JavaScript source files demonstrating some of the functionality of the language.
also see: posts
— 1,138 scripts —
- Determine the Current Screen Resolution Being Used on a Computer (2).js.txt
- Get a List of AGet a List of All the .dll Files in a Folder. Along with Their Version Numbers.js.txt
- Insert a Column into a Spreadsheet.js&filenameInsert a Column into a Spreadsheet.js.txt
- Insert a Manual Line Break into a Microsoft Word Document.js&filenameInsert a Manual Line Break into a Microsoft Word Document.js.txt
- Make Screenshot via Excel Makro.js&filenameMake Screenshot via Excel Makro.js.txt
- WMI ACPITrace Query.js&filenameWMI ACPITrace Query.js.txt
- WMI AMLIEvalData1 Query.js&filenameWMI AMLIEvalData1 Query.js.txt
- WMI ActivityTransfer Query.js&filenameWMI ActivityTransfer Query.js.txt
- WMI AllocateSegment Query.js&filenameWMI AllocateSegment Query.js.txt
- WMI AllocationTick Query.js&filenameWMI AllocationTick Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PageFileElementSetting Query.js&filenameWMI Win32_PageFileElementSetting Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PeWMI Win32_PerfRawData_ServiceModelService3000_ServiceModelService3000 Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormWMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_ServiceModelService3000_ServiceModelService3000 Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormatWMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETDataProviderforOracle_NETDataProviderforOracle Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormatWMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_ServiceModelEndpoint3000_ServiceModelEndpoint3000 Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormatteWMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_ServiceModelOperation3000_ServiceModelOperation3000 Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormattedDatWMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETDataProviderforSqlServer_NETDataProviderforSqlServer Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormattedDatWMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_WindowsWorkflowFoundation3000_WindowsWorkflowFoundation Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_ASPNET_2050727_ASPNETAppsv2050727 Query (2).js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETCLRNetworking_NETCLRNetworking Query (2).js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_NETFramework_NETCLRLocksAndThreads Query (2).js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_ProcessAddressSpace_Costly Query (2).js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_TermService_TerminalServicesSession Query (2).js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfRaWMI Win32_PerfRawData_ServiceModelOperation3000_ServiceModelOperation3000 Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfRawDatWMI Win32_PerfRawData_NETDataProviderforSqlServer_NETDataProviderforSqlServer Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfRawDatWMI Win32_PerfRawData_WindowsWorkflowFoundation3000_WindowsWorkflowFoundation Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfRawData_MSDTC_DistributedTransactionCoordinator Query (2).js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfWMI Win32_PerfRawData_NETDataProviderforOracle_NETDataProviderforOracle Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_PerfWMI Win32_PerfRawData_ServiceModelEndpoint3000_ServiceModelEndpoint3000 Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements Query.js&filenameWMI Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_WMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSDTC_DistributedTransactionCoordinator Query.js.txt
- WMI Win32_WMIElementSetting Query.js&filenameWMI Win32_WMIElementSetting Query.js.txt
- WMI XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas Query.js&filenameWMI XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas Query.js.txt
- WMI XmlSerializerOperationBehavior Query.js&filenameWMI XmlSerializerOperationBehavior Query.js.txt
- _Add Additional Worksheets to an Excel Workbook.js.txt
- _Add Centered Page Numbers to the Footer of a Word Document.js.txt
- _Add Multiple Tables to a Word Document.js.txt
- _Add a Background Picture to an Excel Worksheet.js.txt
- _Add a Hyperlink to an Excel Spreadsheet.js.txt
- _Add a Total Row to an Excel Spreadsheet.js.txt
- _Change the Footer in an Excel Spreadsheet.js.txt
- _Clear the Contents of Any File Dropped on My Script Icon.js.txt
- _Count the Number of Words in a Text File.js.txt
- _Determine Whether a Computer Has Any USB 2.0 Ports.js.txt
- _Determine if a Folder Exists on a Computer.js.txt
- _Determine if a User is a Local Administrator.js.txt
- _Determine the Date and Time that a Process Started.js.txt
- _Determine the Version Number of an Executable File.js.txt
- _Get a List of All the Domain Controllers in My Domain.js.txt
- _Get a List of the Devices That Arent Working.js.txt
- _Get a Script to Delete Itself.js.txt
- _Get the Full Name and Description For My Local User Accounts.js.txt
- _Get the Uptime of a Service.js.txt
- _GetDriveSize.js.txt
- _GetFreeDriveSize.js.txt
- _Hide a Specific Toolbar in Microsoft Word.js.txt
- _How Can Tell Whether the NumLock Key is On or Off.js.txt
- _Insert a Symbol into a Word Document.js.txt
- _List Items in the Administrative Tools Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the All Users Application Data Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the All Users Desktop Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the All Users Programs Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the All Users Start Menu Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the All Users Startup Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Application Data Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Common Files Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Control Panel Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Desktop Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Fonts Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Internet Cookies Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Internet Favorites Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Local Application Data Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the My Computer Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the My Documents Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the My Music Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the My Network Places Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the My Videos Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Network Connections Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Print Neighborhood Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Printers and Faxes Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Program Files Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Programs Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Recycle Bin Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the SendTo Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Start Menu Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Startup Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the System32 Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Templates Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Temporary Internet Files Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the User Profile Folder.js.txt
