Citrix Workspace – (1909)

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A new Citrix Workspace client is available here:



124 MB

Silent Install

setup.exe /forceinstall /silent STORE0=”Store;;Store”

Install Location (115 Folders, 945 Files, 344 MB)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix

view contents: installed files  more info

Silent Uninstall

setup.exe /silent /uninstall

“C:\ProgramData\Citrix\Citrix Workspace 1909\TrolleyExpress.exe” /uninstall /cleanup





Download Citrix Workspace for Mac

Product Documentation  What’s new

Citrix moves from Receiver to Workspace


Setup EXE Extraction (using 7zip)


view contents: extracted files


Supported Parameters

/help – Displays this usage information

/uninstall – Removes an existing installation

/silent – Suppresses all graphical user interface

/noreboot – Suppresses all reboots and reboot prompts

/preview – Displays preview of changes without altering the machine

/extract <folder> – Extract self-extracting package to an existing folder

/includeSSON – Installs the single sign-on component for domain pass-through logon

/EnableCEIP – Enables (true) or disables (false) the Citrix Customer Improvement Program (CEIP)

/AutoUpdateCheck – Enables automatic update (auto), enables manual update (manual), bans
AutoUpdate (disabled)

/AutoUpdateStream – Specify AutoUpdate stream to be in long term (LTSR) or short term service releases (Current)

/DeferUpdateCount – Specify number of times AutoUpdate can be deferred

MSI property values are supported and must be separated by spaces, e.g.:

Example silent command-line using all defaults:
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /silent

Example command-line specifying multiple options:
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /silent ADDLOCAL=”ReceiverInside,ICA_Client,USB,DesktopViewer,Flash,Vd3d,WebHelper,BrowserEngine” INSTALLDIR=”C:\myfolder” ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CLIENT_NAME=”No” CLIENT_NAME=”my_overrided_name” DEFAULT_NDSCONTEXT=”Context1,Context2″

Example command-line to enable domain pass-through:
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /silent /includeSSON ADDLOCAL=”ReceiverInside,ICA_Client,SSON,USB,DesktopViewer,Flash,Vd3d,WebHelper,BrowserEngine” INSTALLDIR=”C:\myfolder” ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CLIENT_NAME=”No” CLIENT_NAME=”my_overrided_name” DEFAULT_NDSCONTEXT=”Context1,Context2″

Example command-line to Install Single Sign-On server but to disable capture of logon credentials:
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /includesson LOGON_CREDENTIAL_CAPTURE_ENABLE=No [defaults to Yes]

Example command-line to Install Citrix Workspace in NonSelfServiceMode
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe SELFSERVICEMODE=false [defaults to true]

Example command-line to support upgrade from unsupported version to latest version
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /RCU

Example command-line to disable CEIP:
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /EnableCEIP=false [defaults to true]

Example command-line to enable manual update:
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AutoUpdateCheck=manual [defaults to auto]

Example command-line to disable auto update:
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AutoUpdateCheck=disabled

Example command-line to choose long term service release stream:
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AutoUpdateStream=LTSR

Example command-line to choose 2 times AutoUpdate can be deferred:
CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /DeferUpdateCount=2


tags: Citrix automation, Citrix options, MrNetTek