About Me
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playing piano my 37th birthday 2011 best man at friend's wedding girlfriend's birthday at Universal me in online class

  • Customer Service #1 of 17

    "Hands down, Eddie Jackson is THE best systems guys I have ever worked with and one of the nicest people I have ever known. Eddie is someone who you will be proud to have as the face of your department." - Fred Lackey, IT Manager

  • Customer Service #2 of 17

    Eddie Jackson is a joy to work with and very knowledgeable, giving 100% effort to tackle our problems when they arise and. I greatly appreciate and thank him for all the work he has done to make my job easier. - Jean Borden

  • Customer Service #3 of 17

    There is never a question or problem that is too much trouble or that he cannot come up with a solution to. - Sharon Aguilar

  • Customer Service #4 of 17

    Eddie has a way of explaining things in such a way that it is very easy to understand. Eddie appears to have a great deal of computer knowledge that he is willing to share. - Donald Simon

  • Customer Service #5 of 17

    In my 10 years of service, I have never encountered the support, the professionalism and the sincerity of heart from anyone like Eddie Jackson. - Toni Charles, Supervisor

  • Customer Service #6 of 17

    Eddie has been a great asset to this hospital and I want to thank him for all he has done for me and that he has always shown a very professional and willing attitude to help. - Linda Carr

  • Customer Service #7 of 17

    I have had the pleasure of working with Eddie Jackson over the past 31/2 years. He is very conscientious and dedicated. Eddie is always willing to go the extra mile to help his co-workers. - Reba Leach

  • Customer Service #8 of 17

    I would like to thank Eddie for his patience. How lucky we are to have him! I have been an employee for 16 years and can honestly say that he is the most helpful person. - Nancy Slater

  • Customer Service #9 of 17

    what a pleasure Eddie Jackson is to work with. He never fails to do above and beyond even on his own time. He goes out of his way to be helpful and then asks Is there anything else I can help you with? - Janice Berris

  • Customer Service #10 of 17

    Eddie is considered to be a leader by our department. He displays a genuine interest in our organization and maintains a high level of professional ethics. - Andrew Browne

  • Customer Service #11 of 17

    Eddie is extremely knowledgeable, innovative, and equally.... so helpful to others, always giving 100% and going the extra mile. - Janet Connors

  • Customer Service #12 of 17

    Eddie is patient and kind in dealing with the staff and makes everyone feel that there is no such thing as a dumb computer question or problem. - Laura Ward, Supervisor

  • Customer Service #13 of 17

    It is my belief that Mr. Jackson is a true asset to our organization and we greatly benefit from his expertise and commitment to excellence. - Ann Shipley, Director

  • Customer Service #14 of 17

    I have worked closely with Eddie Jackson over the last 5 years. Eddie is an intelligent, hard working and highly motivated employee. I strongly feel that Eddie's abilities would be an asset to any job. - Brenda Durden, Manager

  • Customer Service #15 of 17

    I've known Eddie for 3 years, while working with computers is obviously what he loves, Eddie is also a person who enjoys people. He is always very pleasant and a star at seeing the bright side of a situation. - Valerie Bly

  • Customer Service #16 of 17

    He is one of the few who will work through a problem until it is solved, is very patient and polite. The department needs someone like Eddie to address our unique needs. - Connie Collins

  • Customer Service #17 of 17

    He is always friendly with all of the employees of the hospital, no matter who it is; an admin or the janitor. He is always willing to lend a helping hand to myself or one of the other techs if we need help or have a problem. - Luke Linscott, IT


 this part of the site is no longer maintained

* Access new site

Δ Introduction

Hi, my name is Eddie Jackson. I have been an IT Professional for the past 20+ years. I grew up in Westville, Florida on a farm where I spent most of my free time learning about technology and programming on a computer.  From student to professional, I am always planning and maintaining a successful career, and I expect no less than the very best of myself - academically and professionally.  The many hats I wear:  IT Professional, Builder/Engineer, Cook, Pianist, Philosophy Student, Writer, Poet, Artist, Innovator, Movie Connoisseur. 

