If a Second User Profile Gets Created, Fix It

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Occasionally, Windows will create a secondary profile with the naming convention Username.Computername (sometimes it has to do with user temp profiles; other times, workgroup/domain issues that either corrupt the original profile or make it appear corrupted to Windows). Error: User Profile Service failed the logon

Let’s say you don’t want that, how do you fix it? Assuming your regular user profile works, you can just change the user profile path specified in the registry under the ProfileList key. By doing this, you’re telling Windows to not use the newly created profile, and go back to the original one. In theory, you could also just rename the Username.Computer profile to just Username (logged is as Administrator)…and make the ProfileList redirect to C:\Users\Username.

setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set UN=%username%

for /f “delims= ” %%i in (‘”wmic path win32_useraccount where name=’%UN%’ get sid”‘) do (
if not “%%i”==”SID” (
set mySID=%%i
goto :SID_END


set REGKEY=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\%mySID%

FOR /F “tokens=3” %%j IN (‘C:\Windows\System32\REG.EXE QUERY “%REGKEY%” /v ProfileImagePath’) DO (
IF %%j EQU C:\Users\%UN%.%computername% (
C:\Windows\System32\REG.EXE ADD “%REGKEY%” /v ProfileImagePath /d C:\Users\%UN% /f


For a better, more usable routine, I will work on adding code to scan for .BAK in the registry – if .BAK exists, delete that whole key.



If you continue to still have problems, ie. a temp profile continues to load, use robocopy to mirror the contents of the username.computername profile (or a simple copy/paste), change the path in the registry under ProfileList to the original profile, and reboot. Note, this has to be  done under the Administrator profile.




Return SID via WMIC

This returns the SID of the specified username. Note, this could be either the currently logged on user, or a specific user. This used in tandem with a script that cycles through a list of usernames, could be used to dynamically access the HKEY_USERS registry hive. For me specifically, I was using it for the ProfileList key in the registry.

@echo off

for /f “delims= ” %%a in (‘”wmic path win32_useraccount where name=’%UserName%’ get sid”‘) do (
if not “%%a”==”SID” (
set mySID=%%a
goto :SID_END

echo %mySID%


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Check Windows Activation

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Run with cscript.exe

cscript script.vbs

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From SoftwareLicensingProduct")

Coltest = int(0)

bWinActivated = False

For Each objitem In colItems
	WScript.Echo objItem.Description
	WScript.Echo "License Status: "& objitem.LicenseStatus
	WScript.Echo objitem.GracePeriodRemaining
	WScript.Echo "KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID: "&objitem.KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID

IF int(objitem.LicenseStatus) = 0 Then

	bWinActivated = True
	strActivationType = objItem.Description
	strKey = "ProductKey:" & objItem.ProductKeyID

End if


If bWinActivated = False Then MsgBox("Windows is not activated")

	If bWinActivated = True Then
	MsgBox("Windows is activated using "&strActivationType& " key." & strKey)
End if


slmgr /dli

Activating Windows 7

Method #1:

Begin by finding Command Prompt (type cmd into your Window Search field) then open it as Administrator (right-click the Command Prompt shortcut and choose “Run As Administrator” if UAC is turned on), and then type in the following command and hit enter:

C:\Windows\System32\cscript slmgr.vbs -skms your.kms.server:1688

You only need to run this command once since it saves the server you point to. Windows waits about 3 days after you install it before it will even try to activate.

You can force it to attempt an immediate activation by opening an Administrator command prompt again and entering:

C:\Windows\System32\cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm

After rearm, restart your computer. Now open an Administrator Command Prompt again and enter:

C:\Windows\System32\cscript slmgr.vbs -ato

One can also find out the current activation status by entering:

C:\Windows\System32\cscript slmgr.vbs -dli


Method #2:

If Method #1 does not work, please try the following. Begin by finding Command Prompt (type cmd into your Window Search field) then open it as Administrator (right-click the Command Prompt shortcut and choose “Run As Administrator” if UAC is turned on), and then type in the following command and hit enter:

slmgr -rearm

After rearm, restart your computer. Now open an Administrator Command Prompt again and enter:

slmgr -ato


Method #3 (requires MAK):

If Method #1 or #2 doesn’t work, just register using the volume license key.

cscript //b c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

cscript //b c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato

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TPM and BitLocker passwords in Active Directory

The process of configuring and save Windows 7 TPM and BitLocker passwords to Active Directory (2008 R2 and above) is multi-stepped.  First, Active Directory and Group Policy need to be configured, then the clients needs to be setup, and then you need to know how recover the passwords from Active Directory.

Active Directory & Group Policy Setup

The Add-TPMSelfWriteACE.vbs script needs to be modified to reflect the correct GUIDs listed in the “TPM and FVE scheme object GUID’s” mid-way through the script.  You can locate the GUIDs by using ADSIEdit and change the Action –> Settings –> Select a well known Naming Context: Schema.  From here, you can look at the properties for the particular items to find the objectGUID.

  •  After executing the Add-TPMSelfWriteACE.vbs the permission for the computers to write to the Active Directory attribute needs to be completed.  This needs to be done before enabling TPM on any client or the passwords won’t save.  Follow the information on this TechNet blog.  Failure to do this will result in an “Access is Denied. Error 0x80070005” when initializing TPM.
  • Follow the original TechNet article for setting Group Policy.


