:: MrNetTek :: eddiejackson.net/blog :: 1/5/2020 :: free for public use :: free to claim as your own @echo off setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::initial index value - zero for the sake of convention set index=0 :: the array values set array=3 1 5 7 9 2 8 9 2 4 :: load array (for %%a in (%array%) do ( echo %%a set array[!index!]=%%a Set /A index+=1 )) echo. :: test array - return values Echo Array index:0 Element 1: %array[0]% Echo Array index:6 Element 7: %array[6]% Echo Array index:2 Element 3: %array[2]% pause
tags: Batch Arrays, MrNetTek