Azure – Intune – Deploy Skype Package

Deploy Skype for Windows using Intune.   Steps Step 1 – Create C:\intune\Skype folder.   Step 2 – Copy Skype setup EXE to the C:\intune\Skype folder.   Step 3 – Create _Intune.cmd in Skype folder containing the following code: cd “%~dp0” taskkill /f /im Skype.exe timeout /t 2 start “” Skype.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- /NOCANCEL /NORESTART /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NOLAUNCH -ms timeout /t 60 Read More …

Intune – Deploy Acrobat Reader Package

Deploy Adobe Acrobat Reader using Intune.   Steps Step 1 – Create C:\intune\AcrobatReader folder.   Step 2 – Download Enterprise Acrobat Reader, and create custom transform. Copy contents of enterprise EXE to the C:\intune\AcrobatReader folder.   Step 3 – Create _Intune.cmd in AcrobatReader folder using the following code: cd “%~dp0” setup.exe ::add any other commands here   Step 4 – Create Read More …

Intune – Deploy Citrix Package

Deploy the Citrix Workspace App using Intune.   Steps Step 1 – Create C:\intune\Citrix folder.   Step 2 – Download Citrix setup to C:\intune\Citrix folder.   Step 3 – Create Intune.cmd in Citrix folder containing the following code: cd “%~dp0″ CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /forceinstall /silent STORE0=”Store;;Store” reg add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Citrix\Dazzle” /v AllowAddStore /t REG_SZ /d A /f /reg:64 :: add any other commands Read More …