Enable TPM and BitLocker

  1. Add the Computer to AD and make sure Group Policy is applied (gpupdate.exe & gpresult.exe /SCOPE Computer /R).  Current user needs admin rights for the entire process.
  2. tpm.msc (or Control Panel > BitLocker Drive Encryption > TPM Administration)
  3. Click either ‘Initialize TPM’ or ‘Change Owner Password.  Note: To change the password, you need the old one.
  4. If ‘Initialize’, shutdown when prompted, then upon booting acknowledge/allow the BIOS notice regarding TPM.  If  ‘Change’, provide the current password file (if in AD, see Recovery below).
  5. Log in with the same account to continue the TPM process.  You can verify the TPM Owner Password is saved to AD by using the Recovery section below.

BitLocker via Line Command

  1. This command will being the process for the C drive, repeat for others.  Run using an Elevated Prompt (run as Administrator):          manage-bde -on C: -RecoveryPassword
  2. Reboot, then run the following to see the encryption process status:          manage-bde -status

BitLocker via GUI

Control Panel > System and Security > BitLocker Drive Encyrption

  1. Click ‘Turn on BitLocker’ for the desired drives and follow any prompts.

BitLocker and Updates to BIOS, Hardware, or Startup Files (e.g. OS Upgrades)

See: this article on suspending BitLocker protection before applying certain kinds of updates.  The process involves suspending protection and then resuming protection once updates are complete.


TPM (reference: technet blog)

  1. Active Directory Users and Computers > enable ‘Advnaced Features’ in View.
  2. Open Properties on the desired computer, then the ‘Attribute Editor’ tab.
  3. Locate the attribute ‘msTPM-OwnerInformation’ and note the value.
  4. Enter the following into a text editor (such as notepad), but replace the “…..” with the value found in AD.  Save the file with a .tpm extension at a location accessible by the computer.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>     <ownerAuth>…..</ownerAuth>


  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers
  2. Open Properties on the desired computer, then the BitLocker tab.
  3. The BitLocker Recovery Password is in the details section.

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Turn Off TPM

To turn off the TPM
1.Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Run.

2.Type tpm.msc in the Open box, and then press ENTER. The TPM Management console is displayed.

3.If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue. For more information, see Additional resources at the end of this document.

4.In the Actions pane, click Turn TPM Off.

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Activating Office

Okay, there are multiple ways to activate Office. But when it comes to automating the process, a layered approach may be your best bet.

Method 1 – VBS

C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OSPP.VBS” /inpkey:xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OSPP.VBS” /act

Method 2 – XML
Add the following to a setup.xml file

Method 3 – OCT

Using the Microsoft Configuration Tool

(1) Select Modify Setup properties in the left pane and then click the Add… button in the right pane.

(2) In the Add/Modify Property Value dialog and type AUTO_ACTIVATE in the Name field. Note that property names are case sensitive.

(3) In Value field, type 1, and then click OK.

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Deleting Multiple Temp Profiles

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@echo off
for /f “delims=” %%a in (‘dir /b C:\Users\Temp*’) do (
echo Profile %%a will be deleted.
rd /q /s “C:\Users\%%a”



I created this to remove LANDesk ALS profiles

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion


echo Removing LANDesk ALS profiles…
for /f “tokens=1,2 delims==” %%s IN (‘WMIC path win32_useraccount where name^=’administrator’ get sid /value ^| find /i “SID”‘) do set SID=%%t
set RootSID=%SID:~0,-5%
set RegPath=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

set /a counter=3
if %counter% lss 10 (
reg delete “%regPath%\%RootSID%-100%counter%” /f /reg:64
set /a counter+=1
goto :loop1

set /a counter=10
if %counter% lss 100 (
reg delete “%regPath%\%RootSID%-10%counter%” /f /reg:64
set /a counter+=1
goto :loop2

set /a counter=100
if %counter% lss 999 (
reg delete “%regPath%\%RootSID%-1%counter%” /f /reg:64
set /a counter+=1
goto :loop3

Waiting for Multiple Processes to End

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This is how you would wait for multiple processes to be completed before continuing.

echo Waiting for applications to finish installing…
:: adds timing to the app installs
ping -n 30>nul
start /b /wait /LOW c:\windows\system32\TASKLIST.exe /FI “IMAGENAME eq app1.exe” | find /i “app1.exe” && (goto :WAIT)

start /b /wait /LOW c:\windows\system32\TASKLIST.exe /FI “IMAGENAME eq setup1.exe” | find /i “setup1.exe” && (goto :WAIT)

start /b /wait /LOW c:\windows\system32\TASKLIST.exe /FI “IMAGENAME eq cmd.exe” | find /i “cmd.exe” && (goto :WAIT)

start /b /wait /LOW c:\windows\system32\TASKLIST.exe /FI “IMAGENAME eq install.exe” | find /i “install.exe” && (goto :WAIT)

goto :NEXT

echo Do other stuff here

Silently Uninstall Office 2010

This is how you would uninstall Office silently—this can be added to a scripted process.

The Command

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\setup.exe” /uninstall ProPlus /config “desired_path_to_xml\SilentUninstall.xml”

My XML file

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