From an early age, I realized I wasn't like other kids. I had a certain drive in my education and hobbies that my friends just didn't have.  I started off around the age of 5 where I would take lego blocks, add my own basic electronics like motors, lights, and gears, and fix the legos where I wanted them and glue them together.  I would build all kinds of electronic, mechanical devices.  For my 7th birthday, I received an Erector Set.  I spent several years working on the many projects that came with the kit.  I also started building my first circuits with the Radioshack Electronics Lab
.  It never seemed to be enough though.  I made straight A's in school, dominated the math and science competitions, and picked up playing piano by ear at 11.  Around the same time (in the 80's), I received a computer as a gift...and from there...the rest is history!  I would like to welcome you to my site.

Δ  Why this site?

This site began as a single page to highlight my resume to prospective employers, but has grown over the years into a well-developed collection of my innovative ideas, professional accomplishments, philosophy and computer education, and IT training. This site has become an overall, notable representation of my character and personality.  It contains many of the IT, personal, and professional projects that I have worked on.  You will also be able to view training, learning material, and a timeline of my journey through the university.  Please feel free to leave me a message or contact me via email.

Δ Mission Statement

My mission is to understand my customers' technical needs, and the internal and external factors affecting them, so that I may effectively design, create, engineer, implement and maintain superior, innovative technical solutions that exceed business expectations. I am but a technical servant to the IT court of the corporate world.
Δ Life Motto

Citius, Altius, Fortius
faster, higher, stronger.


Δ Skill Strengths

My main skillset strengths are scripting, automation, troubleshooting, creating documentation, and research and development.

Δ Job title for life

Computer Systems Engineer; though I have held many other titles, such as: Senior Tech, Senior Technical Support Analyst, Desktop Administrator, Senior LAN Analyst, Developer, Systems Engineer, Software Packaging Engineer, Network Administrator, and Network Engineer.



Δ What's so great about my life?

I get to experience life with my amazing girlfriend, Dalia Stoffer. I have an incredible IT career where I work with awesome IT professionals, and have the opportunity to pioneer and engineer some of the most innovative IT solutions that exist on the planet; when I say planet, I mean planet, as I have had people contact me from Canada, Germany, France, England, India, etc. about some of the solutions I have come up with.  And, no matter where I go, people are extremely receptive and share the common ideology that greatness is achieved through hard work and perseverance.  And hey, I'm like everyone else, I've had my share of life's ups and downs; but generally, life has been good to me.

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Always stand tall for what you believe in, never stop questioning, keep an open mind, and learn to rise above it all.  If you really want to change the world you live in, learn to develop and share your knowledge; become a doer, not just a mere dreamer. 

Philosophy Quotes:

In philosophy an individual is becoming himself. - Bernard Lonergan

Science is what you know, philosophy is what you don't know. - Bertrand Russell

The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next. - Henry Ward Beecher

Philosophy is doubt. - Michel de Montaigne

Philosophy is the product of wonder. - Alfred North Whitehead (Harvard University, 1925)

In philosophy, it is not the attainment of the goal that matters, it is the things that are met with by the way. - Havelock Ellis

The unexamined life is not worth living. - Socrates (470-399 BCE)

Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily. - William of Ockham (1285 - 1349?)

The life of man [is] solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. - Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679)

I think therefore I am. - Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650)

To be is to be perceived (Esse est percipi). - George Berkeley

We live in the best of all possible worlds. - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 - 1716)

The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk. - G.W.F. Hegel (1770 - 1831)

Who is also aware of the tremendous risk involved in faith - when he nevertheless makes the leap of faith - this [is] subjectivity at its height. - Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855)

There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. - Albert Camus (1913 - 1960)

One cannot step twice in the same river." - Heraclitus (ca. 540 - ca. 480 BCE)

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I have always said if you want to be the best, you have to do things that make you the best.  I walk the professional line every day of my life.  My enduring pattern of professional excellence, superior work ethic, and pristine technical work has made me a success; and I didn't do it all by myself either---many thanks to all the great professionals out there who helped me all along the way---you know who you are (special shout-outs to Kevin Noel, Larry Paulk, and Philip Johnson).

