PowerShell – Cmdlets – Microsoft Exams

see Windows Category

These are the cmdlets that are covered in the Microsoft Windows 10 exams—also see All Cmdlets.

Good luck!


PowerShell Command Description
Add-PhysicalDisk This command will add a disk to a storage pool.
Add-SignerRule Allows an administrator to create a signer rule and add that rule to a policy.
Clear-Disk This command removes all partition information and erases all data on a disk.
Clear-EventLog This commands allows an administrator to delete all entries from the event logs on a local or remote computer.
Connect-VirtualDisk Administrators use this command for connecting a disconnected virtual disk to a computer using Storage Spaces.
ConvertFrom-CIPolicy This command allows an administrator to convert an .xml file into binary format. These files contain Code Integrity Policies.
Debug-Process Administrators use this command to debug processes running on a local computer.
Disconnect-VirtualDisk This command will disconnect a virtual disk from a computer.
Dismount-DiskImage Administrators can use this command to dismount a VHD or ISO image from a machine.
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V –All Installs Hyper-V onto Windows 10.
Format-Volume This command formats a volume on a drive.
Get-AppLockerPolicy -Effective Returns the effective AppLocker policy on the local computer.
Get-AzureRemoteAppCollection -CollectionName <collection name> This command shows you a list of what custom RDP properties are configured.
Get-CIPolicy Allows an administrator to view the rules in a Code Integrity policy.
Get-CIPolicyIdInfo Allows an administrator to view Code Integrity policy information.
Get-ComputerInfo This commands returns the computer’s system information.
Get-Disk This command allows an operating system to see a disk.
Get-DiskImage This command allows an operating system to see a disk image.
Get-EventLog Finds an event in a specific event log.
Get-FileIntegrity Allows an administrator to check the integrity information for a file that is on an ReFS volume.
Get-Partition This command allows an administrator to get a list of partitions on the system’s disks.
Get-PhysicalDisk This command gives you a list of all of your available physical disks.
Get-Service Finds a service on a Windows 10 system.
Get-SystemDriver Administrators can view the drivers on a system.
Get-TimeZone Gets the system’s time zone.
Get-VirtualDisk This command allows an operating system to see a virtual disk.
Get-Volume This command shows you the volume object.
Import-AzureRM This command imports AzureRM modules.
Import-Module appx add-appxpackage “TestApp” Allows an application to be sideloaded. “TestApp” is the path and name of the package file you created.
Initialize-Disk This command allows you to initializes a disk for first-time use.
Install-Module Azure This command installs the Azure Service Management module.
Invoke-Command This command allows you to remotely execute PowerShell commands on another system.
Merge-CIPolicy This command allows an administrator to merge the rules of several Code Integrity policy files.
Mount-DiskImage Administrators can use this command to mount a VHD or ISO image. By doing this, the image will appear as a normal disk.
New-CIPolicy Allows an administrator to create a Code Integrity policy as an .xml file.
New-CIPolicyRule With this command, administrators can create Code Integrity policy rules for drivers.
New-EventLog Creates a new event log.
New-Partition This allows administrators to create a new partition on an existing disk.
New-Service This command allows an administrator to create a new service.
New-StoragePool This command allows you to create a new storage pool of physical disks.
New-VirtualDisk This command creates a new virtual disk in the specified storage pool.
New-Volume This command allows you to create a new volume.
Remove-EventLog This command deletes an event log.
Remove-Partition Administrators can use this command allows you to remove a partition.
Remove-PhysicalDisk This command allows you to remove a disk.
Remove-VirtualDisk Administrators can use this command allows you to remove a virtual disk.
Rename-Computer This command allows an administrator to rename a computer.
Repair-VirtualDisk This command allows you to repair a virtual disk.
Repair-Volume Administrators can use this command allows you to repair a volume.
Resize-Partition This command allows you to resize a partition.
Restart-Computer This command reboots your system.
Restart-Service This command restarts a service.
Resume-Service This command resumes a service.
Set-AzureRemoteAppCollection -CollectionName <collection name> -CustomRdpProperty “drivestoredirect:s:*’nusbdevicestoredirect:s:*” This command sets the custom RDP properties.
Set-AzureRemoteAppCollection -CollectionName <collection name> -CustomRdpProperty “drivestoredirect:s:*” This command shows you how to set up hard-drive redirection.
Set-AzureRemoteAppCollection -CollectionName <collection name> -CustomRdpProperty “drivestoredirect: s:*’nusbdevicestoredirect:s:*” This command shows you how to set up USB and hard-drive redirection.
Set-CIPolicyIdInfo This command allows an administrator to modify the name and ID of a Code Integrity policy.
Set-CIPolicyVersion This command allows an administrator to modify the version number of a policy.
Set-HVCIOptions Administrators can change hypervisor Code Integrity options for a specific policy.
Set-Mailbox This command allows you to manipulate an Office 365 mailbox.
Set-Partition Administrators can use this command to set partition attributes, such as setting the partition to be active.
Set-PhysicalDisk You can use this command to set disk attributes.
Set-RuleOption This command allows an administrator to modify the rule options in a Code Integrity policy.
Set-StoragePool This command allows you to modify the properties of the specified storage pool.
Set-TimeZone Administrators can set the system’s time zone.
Set-Volume This command allows an administrator to set or change the file system label of a volume.
Start-Process This command allows you to start a process.
Start-Service Administrators can start a service using this command.
Stop-Computer This command shuts down a system.
Stop-Service This command stops a service.
Test-Connection Sends a ping to test NIC adapter settings.
Update-Disk Administrators can update cached information about a specified disk.
Update-StoragePool This command will update the metadata of a Windows Server 2012 R2 storage pool.
Write-EventLog This command writes an event to an event log.


MCSA Windows 10 Study Guide, by William Panek



Cheat Sheet

List of all PowerShell Cmdlets

List of all Azure Cmdlets

List of all SCCM Cmdlets


tags: PowerShell, Windows Exam, MrNetTek