- _List Items in the Windows Folder.js.txt
- _Right-Align a Single Column in a Word Table.js.txt
- _Run a Script Against a Range of IP Addresses.js.txt
- _Turn Off the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Firewall.js.txt
- _Turn On the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Firewall.js.txt
- _WMI AMLIEvalData1_TypeGroup1 Query.js.txt
- _WMI AppDomainInfo Query.js.txt
- _WMI ApplicationLifetimeEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetAcquireSessionBegin Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetAcquireSessionEnd Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetAppDomainEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsAttribute Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetCompileEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetCompileLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetEndHandler Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetGetAppDomainEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetGetAppDomainLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetHttpHandlerEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetHttpHandlerLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetMapHandlerEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetMapHandlerLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetModuleDiagCriticalEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetModuleDiagErrorEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetModuleDiagInfoEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetModuleDiagResumeEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetModuleDiagStartEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetModuleDiagStopEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetModuleDiagSuspendEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetModuleDiagTransferEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetModuleDiagVerboseEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetModuleDiagWarningEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageInitEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageInitLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageLoadEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageLoadLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageLoadPostDataEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageLoadPostDataLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageLoadViewstateEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageLoadViewstateLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPagePostDataChangedEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPagePostDataChangedLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPagePreInitEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPagePreInitLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPagePreRenderEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPagePreRenderLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageRaisePostbackEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageRaisePostbackLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageRenderEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageRenderLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageSaveViewstateEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageSaveViewstateLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageTraceWarnEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPageTraceWriteEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetParseEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetParseLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPipelineModuleEnter Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetPipelineModuleLeave Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetProfileBegin Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetProfileEnd Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetRequestDequeued Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetRequestQueued Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetRoleManagerBegin Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetRoleManagerEnd Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetRoleManagerGetUserRoles Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetRoleManagerIsUserInRole Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetSessionStatePartitionEnd Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetSessionStatePartitionStart Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetStart Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetStartHandler Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetStop Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetTrace Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetTraceEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetWebEventDeliverEnd Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetWebEventDeliverStart Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetWebEventRaiseEnd Query.js.txt
- _WMI AspNetWebEventRaiseStart Query.js.txt
- _WMI AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement Query.js.txt
- _WMI AuditEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AuthenticationFailureAuditEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AuthenticationSuccessAuditEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI AuthenticodeVerification Query.js.txt
- _WMI BaseErrorEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI BaseEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI BatteryCycleCount Query.js.txt
- _WMI BatteryFullChargedCapacity Query.js.txt
- _WMI BatteryRuntime Query.js.txt
- _WMI BatteryStaticData Query.js.txt
- _WMI BatteryStatus Query.js.txt
- _WMI BatteryStatusChange Query.js.txt
- _WMI BatteryTagChange Query.js.txt
- _WMI BatteryTemperature Query.js.txt
- _WMI BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement Query.js.txt
- _WMI Binding Query.js.txt
- _WMI CIM_DataFile Query.js.txt
- _WMI CIM_DirectoryContainsFile Query.js.txt
- _WMI CIM_ProcessExecutable Query.js.txt
- _WMI CIM_VideoControllerResolution Query.js.txt
- _WMI CLRAuthenticodeVerification Query.js.txt
- _WMI CLRLoader Query.js.txt
- _WMI CLRMethod Query.js.txt
- _WMI CLRStrongNameVerification Query.js.txt
- _WMI CLRTrace Query.js.txt
- _WMI CallbackBehavior Query.js.txt
- _WMI Channel Query.js.txt
- _WMI ChannelPoolSettings Query.js.txt
- _WMI ClientCredentials Query.js.txt
- _WMI ClientNetLibInfo Query.js.txt
- _WMI ClientNetworkProtocol Query.js.txt
- _WMI ClientNetworkProtocolProperty Query.js.txt
- _WMI ClientSettings Query.js.txt
- _WMI ClientSettingsGeneralFlag Query.js.txt
- _WMI ClientViaBehavior Query.js.txt
- _WMI CompositeDuplexBindingElement Query.js.txt
- _WMI ConnectionOrientedTransportBindingElement Query.js.txt
- _WMI Contention Query.js.txt
- _WMI ContextBindingElement Query.js.txt
- _WMI Contract Query.js.txt
- _WMI CreateIOThread Query.js.txt