What makes me so special?  Nothing other than persistent dedication.

Success Quotes:

Action is the foundational key to all success. - Pablo Picasso

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. - Abraham Lincoln

Diligence is the mother of good fortune. - Benjamin Disraeli

Formula for success: rise early, work hard, strike oil. - J. Paul Getty

I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate. - George Burns

Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other. - Erma Bombeck

Failure is success if we learn from it. - Malcolm Forbes

Nothing recedes like success. - Walter Winchell

Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.  - Lily Tomlin

Success is dependent on effort. - Sophocles

All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure. - Mark Twain

There's no abiding success without commitment. - Tony Robbins
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Educating oneself is very much like building castles.  You start with a solid foundation, and then brick by brick, you build a fortress.  It's not only a personal monument of your own success, but can also be a sanctuary to those around you.

Education Quotes:

A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated. - Horace Mann

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. - Anthony J. D'Angelo

Education is all a matter of building bridges. - Ralph Ellison

Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another. - Gilbert K. Chesterton

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. - John Dewey

Education is the transmission of civilization. - Will Durant

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. - Malcolm Forbes

It is always in season for old men to learn. - Aeschylus

It has been said that 80% of what people learn is visual. - Allen Klein

Some milestone achievements
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Skipped the 5th and 8th grades
Won Grand Prize Science Award in High School Science Fair
Awarded top student Algebra mathematics certificate
Competed in Wallace College Math/Computer Tri-State Championship (twice)
Graduated Holmes County High School with High Honors
Nominated and selected Employee of the Month (1 in 5000 employees)
Sitting for the 30th computer and networking exam in January 2012
Coding the 3,000th production computer script/application in December 2011
Staying on the President's List for the past 3 years in Bachelor's program
Obtaining a Bachelor's Degree November 2013 & graduating summa cum laude

Milestone Quotes:

Direction is more important than speed. We are so busy looking at our speedometers that we forget the milestone.

A milestone passed, new things begun, dreams as shining as the sun, a goal achieved, a victory won! That's Graduation!

My path has not been determined. I shall have more experiences and pass many more milestones.
- Agnetha Faltskog

The milesones in the journey are as important as the goal. - Eddie Jackson

Reaching a milestone is its own reward. - Eddie Jackson

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Edison Edison Edison Edison Edison

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doc01   doc02   doc03   doc04   doc05   doc06   doc07   doc08   doc09   doc10   doc11  
doc12   doc13   doc14  
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Edison

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. - Edison
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. - Edison
Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. - Edison
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Edison
Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure. - Edison
There is far more opportunity than there is ability. - Edison
The value of an idea lies in the using of it. - Edison
There is no substitute for hard work. - Edison
Discontent is the first necessity of progress. - Edison
Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. - Edison
The best thinking has been done in solitude. - Edison
What man's mind can create, man's character can control. - Edison


Einstein Einstein Einstein Einstein Einstein

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doc01   doc02   doc03   doc04   doc05   doc06   doc07   doc08   doc09   doc10   doc11  
doc12   doc13   doc14  

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - Einstein

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. - Einstein
A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.  - Einstein
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. - Einstein
I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. - Einstein
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. - Einstein
Information is not knowledge. - Einstein
Knowledge of what is does not open the door directly to what should be. - Einstein
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. - Einstein
The only source of knowledge is experience. - Einstein
I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. - Einstein
If we knew what we were doing it wouldn't be research. - Einstein
If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor. - Einstein
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. - Einstein
It is theory that decides what can be observed. - Einstein
Never memorize what you can look up in books. - Einstein


Gates Gates Gates Gates Gates

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As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. - Gates
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. - Gates
Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one. - Gates
DOS is ugly and interferes with users' experience. - Gates
If you can't make it good, at least make it look good. - Gates
Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana. - Gates
Life is not fair; get used to it. - Gates
TV is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs. - Gates
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. - Gates
Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers
are interested in helping you find yourself. - Gates

