Fink is a project that wants to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X. As a result, we have two main goals. First, to modify existing Open Source software so that it will compile and run on Mac OS X. (This process is called porting.) Second, to make the results available to casual users as a coherent, comfortable distribution that matches what Linux users are used to. (This process is called packaging.) The project offers precompiled binary packages as well as a fully automated build-from-source system.
This is how you install Fink on a Mac:
Step 1 – Install Java JDK
Step 2 – Install Xcode command-line tools
xcode-select --install
Step 3 – Save and Run helper script (script.tool)
#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2155 # shellcheck disable=SC2164 # shellcheck disable=SC1091 # shellcheck disable=SC1117 # Config OSXVersion="$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -f -2 -d .)" DarwinVersion="$(uname -r | cut -d. -f1)" XcodeURL="macappstore://" Jvers="1.6" FinkVersion="0.45.0" FinkMD5Sum="43b36011a3c744e20a2591044df4cf02" FinkOutDir="fink" FinkDirectorY="${FinkOutDir}-${FinkVersion}" FinkFileName="${FinkDirectorY}.tar.gz" FinkSourceDLP="${FinkFileName}" XQuartzVersion="2.7.11" XQuartzMD5Sum="8e9dbfe2717c8d74c262b3a963597898" XQuartzPKGPath="XQuartz.pkg" XQuartzFileName="XQuartz-${XQuartzVersion}.dmg" XQuartzSourceDLP="${XQuartzFileName}" function fetchBin { local MD5Sum="$1" local SourceDLP="$2" local FileName="$3" local DirectorY="$4" local OutDir="$5" # Checks if [[ -d "${OutDir}" ]] && [[ -f "${FileName}" ]]; then # Check to make sure we have the right file local MD5SumLoc="$(cat "${OutDir}/.MD5SumLoc" 2>/dev/null || echo "")" if [ "${MD5SumLoc}" != "${MD5Sum}" ]; then echo "warning: Cached file is outdated or incorrect, removing" >&2 rm -fR "${DirectorY}" "${OutDir}" MD5SumFle="$(md5 -q "${FileName}")" if [ "${MD5SumFle}" != "${MD5Sum}" ]; then rm -fR "${FileName}" fi else # Do not do more work then we have to echo "${OutDir} already exists, skipping" >&2 return fi elif [[ -f "${FileName}" ]]; then MD5SumFle="$(md5 -q "${FileName}")" if [ "${MD5SumFle}" != "${MD5Sum}" ]; then rm -fR "${FileName}" fi fi # Fetch if [ ! -r "${FileName}" ]; then echo "Fetching ${SourceDLP}" if ! curl -Lfo "${FileName}" --connect-timeout "30" "${SourceDLP}"; then echo "error: Unable to fetch ${SourceDLP}" >&2 exit 1 fi else echo "${FileName} already exists, skipping" >&2 fi # Check our sums local MD5SumLoc="$(md5 -q "${FileName}")" if [ -z "${MD5SumLoc}" ]; then echo "error: Unable to compute md5 for ${FileName}" >&2 exit 1 elif [ "${MD5SumLoc}" != "${MD5Sum}" ]; then echo "error: MD5 does not match for ${FileName}" >&2 exit 1 fi # Unpack local ExtensioN="${FileName##*.}" if [[ "${ExtensioN}" = "gz" ]] || [[ "${ExtensioN}" = "tgz" ]]; then if ! tar -zxf "${FileName}"; then echo "error: Unpacking ${FileName} failed" >&2 exit 1 fi elif [ "${ExtensioN}" = "bz2" ]; then if ! tar -jxf "${FileName}"; then echo "error: Unpacking ${FileName} failed" >&2 exit 1 fi elif [ "${ExtensioN}" = "dmg" ]; then return else echo "error: Unable to unpack ${FileName}" >&2 exit 1 fi # Save the sum echo "${MD5SumLoc}" > "${DirectorY}/.MD5SumLoc" # Move if [ ! -d "${DirectorY}" ]; then echo "error: Can't find ${DirectorY} to rename" >&2 exit 1 else mv "${DirectorY}" "${OutDir}" fi } # Make sure we are in the right place cd "${HOME}/Downloads" # Version check if [[ "${DarwinVersion}" -lt "13" ]]; then echo "This script is for use on OS 10.9+ only." exit 1 fi # Intro Explanation cat > "/dev/stderr" << EOF This script will automate the installation of fink, its prerequisets and help out a bit with initial setup; to do this an internet connection is required. Before fink can be installed you need to have java, the Command Line Tools, XQuartz and accepted the xcode licence. Additionally you may wish to install the full Xcode app. After this script detects one of these requirements to be missing it will attempt to install it for you; in most cases this will mean the script will exit while it waits for the install to finish. After an install has completed just run this script again and it will pick up where it left off. EOF # Handle existing installs if [ -d "/sw" ]; then FinkExisting="1" cat > "/dev/stderr" << EOF It looks like you already have fink installed; if it did not finish or you are upgrading we will move it aside to /sw.old so you can delete it later if you like; otherwise you may want to exit. EOF fi if ! read -n1 -rsp $'Press any key to continue or ctrl+c to exit.