Using PowerShell, this performs an upgrade to current VPN software (Pulse, in my case). It detects if user is on VPN, notifies them to disconnect, disconnects from VPN, and then upgrades the VPN software.
$VPNStatus = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter where (Name like '%Juniper%') and NetEnabled='True'" $VPNStatus = [bool]$VPNStatus $PackagePath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $dir = Split-Path $PackagePath #$dir = "C:\SpecificPath" $ErrorActionPreference= 'silentlycontinue' clear-host if ($VPNStatus) { # timer for splash Start-Process "$dir\TimerX.exe" # kill existing process Stop-Process -Name "mshta" -Force Start-Sleep -s 2 # launch splash - wait for user to close splash Start-Process "$dir\splash.hta" -Wait # terminate VPN Stop-Process -Name "Pulse" -Force Stop-Process -Name "PulseSecureService" -Force # launch animation Start-Process "$dir\animation.hta" # begin install - install with shared install enabled Start-Process $dir\Install.exe -ArgumentList "/I $dir\setup64.msi /qn" Start-Sleep -s 10 # wait for install to complete Get-Process -Name Install -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Wait-Process # helper process populates Pulse app with connections Start-Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pulse Secure\Pulse\PulseHelper.exe" # kill splash timer Stop-Process -Name "timer" -Force [Environment]::Exit(0) } else { # no splash # begin install - install with shared install enabled Start-Process $dir\Install.exe -ArgumentList "/I $dir\setup64.msi /qn" # wait for install to complete Get-Process -Name Install -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Wait-Process [Environment]::Exit(0) } [Environment]::Exit(1)
Install.exe = msiexec.exe. I copy and use it in the package to differentiate the MSI installer in task manager, and other monitoring utilities. I normally do the same for mshta.exe as well.
For Shared Install, see Pulse Disconnecting Users – Shared Install
tags: MrNetTek