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci

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Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence. - Leonardo da Vinci

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci
While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die. - Leonardo da Vinci
A well-spent day brings happy sleep. - Leonardo da Vinci
The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions." - Leonardo da Vinci
Life well spent is long. - Leonardo da Vinci
All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions. - Leonardo da Vinci
The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art. - Leonardo da Vinci
The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. - Leonardo da Vinci
Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes! - Leonardo da Vinci
Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness. - Leonardo da Vinci
Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art. - Leonardo da Vinci
Learning never exhausts the mind. - Leonardo da Vinci


Beethoven Beethoven Beethoven Beethoven Beethoven

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Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. - Beethoven

Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears form the eyes of woman. - Beethoven
Nothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors. - Beethoven
A great poet is the most precious jewel of a nation. - Beethoven
Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. - Beethoven
This is the mark of a really admirable man: steadfastness in the face of trouble. - Beethoven
Nothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors. - Beethoven
Tones sound, and roar and storm about me until I have set them down in notes. - Beethoven
Recommend virtue to your children; it alone, not money, can make them happy. I
speak from experience. - Beethoven

 Peter Norton Rachmaninoff     
Peter Norton Rachmaninoff    

I Recommend
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John Forbes Nash Philosophy: Marist College Albert Einstein
[access on youtube]

[access series on youtube]

[access on youtube]

Introduction to Philosophy Philosophy - Series Philosophy of Liberty
[access on youtube]

A must watch introduction
[access series on youtube]

Great series
[access on youtube]

Liberty is more than just this.
Quantum Mechanics The Public Philosopher Philosophy: Oxford University
[access on youtube]

[access on youtube]

[access series on youtube]

Charles Darwin Origin of Species Origin of Species Extra Carl Sagan's Cosmos
[access on youtube]

A must read, important work, especially for its time.

link to SparkNotes

[access series on youtube]

Political Philosophy: Yale     
[access on Yale site]  [youtube]

Δ Things that make me laugh
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VP Debate Highlights Songified Go back, it's a trap Sofa is free  
[access on youtube]
Insomnia  Jammin Google Job  
Escape  Awesome  My cat saying no (by me)  
Apple Microsoft Linux (by me) Science Teachers  Undress   
You get what you pay for  Yoga  Sofa Bison  
Finished Homework  Too Hard Cat Found
Space Goat


Δ Quotes by Me
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The greatest challenge you'll ever attempt is trying to give back to the world more than you have taken. - Eddie

Anything worth having is worth earning. - Eddie

If you want to be the best, you need to do things that make you the best. - Eddie

No successful person ever followed all the rules. - Eddie

Having the ability to see the future is not all that difficult if you combine the past, the present and hard work. - Eddie

It's the bricks of today that build the castles of tomorrow. - Eddie

There is something important to be said for the slower absorption of knowledge in concentrated studies. - Eddie

You want a real challenge?  Try reaching your potential. - Eddie

Mediocrity is like swamp water; it's dark, murky, and filled with all kinds of problems. - Eddie

It is cheaper for a country to live in the greatest wealth than to wage the smallest war against its brothers and sisters. - Eddie

I saw the potential of greatness there in the code...I just continued developing and watched the future unfold right there before my eyes. - Eddie

Your purpose in life should be making a positive impact on those around you. - Eddie

In one hand I carry fire from the Sun, and in the other hand, lightning from Jupiter; still, I want more. - Eddie

Our greatest minds will reach into the next galaxy and bring back the future. - Eddie

I like success stories; they remind me of my own potential. - Eddie

A man of faith believes in only one truth. A man of science realizes there are many truths to be known. - Eddie

Other than in rare circumstances, anything that you can achieve quickly, can be taken from you quickly. - Eddie

You want the world to change?  Better start with yourself first to show people it can be done. - Eddie

Two very important life lessons you can learn: One, you don't need god to tell you something is wrong with the world. Two, you don't need god to help you make the world a better a place. If you need a god's input on either one of these things, you got bigger problems than any religion can help you with.

