Microsoft PowerToys is a set of freeware system utilities designed for power users developed by Microsoft for use on the Windows operating system. These programs add or change features to maximize productivity or add more customization. For example, the latest PowerToys can display hotkey shortcuts (great for power users), and help you arrange Window layouts (great for developers). more…
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) choco install powertoys
Return Hotkeys: Hold down Win Key
Access Settings: Down by the clock > select PowerToys in the icon notification area
Control Window layouts: Press Win key + tilde
Bulk Rename
In order to use PowerToys, you’ll need to be running Windows 1803 (build 17134) or higher.
0.14.1 Update
This is patch release to fix a regression introduced in 0.14.0.
It also includes one fix for FancyZones to not interfere with full screen applications.
0.14.0 Update
- Removed legacy editor (along with the settings option to choose between the legacy editor and the new editor).
- Added a settings to disable FancyZones for user defined list of applications.
- The editor now opens highlighting the current active layout.
- Show the correct keyboard key for the editor shortcut (with some limitations due to the WebView control).
Bug fixes:
- Fixed the FancyZones bug that was stealing the number keys (mostly happening when dragging Chrome tabs).
- Fixed a DPI scaling bug in the FancyZones editor that was causing the zones to be placed in the wrong position on the screen.
- Fixed bug preventing several apps from working with FancyZones (there are still some cases, like remote apps, that may not work).
- The dialog can be resized (still need to finished the work to handle DPI changes when moving the dialog between screen with different scaling %).
- Added settings to restore search and replace flags value from previous run.
- Added settings to enable autocomplete and auto-suggest.
Bug fixes:
- Improved RegEx replace result.
- Fix bug preventing sub-folder items to be renamed if parent folder is also renamed.
Other bug fixes
- fixed a bug in the runner that was causing the tray icon to not appear.
- minor UI tweaks to the Settings appearance (icons position and margins, module’s description text and documentation links position and margins).
- fixed a crash in the Shortcut Guide.
tags: PowerToys MSI, PowerToys information, MrNetTek