Archive - November 2012

"Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need." - Voltaire

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Silent Installation
Installing Media Player
Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Silent Installation
Quicktime Silent Installation
Remotely Set Permissions
Uninstall Old VLC
Display Computer Status - GUI PowerShell
SNMP Script Engine
Using Imagew.exe
Simple WinPE Boot.wim Editing
A required privilege is not held by the client.


Δ Friday, November 30th, 2012

Δ Adobe Photoshop CS5 Silent Installation

How to install photoshop silently - not using adobe admin tool

[download resource files]



So, everyone knows how difficult deploying Photoshop to your enterprise can be.  It really
makes me wonder what the heck is Adobe thinking.  I like how their admin tool never
works right for their CS products.  Okay, for CS5, and not using the admin tool, here is
the deployment solution that works.  I use their .XML file with the override.xml
(contains your custom settings).

Δ  [email me]


Δ Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

Δ Installing Media Player

How to install media player silently

[download resource files]

This is just a simple command that can be added to your scripts.

Δ  [email me]


Δ Monday, November 26th, 2012

Δ Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Silent Installation

How to install the latest adobe pro using a transform file

[download resource files]

Step 1 - Download/install CustWiz11000_en_US.exe.
Step 2 - Create a custom mst with all your settings.
Step 3 - Create your own simple script for installation.

Δ  [email me]


Δ Friday, November 23rd, 2012

Δ Quicktime Silent Installation

How to install apple quicktime silently

[download resource files]

You can download the main install from Apple.  Click it to begin installation. STOP.  Go look in
the %temp% folder to retrieve the individual MSIs you see in the script below.

Δ  [email me]


Δ Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

Δ Remotely Set Permissions

How to remotely apply permissions using cacls and xcacls

[download resource files]

This task came to me because we had many machines in the enterprise that needed one
particular folder's permissions modified.  Depending on whether you're running this from
a XP or Win7 machine...
you may have to make minor adjustments to the script.  But,
this was tested and working from WinXP.

Δ  [email me]


Δ Monday, November 19th, 2012

Δ Uninstall Old VLC

How to uninstall an older version of vlc

[download resource files]

Simple script to that shows you how to use the vlc uninstall.exe and GUID to remove VLC.

Δ  [email me]


Δ Thursday, November 15th, 2012

Δ Display Computer Status in GUI using PowerShell

How to use powershell to create a gui and return info

[download resource files]

PowerShell isn't known for its GUIs just yet.  But this allows you to see the returned computer
info in a GUI window.  Pretty nice.  Don't forget to Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.

Δ  [email me]


Δ Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Δ SNMP Script Engine

How to apply your snmp package to a list of computers

[download resource files]

This is yet another one of my script engines.  It was created to deploy the snmp package that updates snmp
information on servers.

Δ  [email me]


Δ Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Δ Using Imagew.exe

How to use imagew in your imaging

See this document link.

ImageW is a 32/64 bit imaging tool from Terabyte Unlimited licensed through Landesk.
ImageW is a program for creating and restoring images of partitions or disks. Under the
licensing through Landesk, it can be used both within Landesk or outside of Landesk and
is therefor a great alternative to Norton Ghost.

vendor site    manual    at Landesk

Δ  [email me]


Δ Moday, November 5th, 2012

Δ Simple WinPE Boot.wim Editing

How to make the winpe/boot.wim process easier



Using WinPE hard?  Too hard to understand?  Not anymore.  I have streamlined the process
putting the steps into scripts.  If you need any help, just email me.

mySetupFiles.exe - c:\imaging files from WAIK

Δ  [email me]


Δ Friday, November 2nd, 2012

Δ A required privilege is not held by the client.

How to fix the inability to mount wims

boot wim mount error   fix


OK, so it looks like MDT is having trouble mounting the Window PE image from the WAIK.
MDT using ImageX to do this, so I figure this was a good place to start.  Or, you're just having
trouble mounting the WIM in general.

Opening the Command Prompt and attempting to mount an image using ImageX.

I used the following command:

ImageX.exe /mount ..\PETools\x86\winpe.wim 1 c:\Mount

As you can see (from the image above), the results weren’t fantastic, ImageX was unable to mount and
WIM file, reporting this error:

A required privilege is not held by the client.

Δ  [email me]


Δ Thursday, November 1st, 2012

Δ PMDump

How to use pmdump

[download resource files]

Automating PMDump with VBScript "PMDump is a tool that let's you dump the memory contents
of a process to a file without stopping the process." By taking a snapshot of a running process,
PMDump allows us to evaluate the memory contents of any particular process. This becomes
especially useful when dealing with malware or code that injects itself into a running process
rather than creating filesystem residue. If little is known about the machine it's probably best
to grab all the volatile information that you can. In this case dumping all PIDs. PMDump has
the ability to display running processes and to dump a single a PID, so in order to this we turn
to scripting. I'm using VBScript only because of how widespread it is. Modifying what's installed
on the box simply isn't an option when performing a live response. Depending on your
environment, a language like Perl, Ruby, or Python might be better suited.

So let's automate!

computer = "."
Set shell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:
\\" & computer & "\root\cimv2")
set processes = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_Process")
for each process In processes
if process.ProcessID > 4 then
WScript.Echo "Dumping : " & process.ProcessID & " - "& process.Name
shell.Run "pmdump.exe " & process.ProcessID & " " & process.Name & "-" & process.ProcessID & ".dump",0,True
end if

WScript.Echo "Dump Complete!"

The script is pretty straight forward. It loops through the PID's and runs PMDump on each one.
The result is a directory full of .dump files.

To run the code remember that you can invoke the scripting engine with cscript. If all goes well,
the results will get echoed to STDOUT and look something like this.

Microsoft (R) Windows
Script Host Version 5.6

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
Dumping : 1424 - csrss.exe
Dumping : 1452 - winlogon.exe
Dumping : 1496 - services.exe
Dumping : 1508 - lsass.exe
Dumping : 1664 - svchost.exe
Dumping : 1756 - svchost.exe
Dumping : 1808 - svchost.exe
Dumping : 1876 - svchost.exe......Dump Complete!

Δ  [email me]




   I'm a Computer
   Systems Engineer

   Living and Loving Life

