These are the cmdlets that are covered in the Microsoft Windows 10 exams—also see All Cmdlets.
Good luck!
PowerShell Command | Description |
Add-PhysicalDisk | This command will add a disk to a storage pool. |
Add-SignerRule | Allows an administrator to create a signer rule and add that rule to a policy. |
Clear-Disk | This command removes all partition information and erases all data on a disk. |
Clear-EventLog | This commands allows an administrator to delete all entries from the event logs on a local or remote computer. |
Connect-VirtualDisk | Administrators use this command for connecting a disconnected virtual disk to a computer using Storage Spaces. |
ConvertFrom-CIPolicy | This command allows an administrator to convert an .xml file into binary format. These files contain Code Integrity Policies. |
Debug-Process | Administrators use this command to debug processes running on a local computer. |
Disconnect-VirtualDisk | This command will disconnect a virtual disk from a computer. |
Dismount-DiskImage | Administrators can use this command to dismount a VHD or ISO image from a machine. |
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V –All | Installs Hyper-V onto Windows 10. |
Format-Volume | This command formats a volume on a drive. |
Get-AppLockerPolicy -Effective | Returns the effective AppLocker policy on the local computer. |
Get-AzureRemoteAppCollection -CollectionName <collection name> | This command shows you a list of what custom RDP properties are configured. |
Get-CIPolicy | Allows an administrator to view the rules in a Code Integrity policy. |
Get-CIPolicyIdInfo | Allows an administrator to view Code Integrity policy information. |
Get-ComputerInfo | This commands returns the computer’s system information. |
Get-Disk | This command allows an operating system to see a disk. |
Get-DiskImage | This command allows an operating system to see a disk image. |
Get-EventLog | Finds an event in a specific event log. |
Get-FileIntegrity | Allows an administrator to check the integrity information for a file that is on an ReFS volume. |
Get-Partition | This command allows an administrator to get a list of partitions on the system’s disks. |
Get-PhysicalDisk | This command gives you a list of all of your available physical disks. |
Get-Service | Finds a service on a Windows 10 system. |
Get-SystemDriver | Administrators can view the drivers on a system. |
Get-TimeZone | Gets the system’s time zone. |
Get-VirtualDisk | This command allows an operating system to see a virtual disk. |
Get-Volume | This command shows you the volume object. |
Import-AzureRM | This command imports AzureRM modules. |
Import-Module appx add-appxpackage “TestApp” | Allows an application to be sideloaded. “TestApp” is the path and name of the package file you created. |
Initialize-Disk | This command allows you to initializes a disk for first-time use. |
Install-Module Azure | This command installs the Azure Service Management module. |
Invoke-Command | This command allows you to remotely execute PowerShell commands on another system. |
Merge-CIPolicy | This command allows an administrator to merge the rules of several Code Integrity policy files. |
Mount-DiskImage | Administrators can use this command to mount a VHD or ISO image. By doing this, the image will appear as a normal disk. |
New-CIPolicy | Allows an administrator to create a Code Integrity policy as an .xml file. |
New-CIPolicyRule | With this command, administrators can create Code Integrity policy rules for drivers. |
New-EventLog | Creates a new event log. |
New-Partition | This allows administrators to create a new partition on an existing disk. |
New-Service | This command allows an administrator to create a new service. |
New-StoragePool | This command allows you to create a new storage pool of physical disks. |
New-VirtualDisk | This command creates a new virtual disk in the specified storage pool. |
New-Volume | This command allows you to create a new volume. |
Remove-EventLog | This command deletes an event log. |
Remove-Partition | Administrators can use this command allows you to remove a partition. |
Remove-PhysicalDisk | This command allows you to remove a disk. |
Remove-VirtualDisk | Administrators can use this command allows you to remove a virtual disk. |
Rename-Computer | This command allows an administrator to rename a computer. |
Repair-VirtualDisk | This command allows you to repair a virtual disk. |
Repair-Volume | Administrators can use this command allows you to repair a volume. |
Resize-Partition | This command allows you to resize a partition. |
Restart-Computer | This command reboots your system. |
Restart-Service | This command restarts a service. |
Resume-Service | This command resumes a service. |
Set-AzureRemoteAppCollection -CollectionName <collection name> -CustomRdpProperty “drivestoredirect:s:*’nusbdevicestoredirect:s:*” | This command sets the custom RDP properties. |
Set-AzureRemoteAppCollection -CollectionName <collection name> -CustomRdpProperty “drivestoredirect:s:*” | This command shows you how to set up hard-drive redirection. |
Set-AzureRemoteAppCollection -CollectionName <collection name> -CustomRdpProperty “drivestoredirect: s:*’nusbdevicestoredirect:s:*” | This command shows you how to set up USB and hard-drive redirection. |
Set-CIPolicyIdInfo | This command allows an administrator to modify the name and ID of a Code Integrity policy. |
Set-CIPolicyVersion | This command allows an administrator to modify the version number of a policy. |
Set-HVCIOptions | Administrators can change hypervisor Code Integrity options for a specific policy. |
Set-Mailbox | This command allows you to manipulate an Office 365 mailbox. |
Set-Partition | Administrators can use this command to set partition attributes, such as setting the partition to be active. |
Set-PhysicalDisk | You can use this command to set disk attributes. |
Set-RuleOption | This command allows an administrator to modify the rule options in a Code Integrity policy. |
Set-StoragePool | This command allows you to modify the properties of the specified storage pool. |
Set-TimeZone | Administrators can set the system’s time zone. |
Set-Volume | This command allows an administrator to set or change the file system label of a volume. |
Start-Process | This command allows you to start a process. |
Start-Service | Administrators can start a service using this command. |
Stop-Computer | This command shuts down a system. |
Stop-Service | This command stops a service. |
Test-Connection | Sends a ping to test NIC adapter settings. |
Update-Disk | Administrators can update cached information about a specified disk. |
Update-StoragePool | This command will update the metadata of a Windows Server 2012 R2 storage pool. |
Write-EventLog | This command writes an event to an event log. |
MCSA Windows 10 Study Guide, by William Panek
List of all PowerShell Cmdlets
tags: PowerShell, Windows Exam, MrNetTek