Be happy because life is amazing. Be happy because we are here, right now to enjoy everything modern life has to offer. Be happy because each of us have the power to change the world as we know it; in the most positive of ways. - Eddie

Everything you do, outside that of which you're required to do, defines who you are. - Eddie

Once you've been the shepherd, you'll never want to be the sheep. - Eddie

In your life, be driven towards your potential; walk to the edge of madness, but not one step more. - Eddie

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My first computer is a VIC-20 that used cassette tapes for storage.  I figure out how to link the tapes through programming, thus overcoming the size limitation of my apps.  My monitor is a 13" black and white television that has the Radio Shack tv-to-game/computer sliding converter.  I become instantly captivated by computers and technology.

My uncle (Tom Jackson) gives me an
computer (which has proprietary disks) that has Amstrad BASIC. 

A friend at school (Michael McDonald) gives me an ADAM computer (which has digital tapes), it uses SmartBASIC. An early mentor, found in the Inside the PC books, was Peter Norton; his genius was inspirational.

You can find me in the high school computer lab, and hanging out with my best friend (John Schuhr - computer programming genius).

My computer teacher (Mr. Zorn) is helping me develop my programming skills.

I buy a Tandy 1000
computer (which has my first modem) from a high school friend (Scott Watkins '92).

I start programming in GW-BASIC.

I build my first computer from parts.  It is a 386SX16, 4MB RAM, 80MB hard drive
(pic) ('93).

I am an avid WordPerfect and DOS user for the longest.

I install DOS 5.0, a very nice upgrade from 4.0.

I start spending longer and longer hours programming all types of software.  I build sequential filing and random access databases, inventory apps, recipe databases, simple games, and encryption software.  You can find me hanging out in BBSes, IRCs and MUDs.

I start programming in Microsoft BASIC, QBASIC and Turbo BASIC.  I also start repairing computers and electronics right down to their electrical components.

I build my second computer from parts.  It is a 486DX4100, 8MB RAM, 80MB hard drive (later I  upgrade to a whopping 16MB of RAM and 200MB HD (pic)).  I create my own web site called Section One Underground.  I use something called Zip Disks by Iomega, which are 100MB disks, to store all my backups on ('95).

In the Panhandle, I work at the new, local ISP - Panhandle Online, and I take a lot of contracted programming and computer repair work. I also work at the college library assisting patrons with all their computer needs.
  I start writing Shell scripts for Internet Service Providers.  I also go to people's houses to install ISP software, hookup modems, and assist with other dial-up solutions.

I am using the Lynx browser ('94) to surf the web, however begin using the new, dearly beloved, Netscape browser ('95).

I work at the Chipola College library assisting patrons with computer questions and problems.

In college, I learn PASCAL, dBASE II, Lotus 1-2-3, FoxPro and begin learning C++.

I work at the Jackson County Library assisting patrons with computer questions and problems.

I move to Daytona Beach to work at AMI, INC, a motorcycle college, and work there as a Network Administrator for 2 years.  I convert the network from a LANtastic network to a full Microsoft based network, including backup and email system. I also wire the Cat3 and Cat5 telecommunications systems and upgrade all computer desktops from Windows 3.11 to Windows 95.

I learn about the administration of networks, how to manage servers, build computers for mass deployment, as well as providing computer support for business staff.

Realizing the need for certifications, I soon begin self-studies for the CompTIA A+, Network+, and MCP.

I buy all the study material from authors like Todd Lammle, James G. Jumes, and Neil F. Cooper; and then study each book, as well as go through all the labs.  When I think I am ready, I will register for the exam with Sylvan Prometric and then take the test.  I need a place to study, so I begin looking for a permanent place.  I find a book store, Barnes and Noble
(or it finds me), which I fall in love with.

