Waiting for Multiple Processes to End

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This is how you would wait for multiple processes to be completed before continuing.

echo Waiting for applications to finish installing…
:: adds timing to the app installs
ping -n 30>nul
start /b /wait /LOW c:\windows\system32\TASKLIST.exe /FI “IMAGENAME eq app1.exe” | find /i “app1.exe” && (goto :WAIT)

start /b /wait /LOW c:\windows\system32\TASKLIST.exe /FI “IMAGENAME eq setup1.exe” | find /i “setup1.exe” && (goto :WAIT)

start /b /wait /LOW c:\windows\system32\TASKLIST.exe /FI “IMAGENAME eq cmd.exe” | find /i “cmd.exe” && (goto :WAIT)

start /b /wait /LOW c:\windows\system32\TASKLIST.exe /FI “IMAGENAME eq install.exe” | find /i “install.exe” && (goto :WAIT)

goto :NEXT

echo Do other stuff here