Add App to Firewall

Win XP

@echo OFF
netsh firewall add allowedprogram “c:\\program files\\Skype.exe” skype enable >nul
netsh firewall add portopening tcp 139 “File And printer Sharing” >nul
netsh firewall add portopening tcp 445 “File And printer Sharing” >nul
netsh firewall add portopening tcp 137 “File And printer Sharing” >nul
netsh firewall add portopening tcp 138 “File And printer Sharing” >nul
netsh firewall add portopening tcp 5900 vnc5900 >nul
netsh firewall add portopening tcp 5800 vnc5800 >nul
netsh firewall add allowedprogram “C:\\Program Files\\UltraVNC\\winvnc.exe” winvnc.exe >nul
netsh firewall add allowedprogram “C:\\Program Files\\UltraVNC\\vncviewer.exe” vncviewer.exe >nul
Echo Done!


Win 7

@echo off
:: This command demonstrates the use of a whitelist.
:: All of the IP addresses we want to grant access to are explicitly listed.

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name=”TEST – allow incoming” dir=in new name=”TEST – allow incoming” dir=in action=allow program=”C:\This is a test\Test.exe” remoteip=,,,

:: This command demonstrates the use of a blacklist.
:: All of the IP addresses we want to grant access to are explicitly not listed.
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name=”TEST – block outgoing” dir=out new name=”TEST – block outgoing” dir=out action=block program=”C:\This is a test\Test.exe” remoteip=,,,,

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