And, through the years I  continue studying at Barnes and Noble, spending up to 30 hours a week in studies when pursuing a new certification, certifications like the CompTIA Security+, Cisco CCNA, multiple Microsoft MCSEs and various others. Many, many cafe mochas and cookies later, I have put in 10,000+ hours into studies and certifications.
The jobs I have had the opportunity to work at thereafter AMI, INC, have been: 4 years at Ormond Hospital, NASCAR-ISC, Florida Digital Networks, Robert Half International, Stratus Technologies, about 1 year doing side contracts for the private sector and setting up several doctor offices in the Daytona Beach area, 4+ years working for Halifax Health, and I worked a short stint at The University, in Tech Ops, doing Desktop Admin tasks, and then I did some enterprise packaging and scripting in the private sector as an IT Guru/Network Administrator. 
I obtain a Bachelor's Degree.

I am working on number 32 computer & network certifications (individual tests).  Last certification scores
here.  I sit for Windows 7, Server 2008 R2, and Windows 8 tests. Started Master's program.

I am working on a master's degree in IT, with a minor in mathematics. Adding artificial intelligence to software engineering. Studying Server 2012...preparing for the exam.

I really love the technology industry and hope one day to obtain a PhD in IT; a degree for the Technical Master. You can find me currently working in a new area of the private sector, where I am an IT Engineer/Computer Systems Engineer.  I am responsible for building software packages, working in task automation, and coming up with creative software solutions for 30,000+ computers, and student software potentially reaching up to 74,000 students.  It's the most challenging and diverse job I have ever had---every day is a new adventure in the world of technology and innovation.  I find my job extremely fulfilling, because I get to design and implement ingenious technical solutions that no one else in the company can come up with.  I post much of my work in the Archives and WordPress sections of this site. I've even had people call me/email from other countries, around the world, asking me the details of some of my work!

A few personal interests of mine are Philosophy, of which I have obtained a Bachelor's Degree, composing and playing classical piano, building and engineering all types of things at home, developing cooking skills, and taking over the world with computer scripts.  I am also pursuing a Master's Degree in IT (
link here).  And, I spend as much time as I can with my girlfriend Dalia; the love of my life.

  My Techno-system at Work
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my desk and lab

Computer Systems Engineer hard at work

 *  * 
*  *  *  *

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SCCM 2012 Setup SCCM 2012 Setup Primary Server
Server 2012 WindowsServer2012_BaseConfig.docx
  Test_Lab_guide_Deploying_an_AD_CS_Two-Tier PKI Hierarchy.docx


the home lab
Me in the home lab

view in IE10, Chrome, Firefox, or compatibility mode

check out my

WordPress Site

University & Studies Page   Notebook   Computer Index

BBC Radio   NPR Radio

Proud Supporter of
Boy Scouts of America
Boy Scouts

Girl Scouts of America
Girl Scouts


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

march of dimes
march of dimes

Children's Rights Foundation 
Children's rights foundation


  My Memberships

committed to scholarship, leadership and service
I am a member of Golden Key I am a member of NSCA
medallion  pic  award medallion   pic    award

   The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
   Golden Key International Honour Society
   Scientific American Mind 
   Popular Science 
   Certified MCP
   The Scientist
   Popular Mechanics 
   Mental Floss 
   Pearson IT Certification
   Sylvan Prometric
   The Code Project
    linkedin.com: Applications Packaging Engineers
    linkedin.com: IT Global

My Academia

facebook My University (vid 2) College I went to  (vid 2)
in front of Kaplan University
   *   *   *
State College I went to
 *   *   *    *    *
facebook Yale Online Courses I use
  Courses I use regularly - yes, total nerd
  *   *   *   *

facebook LibriVox Free Audiobooks
 Librivox - audio books and literature
 *  *  *  *

facebook Straighterline
 Online courses with ACE credit

My Status Updates

Employee of the Month - Halifax Medical Center
It was truly an honor.
[access on youtube]
IT Director comments

Employee Recognition Award - Kaplan, Inc.
Thank you Kaplan!.  It's nice to be recognized.

IT Manager comments

Peer Award - Kaplan, Inc.
Thank you! Ever onward, ever forward.




[Written by me - access on youtube]
[Me playing Fur Elise - access on youtube]
more to come...
Skydive with Friends

[access on youtube]


Playing Classical Piano
oil painting

the future...

