creating a scripted package for Macs…
Initiating and completing the SCCM Agent install and Mac PKI enrollment process is nowhere as easy as it should be. Microsoft has went out of its way to force you to manually enter a password for PKI enrollment (older installs, it wasn’t necessary); not great if you’re trying to automate the installation.
I have the whole process working. I thought I would share my scripts and notes here. Maybe they will be helpful; maybe you can even improve the process.
#1 For the Mac SCCM Agent, download the CM DMG from MS, and extract the contents to a folder on a Mac (we’ll be using the contents of that folder to create a single package for deployment).
#2 Make changes and save this script as into the folder you created.
#!/bin/bash ## Eddie Jackson ## 05-31-2018 ## Version 1.0 ## ## Script to install SCCM Agent and launch enrollment script Clear ## set current directory DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[]}" )" && pwd) ## change directory cd ${DIR} ## ADD ROOT CERT -- not really necessary if the DMZ is set up properly ## security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain root-CA.cer ## INSTALL SCCM AGENT sudo ./ccmsetup ## PKI SERVER server_address="" ## PKI ACCOUNT NAME sccmusername=Domain\\UserName ## Now hand off to the expect script to perform the enrollment sudo ./ $server_address $sccmusername ## DIALOG BOX FUNCTION function msgBox() { osascript << EOT tell app "System Events" display dialog "$1" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon 1 with title "Software Updates" ## icon 0=stop,icon 1=software,icon 2=caution return -- Suppress result end tell EOT } msgBox "Software has been installed. Please restart your computer!" exit 0
#3 Make changes and save this script as into the same folder.
#!/usr/bin/expect ## Eddie Jackson ## 05-31-2018 ## Version 1.0 ## IMPORT VARIABLES FROM THE SCCM SCRIPT set server_address [lindex $argv 0]; # Get the Server Address from the sccm_enrollment script set sccmusername [lindex $argv 1]; # Get the sccmuser name form the sccm_enrollment script # SET TIMEOUT set timeout 20 ## RUN SCRIPT spawn ./Tools/CMEnroll -s $server_address -ignorecertchainvalidation -u $sccmusername expect "Please enter your password." # remember, a complex password may require the backward slash as an escape character # you could pass this from the sccm script, but with special characters, it fails often # PASSWORD HERE send X\(IcAnDoIT\! send \n expect "Successfully enrolled" interact unset sccmusername unset server_address exit 0
#4 If your company requires package branding and/or logging, make sure those are completed before continuing.
#5 Now, using Packages from WhiteBox, create a Distribution package.
#6 Add the extracted files and folders from the SCCM Agent DMG, and the two scripts above, into the Additional Resources under the Scripts tab.
#7 Set the script as the Pre-installation script.
#8 Build and Run.
#9 If that works, deploy that package from desktop management software. Note, when deploying from management software, you should not see any Mac GUI setup.