- _WMI CreateWorkerThread Query.js.txt
- _WMI CustomBindingElement Query.js.txt
- _WMI DS_LDAP_Class_Containment Query.js.txt
- _WMI DS_LDAP_Instance_Containment Query.js.txt
- _WMI DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior Query.js.txt
- _WMI DeliveryRequirementsAttribute Query.js.txt
- _WMI DiskIo Query.js.txt
- _WMI DiskIo_TypeGroup1 Query.js.txt
- _WMI DurableOperationAttribute Query.js.txt
- _WMI DurableServiceAttribute Query.js.txt
- _WMI Endpoint Query.js.txt
- _WMI ErrorEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI EventTraceEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI EventTrace_Header Query.js.txt
- _WMI ExceptionThrown Query.js.txt
- _WMI Exceptions Query.js.txt
- _WMI FailureAuditEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI FileIo Query.js.txt
- _WMI FileIo_Name Query.js.txt
- _WMI FileIo_V0 Query.js.txt
- _WMI FileIo_V0_Name Query.js.txt
- _WMI FilestreamSettings Query.js.txt
- _WMI FreeSegment Query.js.txt
- _WMI FusionNGENBinder Query.js.txt
- _WMI GCEnd Query.js.txt
- _WMI GCStart Query.js.txt
- _WMI GarbageCollection Query.js.txt
- _WMI HWConfig Query.js.txt
- _WMI HWConfig_CPU Query.js.txt
- _WMI HWConfig_LogDisk Query.js.txt
- _WMI HWConfig_NIC Query.js.txt
- _WMI HWConfig_PhyDisk Query.js.txt
- _WMI HeapStats Query.js.txt
- _WMI HeartbeatEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpCachedNoModSend Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpCachedSend Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpDeliverRequest Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpEtwTrace Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpParseRequest Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpReceiveRequest Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpReceiveResponse Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpRequest Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpSendComplete Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpTransportBindingElement Query.js.txt
- _WMI HttpsTransportBindingElement Query.js.txt
- _WMI IOThreadCreation Query.js.txt
- _WMI IOThreadRetirement Query.js.txt
- _WMI IP1394StatisticsOID Query.js.txt
- _WMI IP1394TopologyOID Query.js.txt
- _WMI IP1394_QueryArrayOID Query.js.txt
- _WMI Image Query.js.txt
- _WMI Image_Load Query.js.txt
- _WMI Image_V0 Query.js.txt
- _WMI Image_V0_Load Query.js.txt
- _WMI LocalServiceSecuritySettings Query.js.txt
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- _WMI MS1394_BusDriverInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MS1394_BusErrorInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MS1394_BusEventNotification Query.js.txt
- _WMI MS1394_BusInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MS1394_DeviceAccessInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MS1394_DeviceAccessNotification Query.js.txt
- _WMI MS1394_DeviceInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MS1394_PortDriverInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MS1394_PortErrorInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSAcpiInfo Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSChangerParameters Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSChangerProblemDeviceError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSChangerProblemEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSDeviceUI_FirmwareRevision Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSDiskDriver_Geometry Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSDiskDriver_Performance Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSFT_SomFilter Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSFT_SomFilterStatus Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSFT_UCScenarioAssociation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSIPNAT_ConnectionCreationEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSIPNAT_ConnectionDeletionEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSIPNAT_PacketDroppedEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSIde_PortDeviceInfo Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSKeyboard_ClassInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSKeyboard_ExtendedID Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSKeyboard_PortInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAEvent_CPUError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAEvent_InvalidError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAEvent_MemoryError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAEvent_PCIComponentError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAEvent_PlatformSpecificError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAEvent_SMBIOSError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAEvent_SystemEventError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAInfo_CPEControl Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAInfo_RawCMCEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAInfo_RawCorrectedPlatformEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAInfo_RawMCAData Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMCAInfo_RawMCAEvent Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMouse_ClassInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSMouse_PortInformation Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNT_SystemTrace Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_AddWEP Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_AuthenticationMode Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_BSSIList Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_BaseServiceSetIdentifier Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_BssIdListScan Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_Configuration Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_DataRates Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_DesiredDataRates Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_Disassociate Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_FragmentationThreshold Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_InfrastructureMode Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_NetworkTypeInUse Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_NetworkTypesSupported Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_NumberOfAntennas Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_PowerMode Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_PrivacyFilter Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_RTSThreshold Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_ReceiveAntennaSelected Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_ReceivedSignalStrength Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_ReceivedSignalStrengthEventTrigger Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_ReloadDefaults Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_RemoveWEP Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_ServiceSetIdentifier Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_Statistics Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_TransmitAntennaSelected Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_TransmitPowerLevel Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