I plan focusing on taking the latest Microsoft Server exam: link.  I also want to create a classical  piano solo piece this year; classical piano music written by me. Recently found out that Capella offers multiple PhDs in IT; I'll have to think about that one: link In 2015, it is my goal to pick up Spanish as a second language, and study Latin for a year.

right now...
What am I learning right now?
Enrolled in the Master's program
Pursuing a Master of Science in Information Technology
(video), and minor in Theoretical Mathematics (video); the program I'll be following.
The primary reason for the math minor is to integrate the abstract principles into the programming and development of artificial intelligence systems, where I can use Measure & Probability Theory, Bayesian Reasoning, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Genetic Algorithms. I'm already experimenting with Decision trees and Branch logic in software engineering.

Artificial Intelligence courses
   - Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
   - Stanford University
Create automated imaging process - 75% done
  - automatically re-image itself
  - must be hardware independent
  - backup and restore data automatically
  - setup drivers automatically 
  - setup applications automatically
  - install Bitlocker automatically
  - must provide feedback and interactive screens
  - rename itself
Bitlocker enterprise integration - 90% done
    - automating Bitlocker installation
    - updating computer object description in AD
            - remote package & standalone package
Chromebox/Chromebook testing - 95% done
     - testing Chromebox for the enterprise
     - create documentation
Developing a mailTo link solution for Gmail.
     - create app to accept mailto links to open Gmail
Developing multiple ways to import encryption keys
     - import keys to LANDesk DB
     - importat keys to Active Directory
     - standalone tools to import keys

Check out my WordPress site > here

access even more 2014 WordPress >>>
access even more 2013 WordPress >>>
access even more 2012 WordPress >>>



Δ  Items of Interest
[status updates]   [timeline]   [work & labs]   [credentials]   [items of interest]   [contact me]   

Demonstration Rolling out Microsoft Windows 7 : removed Windows 7 PXE-WDS Imaging    
Windows XP My Windows XP Archives      
Windows 7 My Windows 7 Archives Windows 7 Sysprep.doc [pdf] 70-680 Study Guide.doc  [pdf] Creating Windows 7 Image.doc [pdf]
  Remove Watermark.doc Fix Corrupted Firewall Error 5  Windows PE_Scripting.png files  
  Windows PE.doc [pdf] Repair Profile.doc Fix Boot Issues and MBR  
Windowns 8 My Windows 8 Archives Introducing Windows 8.pdf  Dell Windows 8 ebook.pdf  70-687 Windows 8 Study Guide.doc 
Code C# Master Doc VBScript Vault Shell Vault PowerShell Vault
  Javascript Vault AutoIT Vault HTA Scripting  
App Packaging Windows Packaging Presentation.doc [pdf] Packaging Process.docx InnoSetup_Switches.doc [pdf]
Server Admin SysAdmin Cheat Sheet.doc [pdf] WDS 2008.doc [pdf] AD Taskpad Document.doc Skipping F12 when PXE booting from a WDS.pdf
Philosophy Philosophy Timeline.html Learn Philosophy.html Socrates Plato Aristotle.htmlIntro to Philosophy
 Yale: Science of Human Nature Yale: Death  My Philosophy Library
other Computer Timeline.html Cinemagraphs - moving pics.html My Salvador Dali Clock   [hta] http://www.crackmypdf.com/ 
  Clone USB Drive - Restore and Backup      
Training Guides Automating_Windows_7_Installation_for_Desktop_and_VDI_EnvironmentsEffective_Windows_PowerShell
 Desktop_Virtualization_and_Evolving_Strategies_for_IT_Service_Delivery Mastering-PowerShell
 The_Administrator_Crash_Course_Windows_PowerShell v2 The Definitive Guide to Windows Software Deployment
 The_Essentials_Series_Optimizing_Your_Windows_Server_2008_Active_Directory_Investment The_Definitive_Guide_to_Windows_Desktop_Administration
 The_Essentials_Series_VDI_or_Desktop_Virtualization_What's_Right_for_You The_Definitive_Guide_to_Windows_Installer_Technology
 The_Essentials_Series_Virtualization_and_Disaster_Recovery The_Definitive_Guide_to_Windows_Software_Deployment
 The_Shortcut_Guide_to_Optimized_WAN_Application_Delivery The_Essentials_Series_Active_Directory_2008_Operations
The_Shortcut_Guide_to_PC_Restoration_and_Disaster_Recovery The_Tips_and_Tricks_Guide_to_Windows_Administration
 The_Tips_and_Tricks_Guide_to_Active_Directory_Troubleshooting WMI_Query_Language_via_PowerShell
Magazines/Sites Philosophy Now Mental_Floss Discover Magazine Popular Science
  UTNE Psychology Today College Magazine The Philosophers Magazine
  Talking Philosophy Philosophy & The Art of The Scientist The Scientist
  MCP Mag      
Google ChromeBook Tips (by me) 100 Tips for the ChromeBook   Perform a ChromeBook Recovery
  Manage Chrome Settings (by me)     Disable sleepmode on Chromebox - sudo stop powerd 
Ubuntu Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.10   Linux_Virtual_Environment (by me)
My Reference Comparison of Android devices List of iOS devices Electronics_guide.pdf MakingThings-Electronics.pdf
  1-100TransistorCircuits.pdf 101-200TransistorCircuits.pdf Resistorcolorcharts.pdf Advanced Electronics Lab-Course Book.pdf

