDescriptorOwner | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl | 5.0 and higher | documented |
SetSecurityDescriptorSacl | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetSecurityInfo | 4.0 and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
documented |
SetSecurityInfoExA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
SetSecurityInfoExW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
SetServiceBits | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetServiceObjectSecurity | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetServiceStatus | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetThreadToken | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetTokenInformation | 3.51 and higher | documented |
SetTraceCallback | 5.0 and higher | documented |
SetUserFileEncryptionKey | 5.0 and higher | documented |
SetUserFileEncryptionKeyEx | 6.0 and higher | |
StartServiceA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA | 3.51 and higher | documented |
StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
StartServiceW | 3.51 and higher | documented |
StartTraceA | 5.0 and higher | documented |
StartTraceW | 5.0 and higher | documented |
StopTraceA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
StopTraceW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
SynchronizeWindows31FilesAndWindowsNTRegistry | 3.51 to 5.1 (NT only) | |
SystemFunction001 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction002 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction003 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction004 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction005 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction006 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction007 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction008 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction009 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction010 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction011 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction012 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction013 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction014 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction015 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction016 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction017 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction018 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction019 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction020 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction021 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction022 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction023 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction024 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction025 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction026 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction027 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction028 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction029 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction030 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction031 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction032 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction033 | 3.51 and higher (NT only) | |
SystemFunction034 | 5.0 and higher | |
SystemFunction035 | 5.0 and higher | |
SystemFunction036 | 5.1 and higher | documented |
SystemFunction040 | 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP2, and higher | documented |
SystemFunction041 | 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP2, and higher | documented |
TraceEvent | 5.0 and higher | documented |
TraceEventInstance | 5.0 and higher | documented |
TraceMessage | 5.1 and higher | documented |
TraceMessageVa | 5.1 and higher | documented |
TraceQueryInformation | 6.2 and higher | |
TraceSetInformation | 6.1 and higher | documented |
TreeResetNamedSecurityInfoA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
TreeResetNamedSecurityInfoW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
TreeSetNamedSecurityInfoA | 6.0 and higher | documented |
TreeSetNamedSecurityInfoW | 6.0 and higher | documented |
TrusteeAccessToObjectA | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
TrusteeAccessToObjectW | 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT); 4.80 and higher (Windows) |
UninstallApplication | 5.0 and higher | documented |
UnlockServiceDatabase | 3.51 and higher | documented |
UnregisterIdleTask | 5.1 and higher | |
UnregisterTraceGuids | 5.0 and higher | documented |
UpdateTraceA | 5.1 and higher | documented |
UpdateTraceW | 5.1 and higher | documented |
UsePinForEncryptedFilesA | 6.0 and higher | |
UsePinForEncryptedFilesW | 6.0 and higher | |
WaitServiceState | 6.2 and higher | |
WdmWmiServiceMain | 5.1 and 5.2 only | |
WmiCloseBlock | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiCloseTraceWithCursor | 5.1 from Windows XP SP1 to 5.2 | |
WmiConvertTimestamp | 5.1 from Windows XP SP1 to 5.2 | |
WmiDevInstToInstanceNameA | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiDevInstToInstanceNameW | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiEnumerateGuids | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiExecuteMethodA | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiExecuteMethodW | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiFileHandleToInstanceNameA | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiFileHandleToInstanceNameW | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiFreeBuffer | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiGetFirstTraceOffset | 5.1 and 5.2 only | |
WmiGetNextEvent | 5.1 from Windows XP SP1 to 5.2 | |
WmiGetTraceHeader | 5.1 and 5.2 only | |
WmiMofEnumerateResourcesA | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiMofEnumerateResourcesW | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiNotificationRegistrationA | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiNotificationRegistrationW | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiOpenBlock | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiOpenTraceWithCursor | 5.1 from Windows XP SP1 to 5.2 | |
WmiParseTraceEvent | 5.1 and 5.2 only | |
WmiQueryAllDataA | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiQueryAllDataMultipleA | 5.1 and higher | |
WmiQueryAllDataMultipleW | 5.1 and higher | |
WmiQueryAllDataW | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiQueryGuidInformation | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiQuerySingleInstanceA | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiQuerySingleInstanceMultipleA | 5.1 and higher | |
WmiQuerySingleInstanceMultipleW | 5.1 and higher | |
WmiQuerySingleInstanceW | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiReceiveNotificationsA | 5.1 and higher | |
WmiReceiveNotificationsW | 5.1 and higher | |
WmiSetSingleInstanceA | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiSetSingleInstanceW | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiSetSingleItemA | 5.0 and higher | |
WmiSetSingleItemW | 5.0 and higher | |
Wow64Win32ApiEntry | 5.1 to 6.0 | |
WriteEncryptedFileRaw | 5.0 and higher |