What does this allow me to do?
I can have a system partition, data partition, and a recovery partition…plus a hidden partition reserved for the system. Adding this to your startnet.cmd file will automate the partitioning; and as you can see with imagex.exe, it will restore the Recovery partition, and then restore the System partition. Basically, this is an automated script to rebuild a machine with multiple partitions. My particular WIM file also creates a Refresh option on the boot menu, which will allow users to automatically refresh their System partition without affecting their Data partition.
To be added to startnet.cmd in your boot.wim
if exist c:\recovery.wim set MyDrv=c if exist d:\recovery.wim set MyDrv=d if exist e:\recovery.wim set MyDrv=e if exist f:\recovery.wim set MyDrv=f if exist g:\recovery.wim set MyDrv=g if exist h:\recovery.wim set MyDrv=h if exist i:\recovery.wim set MyDrv=i if exist j:\recovery.wim set MyDrv=j if exist k:\recovery.wim set MyDrv=k if exist l:\recovery.wim set MyDrv=l diskpart /s %MyDrv%:\diskpart.txt %MyDrv%:\imagex /apply %MyDrv%:\recovery.wim 1 n:\ %MyDrv%:\imagex /apply n:\boot\wim\image.wim 1 m:\ bcdboot m:\windows /s s: bootsect /nt60 s:
the diskpart.txt file
Select disk 0
Create partition primary size=100
Select partition 1
Format fs=ntfs label=”System Reserved” quick
assign letter=s
Create partition primary size=100000
select partition 2
Format fs=ntfs quick
assign letter=m
Create partition primary size=49000
select partition 3
Format fs=ntfs label=”Recovery” quick
assign letter=n
Create partition extended
select partition 0
Create partition logical size=100000
select partition 4
Format fs=ntfs label=”Data” quick
Select partition 1