I wrote this to install a ‘prepared’ package to a single computer, or to a list of computers. It’s low tech to get around the numerous problems associated with remote installation using PowerShell, VBScript, or desktop management applications.
I do plan on adding a form to collect the necessary variables, and a GUI layout to add a little pizzazz to the overall look and functionality. I’ll post that when complete.
* be careful with this, especially if deploying packages to multiple computers
@echo off Title Script Engine v1 – by Eddie Jackson color 0a ::PACKAGE PATH, WITHOUT C:\ – will come from form Set AppPath=Progra~2\CompanyFolder ::APP NAME – will come from form set AppName=FooApp ::PACKAGE/SETUP FILE NAME – will come from form Set FileName=FooSetup.exe ::USE, IF ONLY NEEDED FOR ONE COMPUTER ::otherwise, set OnePC=NO – will come from form Set OnePC=NO ::——————————————————- Set CurDir=C:\_ENGINE Set PCList=computers.txt setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion set FilePath=c:\%AppPath%\%FileName% If Not Exist “%CurDir%\logs” ( md %CurDir%\logs ) If Not Exist “%CurDir%\paexec.exe” ( cls echo Missing PAExec.exe file. echo. pause exit ) ::GENERATES REMOTE SEQUENCE FILE echo @echo off>remoteCommand.cmd echo title %AppName%>>remoteCommand.cmd echo cls>>remoteCommand.cmd echo Echo Installing %AppName%…please wait>>remoteCommand.cmd echo “%FilePath%”>>remoteCommand.cmd ::CREATES DATE AND TIME TIMESTAMP ::sets a static timestamp for /F “tokens=2-4 delims=/- ” %%p in (‘date/T’) do set mdate=%%r%%p%%q for /F “tokens=1-2 delims=:- ” %%p in (‘time/T’) do set mtime=%%p%%q Set ReportN=%mdate%_%mtime%.txt if %OnePC% NEQ NO goto SINGLE echo Multiple PC mode echo. for /f “tokens=* delims= ” %%a in (%PCList%) do ( ::sets dynamic timestamp FOR /F “TOKENS=*” %%B IN (‘DATE/T’) DO SET NowD=%%B FOR /F “TOKENS=*” %%A IN (‘TIME/T’) DO SET NowT=%%A cls echo Accessing: %%a c:\windows\System32\ping.exe %%a | find “Reply” > nul if errorlevel 1 (echo !NowD! !NowT!, %%a, OFFLINE >> “logs\%ReportN%” & echo %%a OFFLINE & echo. ) else ( echo. echo Copying files to %%a… if not exist “\\%%a\c$\%AppPath%” md “\\%%a\c$\%AppPath%” copy /y /v “%CurDir%\remoteCommand.cmd” “\\%%a\c$\%AppPath%” copy /y /v “%CurDir%\%FileName%” “\\%%a\c$\%AppPath%” c:\windows\System32\ping.exe -n 4>nul cls echo Launching %AppName% on %%a… “%CurDir%\PAExec.exe” \\%%a -s -i -w “c:\%AppPath%” “c:\%AppPath%\remoteCommand.cmd” echo !NowD! !NowT!, %%a, ONLINE >> “logs\%ReportN%” & echo %%a ONLINE & echo. ) ) goto END :SINGLE FOR /F “TOKENS=*” %%B IN (‘DATE/T’) DO SET NowD=%%B FOR /F “TOKENS=*” %%A IN (‘TIME/T’) DO SET NowT=%%A set ReportN=_SingleReport.txt cls echo Single PC mode echo. echo Accessing: %OnePC% c:\windows\System32\ping.exe %OnePC% | find “Reply” > nul if errorlevel 1 (echo %NowD% %NowT%, %OnePC%, OFFLINE >> “logs\%ReportN%” & echo %OnePC% OFFLINE & echo. ) else ( echo. echo Copying files to %OnePC%… if not exist “\\%OnePC%\c$\%AppPath%” md “\\%OnePC%\c$\%AppPath%” copy /y /v “%CurDir%\remoteCommand.cmd” “\\%OnePC%\c$\%AppPath%” copy /y /v “%CurDir%\%FileName%” “\\%OnePC%\c$\%AppPath%” c:\windows\System32\ping.exe -n 4>nul echo Launching %AppName% on %OnePC%… %CurDir%\PAExec.exe \\%OnePC% -s -i -w c:\%AppPath% c:\%AppPath%\remoteCommand.cmd echo %NowD% %NowT%, %OnePC%, ONLINE >> “logs\%ReportN%” & echo %OnePC% ONLINE & echo. ) goto END :END @echo on pause exit /b 0
FOR /F “tokens=*” %%A IN (C:\script\servers.txt) DO WMIC /Node:%%A Process call create “cmd.exe /c gpupdate”
$List = ‘server1′,’server2′,’server3′,’server4’
foreach ($server in $List) {psexec \\$server gpupdate}