Enable/Disable TLS Registry Setting

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There are three methods to controlling the TLS settings in Internet Explorer

1 – Local GP

2 – Domain GP

3 – Registry

* In GP, User Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Internet Explorer, Internet Control Panel, Advanced Page, Turn off encryption support

The settings in Internet Explorer, Tools, Internet Options, Advanced


Today, we’re looking number at 3, the registry.

Reg path



Reg key

SecureProtocols, a DWORD

Each protocol modifies the same registry key, the DWORD value
will be a hexadecimal sum of the decimal value of each check box

For example (notice how the value is changing):

Checking all protocols will yield a new value of 0x00000aa8 (2728)

All but SSL 2.0, 0x00000aa0 (2720)
All but SSL 1.0, 0x00000a28 (2600)


In my case, I wanted to enable all but TLS 2.0.

Take a look,

TLS 1.2 Disabled vs. Enabled

Verified working after reg key was applied