Create your own elevation tool. This is to be compiled.
;#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> ;RUN AS WITH WAIT Elevate() Func Elevate() Local $strUserName = “administrator” Local $strPassword = “mypassword” Local $strDirectory = “C:\Windows\” Local $strFiletoRun = “notepad.exe” ;RunAsWait ( “username”, “domain”, “password”, logon_flag, “program” [, “workingdir” [, show_flag [, opt_flag]]] ) RunAsWait($strUserName, @ComputerName, $strPassword, 0, $strDirectory & $strFiletoRun) ;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, “Title”, “Message”, 5) EndFunc ;OTHER INF ; THIS IS HOW PROFILE/LOGON FLAG IS HANDLED ; $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE (0) – Interactive logon with no profile. ; $RUN_LOGON_PROFILE (1) – Interactive logon with profile. ; $RUN_LOGON_NETWORK (2) – Network credentials only. ; $RUN_LOGON_INHERIT (4) – Inherit the calling process’s environment instead of the user’s environment. ;EXAMPLE ; ; Fill in the username and password appropriate for your system. ; Local $sUserName = “administrator” ; Local $sPassword = “mypassword” ; ;Run a command prompt as the other user. ; RunAsWait($sUserName, @ComputerName, $sPassword, 0, “delprof.exe /Q /I /P /D:1”, “”) ; RunAsWait($sUserName, @ComputerName, $sPassword, 0, “ccleaner.exe /auto”, “”) ; RunAsWait($sUserName, @ComputerName, $sPassword, 0, “JkDefragCmd.exe”, “”) ;ANOTHER EXAMPLE ;RUN AS – NO WAIT, OR WAIT A SPECIFIED TIME ;Example() ;Func Example() ; ; Change the username and password to the appropriate values for your system. ; Local $sUserName = “Username” ; Local $sPassword = “Password” ; ; Run Notepad with the window maximized. Notepad is run under the user previously specified. ; Local $iPID = RunAs($sUserName, @ComputerName, $sPassword, $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE, “notepad.exe”, “”, @SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) ; ; Wait 10 seconds for the Notepad window to appear. ; WinWait(“[CLASS:Notepad]”, “”, 10) ; ; Wait for 2 seconds. ; Sleep(2000) ; ; Close the Notepad process using the PID returned by RunAs. ; ProcessClose($iPID) ;EndFunc ;FULL PARAMETERS ; ‘username’ The username to log on with. ; ‘domain’ The domain to authenticate against. ; ‘password’ The password for the user. ; ‘logon_flag’ ; $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE (0) – Interactive logon with no profile. ; $RUN_LOGON_PROFILE (1) – Interactive logon with profile. ; $RUN_LOGON_NETWORK (2) – Network credentials only. ; $RUN_LOGON_INHERIT (4) – Inherit the calling process’s environment instead of the user’s environment. ; ‘program’ The full path of the program (EXE, BAT, COM, or PIF) to run (see remarks). ; ‘workingdir’ [optional] The working directory. If not specified, then the value of @SystemDir will be used. This is not the path to the program. ; ‘show_flag’ [optional] The “show” flag of the executed program: ; @SW_HIDE = Hidden window (or Default keyword) ; @SW_MINIMIZE = Minimized window ; @SW_MAXIMIZE = Maximized window ; ‘opt_flag’ [optional] Controls various options related to how the parent and child process interact. ; $RUN_CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE (0x10000) = The child console process should be created with its own window instead of using the parent’s window. This flag is only useful when the parent is compiled as a Console application.