Useful WMIC Statements

see Windows Category


Using wmic can prove quite powerful in automation and scripting tasks.

Spot Odd Executables
wmic process where “NOT ExecutablePath like ‘%Windows%'” get ExecutablePath

Look at services that are set to start automatically
wmic service where StartMode=”Auto” get Name, State

Find user-created shares (usually not hidden)
wmic share where “NOT Name like ‘%$'” get Name, Path

Find processes that starts on boot
wmic startup get caption, command, user

Identify any local system accounts that are enabled (guest, etc.)
wmic useraccount where “Disabled=0 AND LocalAccount=1″ get Name”

Change Start Mode of Service
wmic service where (name like “Fax” OR name like “Alerter”) CALL ChangeStartMode Disabled

Number of Logons Per USERID
wmic netlogin where (name like “%jackson”) get numberoflogons

Return a Certain Kind of Event from Eventlog
wmic ntevent where (message like “%logon%”) list brief

Clear the Eventlog (Security example)
wmic nteventlog where (description like “%secevent%”) call cleareventlog

Get Mac Address
wmic nic get macaddress

Reboot or Shutdown
wmic os where buildnumber=”7601″ call reboot

Update Static IP Address
wmic nicconfig where index=9 call enablestatic(“”), (“”)

Change network Gateway
wmic nicconfig where index=9 call setgateways(“”, “”),(1,2)

Enable DHCP
wmic nicconfig where index=9 call enabledhcp

Service Management
wmic service where caption=”DHCP Client” call changestartmode “Disabled”

Start an Application
wmic process call create “notepad.exe”

Terminate an Application
wmic process where name=”notepad.exe” call terminate

Change process Priority
wmic process where name=”notepad.exe” call setpriority 64

Get List of Process Identifiers
wmic process where (Name=’svchost.exe’) get name,processid

Information about Hard Drives
wmic logicaldisk where drivetype=3 get name, freespace, systemname, filesystem, size, volumeserialnumber

Information about OS
wmic os get bootdevice, buildnumber, caption, freespaceinpagingfiles, installdate, name, systemdrive, windowsdirectory /format:htable > c:\osinfo.htm

Information about Files
wmic path cim_datafile where “Path=’\\windows\\system32\\wbem\\’ and FileSize>1784088” > c:\wbemfiles.txt

Process List
wmic process get /format:htable > c:\process.htm

Retrieve list of warning and error events not from system or security logs
wmic ntevent where “EventType c:\appevent.htm

Total Hard Drive Space Check
wmic logicaldisk list brief

Get Running Services Information
wmic service where (state=”running”) get caption, name, startmode, state

Get Startmode of Services
wmic service get caption, name, startmode, state

Get Domain Names And When Account PWD set to Expire
wmic UserAccount get name,PasswordExpires /Value

Get Hotfix and Security Patch Information
wmic QFE get /format:CSV >QFE.CSV

Get Startup List
wmic startup list full

Find a Specific Process
wmic process list brief find “cmd.exe”

Get List of IP Interfaces
wmic nicconfig where IPEnabled=’true’

Change IP Address
wmic nicconfig where Index=1 call EnableStatic (“”), (“”)

OS and System Report HTML Formatted
wmic /output:c:\os.html os get /format:hform

Products and Programs Installed Report HTML Formatted
wmic /output:c:\product.html product get /format:hform

Services Report on a Remote Machine HTML Formatted
wmic /output:c:\services.htm /node:server1 service list full / format:htable

Turn on Remote Desktop Remotely
wmic /node:”servername” /user:”user@domain” /password: “password” RDToggle where ServerName=”server name” call SetAllowTSConnections 1

Get Server Drive Space Usage Remotely
wmic /node:%%A LogicalDisk where DriveType=”3″ get DeviceID,FileSystem,FreeSpace,Size /Format:csv

Get PC Serial Number
wmic /node:”HOST” bios get serialnumber

Get PC Product Number
wmic /node:”HOST” baseboard get product

Get Services for Remote Machine in HTML Format
wmic /output:c:\services.htm /node:ServerName service list full / format:htable


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