PowerShell – Install Patches Remotely

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This is a script I wrote to remotely install patches on servers. The servers.txt contains the server names (I used IP addresses). You will need psexec and appropriate access to the servers.


$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'

$LocalHotFixPath = 'D:\Patches\'

$SvrList = Get-Content 'D:\Patches\servers.txt'

$HotFixes = @(
# seperate KBs using commas

foreach ($Server in $SvrList)
$Reboot = $False
$RemoteHotFixPath = "\\$Server\c$\Windows\Temp\"

# Install each hotfix
foreach ($HotFix in $HotFixes)
Write-Host "Processing $HotFix on $Server..."
$HotFixPath = "$LocalHotFixPath$HotFix"

# Copy file
Copy-Item $HotFixPath $RemoteHotFixPath
# Launch remote install
& C:\Windows\PsExec -s \\$Server wusa C:\Windows\Temp\$HotFix /quiet /norestart

# Clear session
$RemoteHotFixPath = ""
$HotFix = ""
Write-Host "`n`n"

if ($LastExitCode -eq 3010) {
$Reboot = $true

if($Reboot) # write message
Write-Host "$Server needs a restart."




tags: MrNetTek