Mac – Intune/SCCM – Sign PKG, Wrap PKG for Deployment

Create a Signed Package {{{ Required for Intune  }}} [devuser@mac-lab1 Downloads % sudo productsign –sign “Developer ID Installer: Eddie Jackson (YourAppleID-DDD3V2X8N)” Skype-8.83-unsigned.pkg Skype-8.83-signed.pkg Password: {enter password} productsign: using timestamp authority for signature productsign: signing product with identity “Developer ID Installer: Eddie Jackson (YourAppleID-DDD3V2X8N)” from keychain /Users/devuser/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db productsign: adding certificate “Developer ID Certification Authority” productsign: adding Read More …

Intune – Flow of Downloads

This is just some information I’m tracking with Intune. Maybe it will be useful to you.   Flow 1 – Content is downloaded to the Incoming folder. 2 – The downloaded file moves from Incoming folder to Staging folder. 3 – Hash value is checked to verify downloaded content is consistent. Decryption starts after hash verification. 4 – Once unzip completes, Read More …

Windows – Intune – Disable Smart Screen

Command reg add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer” /v SmartScreenEnabled /t REG_SZ /d Off /f /reg:64   Intune – Device Configuration Profile MS Intune > Device configuration > Profile > Create profile > Name > Windows 10 and later > Profile type Endpoint Protection > click Create button > Name > Description > click on Microsoft Defender SmartScreen > Read More …

Intune – SCCM – Change Time Zone

Various methods of changing the time zone. PowerShell and command methods can be used in SCCM and Intune. PowerShell Command tzutil /s “Eastern Standard Time” Intune – Custom Device Configuration Profile * requires 1903 and newer Microsoft Intune > Device configuration > Profiles > Create Profile > Windows 10 and later > Custom > click Read More …

Intune – Set up Power Management

#1 Access Intune > click Device configuration > click Profiles > click Create profile button #2 Select Platform: Windows 10 or later > click Profile: choose Custom > click Create button > Enter Name and Description  > In Custom OMA-URI Settings, click Add.   #3 Add each of these:   Name: DisplayOffTimeoutOnBattery OMA-URI: ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Power/DisplayOffTimeoutOnBattery Data Read More …