This is a SQL query written in PowerShell. It connects to the SCCM DB and returns Custom_Data for C and D drives.
#import-module sqlps #Install-Module -Name SqlServer -AllowClobber #Update-Module -Name SqlServer Clear-Host [string] $Server= "SCCM_Server\SQL_Instance" [string] $Database = "CM_SITENAME" # C Drive Query [string] $SQLQuery1 = $("SELECT [Bitlocker_C_Drive00] FROM [dbo].[Custom_Custom_DATA] WHERE MachineID='$ResourceID'") # D Drive Query [string] $SQLQuery2 = $("SELECT [Bitlocker_D_Drive00] FROM [dbo].[Custom_Custom_DATA] WHERE MachineID='$ResourceID'") # Not used at this time - no need to use this if connecting in authorized security context #[string] $user = "username" #[string] $pwd = "LetMeIn99$" $Connection = New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection $dt = new-object "System.Data.DataTable" $Connection.ConnectionString = "server='$Server';database='$Database';trusted_connection=true;" #$Connection.ConnectionString = "server='$Server';uid=$user;pwd=$pwd;database='$Database';trusted_connection=true;" $Connection.Open() # C Drive $cmd1 = $Connection.CreateCommand() $cmd1.CommandText = $SQLQuery1 $data1 = $cmd1.ExecuteReader() $dt.Load($data1) $CDrive = $dt | foreach { $_.Bitlocker_C_Drive00 } $CDrive # D Drive $cmd2 = $Connection.CreateCommand() $cmd2.CommandText = $SQLQuery2 $data2 = $cmd2.ExecuteReader() $dt.Load($data2) $DDrive = $dt | foreach { $_.Bitlocker_D_Drive00 } $DDrive # Close Connection $Connection.Close()