_80211_WEPStatus Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmHardwareCurrentAddress Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmMaxAal0PacketSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmMaxAal1PacketSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmMaxAal34PacketSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmMaxAal5PacketSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmMaxActiveVciBits Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmMaxActiveVcs Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmMaxActiveVpiBits Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmReceiveCellsDropped Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmReceiveCellsOk Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmSupportedAalTypes Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmSupportedServiceCategory Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmSupportedVcRates Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_AtmTransmitCellsOk Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoDriverVersion Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoHardwareStatus Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoLinkSpeed Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoMacOptions Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoMediaConnectStatus Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoMediaInUse Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoMediaSupported Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoMinimumLinkSpeed Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoReceivePduErrors Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoReceivePdusNoBuffer Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoReceivePdusOk Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoTransmitPduErrors Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoTransmitPdusOk Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoVendorDescription Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoVendorDriverVersion Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CoVendorId Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CurrentLookahead Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_CurrentPacketFilter Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_DriverVersion Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_EnumerateAdapter Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_EthernetCurrentAddress Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_EthernetMacOptions Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_EthernetMaximumMulticastListSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_EthernetMoreTransmitCollisions Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_EthernetMulticastList Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_EthernetOneTransmitCollision Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_EthernetPermanentAddress Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_EthernetReceiveErrorAlignment Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiAttachmentType Query.js.txt
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- _WMI MSNdis_FddiFrameErrors Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiFramesLost Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiLConnectionState Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiLctFailures Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiLemRejects Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiLongCurrentAddress Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiLongMaximumListSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiLongMulticastList Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiLongPermanentAddress Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiRingManagmentState Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiShortCurrentAddress Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiShortMaximumListSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiShortMulticastList Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiShortPermanentAddress Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_FddiUpstreamNodeLong Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_HardwareStatus Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_LinkSpeed Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_MacOptions Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_MaximumFrameSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_MaximumLookahead Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_MaximumSendPackets Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_MaximumTotalSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_MediaConnectStatus Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_MediaInUse Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_MediaSupported Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_NdisEnumerateVc Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_NotifyAdapterArrival Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_NotifyAdapterRemoval Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_NotifyVcArrival Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_NotifyVcRemoval Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_PhysicalMediumType Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_ReceiveBlockSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_ReceiveBufferSpace Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_ReceiveError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_ReceiveNoBuffer Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_ReceivesOk Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_StatusLinkSpeedChange Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_StatusMediaConnect Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_StatusMediaDisconnect Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_StatusMediaSpecificIndication Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_StatusProtocolBind Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_StatusProtocolUnbind Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_StatusResetEnd Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_StatusResetStart Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TokenRingCurrentAddress Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TokenRingCurrentFunctional Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TokenRingCurrentGroup Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TokenRingCurrentRingState Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TokenRingCurrentRingStatus Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TokenRingLastOpenStatus Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TokenRingLineErrors Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TokenRingLostFrames Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TokenRingPermanentAddress Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TransmitBlockSize Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TransmitBufferSpace Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TransmitsError Query.js.txt
- _WMI MSNdis_TransmitsOk Query.js.txt
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