Windows – Uninstall Windows Update

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Method #1 Using WUSA Command

Step 1

1. Click on Start menu, click on Run.

2. In Run type as cmd.exe with elevated privileges, and type

wusa /uninstall /kb:{update ID}


wusa /uninstall /kb:2841134

Step 2

1. Download update from the Microsoft Updates Catalog to any folder, like C:\temp1

2. Run cmd.exe with elevated privileges, and type

wusa /uninstall {full hotfix name}


wusa /uninstall C:\Temp\Windows6.1-KB2841134.msu


Method #2 Using PKGMGR COMMAND

1. Download update from the Microsoft Updates Catalog to any folder, like C:\temp1

2. Run cmd.exe with elevated privileges.

3. Unpack update by using command prompt.

expand -f:*{update name}.msu {destination folder}


To unpack update Windows6.1-KB2841134.msu to C:\temp2, which is stored in C:\temp1

expand -f:* C:\temp1\Windows6.1-KB2841134-x86.msu C:\temp2


4. Choose a folder for temporary processing, like C:\process1

5. Uninstall update with the following command

start /w pkgmgr /m:{full hotfix name}.cab /up /s:C:\process1


start /w pkgmgr /m:C:\temp2\ /up /s:C:\process1


Method #3 Using DISM.exe

Step 1

Export installed updates to text file

dism /online /get-packages /format:table > output.txt

Step 2

Identify KB in the text file


Step 3

Run command to uninstall

DISM.exe /Online /Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB4057247~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~16299.96.1.3 /quiet /norestart