\n'; then exit 1 fi if [ "${FinkExisting}" = "1" ]; then if ! sudo mv /sw /sw.old; then clear cat > "/dev/stderr" << EOF Could not move /sw to /sw.old; you may need to delete one or both these yourself. EOF exit 1 fi fi # Check for Xcode clear echo "Checking to see if xcode is installed..." >&2 XcodePath="$(mdfind kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier = "")" if [ ! -z "${XcodePath}" ]; then echo "Xcode is installed, setting up the defaults..." >&2 sudo xcode-select -switch "${XcodePath}/Contents/Developer" else echo "You do not have Xcode installed." >&2 read -rp $'Do you want to install xcode?\n[N|y] ' choice if [[ "${choice}" = "y" ]] || [[ "${choice}" = "Y" ]]; then open "${XcodeURL}" exit 0 fi fi # Check for java clear echo "Checking for Java..." >&2 if ! /usr/libexec/java_home -Fv "${Jvers}+"; then java -version > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Please install the JDK not the JRE, since we need it to build things against; please rerun this script when it finishes installing." >&2 exit 0 fi echo "Found version $(java -version > /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'version' | sed -e 's:java version ::' -e 's:"::g')." >&2 # Check for Command Line Tools clear echo "Checking for the Xcode Command Line Tools..." >&2 if ! pkgutil; then echo "The Xcode Command Line Tools are installing, please rerun when it finishes." >&2 xcode-select --install exit 0 fi # Check for XQuartz clear echo "Checking for XQuartz..." >&2 if ! pkgutil --pkg-info=org.macosforge.xquartz.pkg; then echo "XQuartz is not installed, fetching..." >&2 fetchBin "${XQuartzMD5Sum}" "${XQuartzSourceDLP}" "${XQuartzFileName}" "-" "-" echo "Mounting the XQuartz disk..." >&2 hdiutilOut="$(hdiutil mount "${XQuartzFileName}" 2>/dev/null | tr -d "\t" | grep -F '/dev/disk' | grep -Fv 'GUID_partition_scheme')" XQuartzVolPath="$(echo "${hdiutilOut}" | sed -E 's:(/dev/disk[0-9])(s[0-9])?( +)?(Apple_HFS)?( +)::')" echo "Starting the XQuartz install; please rerun this script when it finishes." >&2 open "${XQuartzVolPath}/${XQuartzPKGPath}" exit 0 fi # Check the xcode licence if [[ ! -f /Library/Preferences/ ]] && [[ ! -z "${XcodePath}" ]]; then choice="" while [[ ! "${choice}" = "1" ]] || [[ ! "${choice}" = "2" ]] || [[ ! "${choice}" = "3" ]]; do clear cat > "/dev/stderr" << EOF You need to accept the xcode licence to continue. You can: [1] Read the licence and accept it. (Default) [2] Accept the licence without reading it. [3] Quit. EOF read -rp $'[1|2|3] ' choice if [ -z "${choice}" ]; then choice="1" fi case "${choice}" in 1) sudo xcodebuild -license ;; 2) sudo xcodebuild -license accept ;; 3) exit 0 ;; *) echo "Not a valid choice." >&2 ;; esac done fi # Get Fink clear echo "Fetching Fink..." >&2 fetchBin "${FinkMD5Sum}" "${FinkSourceDLP}" "${FinkFileName}" "${FinkDirectorY}" "${FinkOutDir}" # clear # read -rp $'Do you want to use the binary distribution instead of having to build all packages locally?\n[Y|n] ' choice # if [[ "${choice}" = "y" ]] || [[ "${choice}" = "Y" ]] || [[ -z "${choice}" ]]; then # UseBinaryDist="1" # fi # Build Fink clear cat > "/dev/stderr" << EOF We are about to start building Fink; this may take a bit, so feel free to grab a cup of you favorite beverage while you wait. EOF if ! read -n1 -rsp $'Press any key to continue or ctrl+c to exit.\n'; then exit 1 fi clear cd "${FinkOutDir}" if ! ./bootstrap /sw; then exit 1 fi # Set up bindist # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "${UseBinaryDist}" = "1" ]; then clear echo "Activating the Binary Distribution..." >&2 sudo rm /sw/etc/fink.conf.bak sudo mv /sw/etc/fink.conf /sw/etc/fink.conf.bak sed -e 's|UseBinaryDist: false|UseBinaryDist: true|' "/sw/etc/fink.conf.bak" | sudo tee "/sw/etc/fink.conf" if grep -Fqx '' "/sw/etc/apt/sources.list"; then # Fix wrong address. sudo rm "/sw/etc/apt/sources.list.finkbak" sudo mv "/sw/etc/apt/sources.list" "/sw/etc/apt/sources.list.finkbak" sed -e '' "/sw/etc/apt/sources.list.finkbak" | sudo tee "/sw/etc/apt/sources.list" elif ! grep -Fqx '' "/sw/etc/apt/sources.list"; then sudo tee -a "/sw/etc/apt/sources.list" << EOF # Official bindist see for details. deb${OSXVersion} stable main EOF fi fi # Set up paths clear echo "Setting up Fink paths..." >&2 /sw/bin/ # First selfupdate source /sw/bin/ clear cat > "/dev/stderr" << EOF Now the last thing we will do is run 'fink selfupdate' for the first time. It will ask you to choose a method; unless you have a really picky firewall you probaly want to choose rsync. EOF if ! read -n1 -rsp $'Press any key to continue or ctrl+c to exit.\n'; then exit 1 fi fink selfupdate exit 0
tags: MrNetTek