'characters to hex mymessage1 = "Hello World" mykey1 = "supersecret" strR="" strQ="" toHex mymessage1 msgbox mymessage1 & " = " & trim(strR) mymessagetohex1 = trim(strR) mymessage1 = trim(mymessage1) strR="" strQ="" toHex mykey1 msgbox mykey1 & " = " & trim(strR) mykeytohex1 = trim(strR) mykey1 = trim(mykey1) function toHex(x) if x <> "" then strQ= Left(x,1) strQ= Asc(strQ) strQ= Hex(strQ) strR=strR & strQ & ""'add space here toHex mid(x,2) else trim(strR) end if end function Dim myKeycode : myKeycode = mykey1 Dim myEncryptedText, myDecryptedText XOREncrypt mymessage1 msgbox "ciphertext = " & myEncryptedText XORDecrypt myEncryptedText msgbox "decrypted text = " & myDecryptedText Function XOREncrypt(byVal plaintext) ' Declare necessary vars Dim xorValue1, xorValue2, i Dim hexVal For i = 1 To Len(plaintext) xorValue1 = Asc(Mid(plaintext, i, 1)) 'msgbox "plaintext: " & xorValue1 & " location: " & i xorValue2 = Asc(Mid(myKeycode, (i Mod LEN(myKeycode) + 1), 1)) 'msgbox "my key: " & xorValue2 & " location: " & i hexVal = Hex(xorValue1 Xor xorValue2) If Len(hexVal) = 1 Then hexVal = "0" & hexVal myEncryptedText = myEncryptedText & hexVal Next XOREncrypt = myEncryptedText End Function function XORDecrypt(byval myEncryptedText) ' Declare necessary vars Dim xorValue1, xorValue2, i For i = 1 To (Len(myEncryptedText) / 2) xorValue1 = CInt("&H" & (Mid(myEncryptedText, (2 * i) - 1, 2))) xorValue2 = Asc(Mid(myKeycode, CInt(((i Mod Len(myKeycode)) + 1)), 1)) myDecryptedText = myDecryptedText + Chr(xorValue1 Xor xorValue2) Next XORDecrypt = myDecryptedText End function WScript.Quit(0)