Δ  Contact Me
[status updates]   [timeline]   [work & labs]   [credentials]   [items of interest]   [contact me] 

MrNetTek2000 on Yahoo IM  *   MrNetTek on AIM   *   email:  MrNetTek2000@yahoo.com  *  h: 1-407-505-2710  *  https://www.facebook.com/#!/MrNetTek

Δ  Academic Awards
[status updates]   [timeline]   [work & labs]   [credentials]   [items of interest]   [contact me]   


medallion  pic  awardmedallion   pic    award 

x 13

4.00  -  10/18/2013
4.00  -  07/03/2013
4.00  -  04/17/2013
3.98  -  11/07/2012
4.00  -  08/22/2012
4.00  -  06/06/2012
4.00  -  03/21/2012
 4.00  -  01/04/2012
4.00 -  10/19/2011
4.00  -  08/03/2011
4.00  -  05/18/2011
4.00  -  03/02/2011
0.00  -  03/19/2014
0.00  -  02/17/2014
4.00  -  12/11/2013

Δ  Credentials
[status updates]   [timeline]   [work & labs]   [credentials]   [items of interest]   [contact me]
Working on Master's Degree
working on degree
in progress
 Studying for Server 2012 Exam
currently studying for
in progress

Bachelor's Degree

Completed Degree

Holmes County High School Diploma
 High School Diploma

legal doc


Golden Key
Golden Key

Windows 8 Certified
Windows 8 certified

Windows 7 Certified
Windows 7 certified

70-646 Server 2008 Admin

HP Training

HP Accredited Platform Specialist

MCSA 2003

MCSE 2003



EC-Council CEH Security Cert

Exam Cram

MCP 2003

Cisco CCNA

Executrain Windows 2000

CompTIA Server+

CompTIA Security+


MCSE 4.0

CompTIA Network+

Brainbench Networking Concepts

CompTIA i-Net+
CompTIA A+


Tri-State Computer Award


Tri-State Computer Award

Completed MOOCs - Non-Credited 
 University of Edinburgh  Yale University
Received Edinburgh Certificate Philosophy Death: PHIL 176
Listening to Music: MUSI 112
Philosophy - Human Nature: PHIL 181
Political Philosophy: PLSC 114

Business Math Award

 Presidential Academic Awardaward

Grand Prize Science Fair Winner

ROTC Award

Individual Certs towards MCSEs & MCSA

certification certification 
certification certification certification 
certification certification

Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification 

Certification  Certification  Certification 


Δ Class of '93 T-Shirt
(I'm 10 up from the left corner)

My Class T-Shirt


|magnum opus

- Free Thinking -
critical thinking, creativity, objectivity
through conscious evolution

Since 1993