SCCM – View SMS Classes in SCCM Console

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There is a great way to view the general info and properties of a class in the SCCM Console—you start the console in debug view, and you’ll be able to see all the available WMI classes. Very cool!

Add sms:debugview to console shortcut

Open console and select Tools

Select Namespaces

Select a class you’d like to review

Click Show Details

Click through tabs



You can also run SQL queries directly from this view as well, and view instances of the returned results.

Lastly, you’ll now have the ability to view any object’s details. For example, select any object (a device, a user, a container, etc.), right-click, and there will be a Show Object Details option.

Once you click the new option, the object details will appear


Command line Options

Option Description
/sms:debugview=1 A DebugView is included in all ResultViews that specify a view. DebugView shows raw properties (names and values).
sms:NamespaceView=1 Shows namespace view in the System Center Configuration Manager console.
/sms:ResetSettings The System Center Configuration Manager console ignores user persisted connection and view states (Microsoft Management Console window size is not reset).
/sms:IgnoreExtensions Disables any System Center Configuration Manager extensions.
/sms:NoRestore The System Center Configuration Manager console ignores previous persisted node navigation.

