
“Only the educated are free.” – Epictetus

My College Journal Doc 
My Master’s Program
My Bachelor’s Program

Statement of Purpose   Papers and Projects   Classes   Philosophy   Other Studies 

* Many thanks to Kaplan University for allowing me to continue my education: Kaplan website

The Master’s Degreebar1

Master of Science in Information Technology – emphasis in Security, Math Minor

A Master’s Degree in Information Technology will prepare you with the communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and technical competencies to help advance your career.  You will have the opportunity to apply appropriate technologies in the analysis and design of information systems, as well as assess ethical, legal, and social issues. The Master of Science in Information Technology program is designed to provide you with an integrated design and technology background that may help you advance your career.

You have the opportunity to study

The theory, principles, and practices of information systems
How to employ project management skills
How to analyze data to solve complex problems

Sample work


Why Study Mathematics?

The main reason for studying mathematics to an advanced level is that it is interesting and enjoyable. People like its challenge, its clarity, and the fact that you know when you are right. The solution of a problem has an excitement and a satisfaction. You will find all these aspects in a university degree course. You should also be aware of the wide importance of Mathematics, and the way in which it is advancing at a spectacular rate. Mathematics is about pattern and structure; it is about logical analysis, deduction, calculation within these patterns and structures. When patterns are found, often in widely different areas of science and technology, the mathematics of these patterns can be used to explain and control natural happenings and situations. Mathematics has a pervasive influence on our everyday lives, and contributes to the wealth of the country. I’ll specifically be using mathematics to build artificial intelligence into my software.

Abstract Algebra – Harvard University


The Bachelor’s Degreebar1

Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies – emphasis in Philosophy, Psych Minor

Sample work: 1

The purpose of the Bachelor of Liberal Studies degree is to provide students with a solid multidisciplinary preparation in the Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and the Arts, subsequently allowing them to pursue careers in education, business, government, and other such fields. The goal of a liberal studies major is to train students to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, to develop skills in critical and problem solving, and to imbue critical thinking with ethical thought. Liberal studies provides students with opportunities for an extensive study of the liberal arts and sciences and for a broad understanding of various academic fields of interest.

A student who seeks to be awarded a degree such as Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies generally undertakes a variety of subjects, including, but not limited to: literature and language studies, mathematics, visual and performing arts, physical education, history and social sciences, science, and human development. According to the American Academy for Liberal Education, core curriculum can include “interdisciplinary programs in the arts and sciences, programs of study in the histories and heritages of Western and non-Western civilizations, global and trans-cultural studies, ethnic and area studies, musical and theatrical appreciation and performance, and programs in creative writing.”

Why Study Philosophy?

Well, I have 11 good reasons:

1. Comprehension and Interpretation
Through the study of philosophy, students should increase their abilities to
understand and to restate accurately in different words positions or arguments
with which they initially disagree or which are entirely new to them. Students
should also develop the skill of temporary detachment or neutrality so that they
are better able to discern the strengths and weaknesses in such positions.

2. Analytical Reasoning
Students should be able to make distinctions which are helpful for understanding
and evaluating complex positions, arguments, or issues.

3. Synthetical Reasoning
Students should improve their awareness of the importance of holding coherent
and integrated views. They should develop skills in organizing and integrating
their ideas in a systematic way.

4. Critical Thinking
Students should develop an independence of thought through which they take
responsibility for understanding and evaluating ideas in careful, responsible ways.

5. Skills in Evaluation
Students should improve their ability to make reasoned judgments on such
matters as moral and aesthetic preferences and to present cogent arguments to
support their positions. Students should also improve their awareness of the
factors that are involved in making sound evaluations.

6. Ethical Reasoning
Students should improve their skills in making responsible, rational judgments on
issues of moral rightness and wrongness as well as on matters of moral character.
Students should be able to make use of classical ethical theories in formulating
these judgments.

7. Openness to New Ideas
Students should increase their ability to reflect upon their own views and consider
whether other positions are stronger. They should be able to make modifications
when their own careful thinking indicates that this is appropriate.

8. Improving Skills in Extended Written and Spoken Presentation
Students should develop the ability to present comprehensive interpretations and
arguments clearly, accurately, and without prejudice in both written and oral

9. Understanding Philosophical Reflections on Other Disciplines
Students should increase their understanding of basic philosophical issues and
theories associated with areas such as social and political theory, science, and

10. Appreciation of the Diversity of Intellectual History
Students should gain an increased appreciation of the variety of philosophical
reflections, arguments, and positions that have been developed in different ages
and contexts.

11. Gaining Knowledge of the Philosophical Tradition
The students should have an awareness and understanding of issues and positions
that have been prominent in the philosophical tradition.

In short, the principal reason to study philosophy is that it makes a person’s life more intellectually interesting and rewarding.

Common philosophical questions:

Is there a supreme being?

Why are we here?
What is good?
Do we have free will?
Is our freedom real freedom?
What is reality?
What determines a person’s fate?
What is the nature of the universe?
What happens to us at death?
Is there a soul?  Does it exist separate from our body?


My Philosophy Library: here

Why This Degree?

You’re probably wondering why I wouldn’t just choose a computer science related degree.  After all, it’s what I know, and an IT degree would be much easier for me.  Well the answer is simple, I wanted a degree that was 100% “non-career” oriented.  I have been studying computer science for the past 28+ years, since 1986; and, I am already a specialist in my field.  I have chosen this degree to broaden my horizon, and learn a little bit more about the world I live in.


Statement of Purpose   Papers and Projects   Classes   Philosophy   Other Studies