Microsoft Teams – Uninstaller

This should be everything you need to kill Microsoft Teams. I use a compiler to create EXEs, and then upload those to SCCM & Intune. But you can test locally to make sure all the code is working fine before creating self-contained packages.   Application Names MSTeams_24165.1414.2987.41_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe MicrosoftTeams_24165.1306.2986.9504_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe Application GUID {731F6BAA-A986-45A4-8936-7C3AAAAA760B} Plugin GUID {A7AB73A3-CB10-4AA5-9D38-6AEFFBDE4C91} Registry Read More …

Batch – Return User Session Information

This will return the user’s session information locally, and remotely. I use this with SCCM and Intune. :: MrNetTek :: :: 7/11/2024 :: free for public use :: free to claim as your own @ECHO OFF :: Initialize SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion SET tstQUser=false SET tstQWin=false :: Detect Session :: Method 1 quser | find /i Read More …

Batch – Return Major Build Version

Command Line FOR /f “tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=[.]” %a IN (‘ver’) DO ECHO %d In Script FOR /f “tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=[.]” %%a IN (‘ver’) DO SET wBuild=%%d ECHO %wBuild%   Notes for if %wBuild% LSS 19041 exit if %wBuild% LEQ 18362 exit if %wBuild% EQU 18362 exit :: 1903 if %wBuild% EQU 17763 exit :: 1809 if %wBuild% Read More …

SCCM Agent: CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80070643

I ran into an issue where I could not install the CM agent. This was the fix. Repair WMI Repair MOF Repair system files Reset Windows Updates   CCMSetup.log Errors File C:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\{1990B09E-077D-46F9-B575-2AB675E44670}\client.msi installation failed. Error text: ExitCode: 1603 Action: SmsClientInstallSucceeded. ErrorMessages: An error occurred during the installation of assembly ‘Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.WinRTProvider.dll,Version=”″,Culture=”neutral”,PublicKeyToken=”31bf3856ad364e35″‘. Please refer to Help and Read More …

Batch – Create PFX Certificate – Sign Code or Package; MSIX

:: MrNetTek :: :: 9/16/2020 :: free for public use :: free to claim as your own @echo off cd “%~dp0” :: STEP 1 :: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17763.0\x86 makecert.exe ^ -n “CN=CodeSign” ^ -r ^ -pe ^ -a sha512 ^ -len 4096 ^ -cy authority ^ -sv CodeSign.pvk ^ CodeSign.cer :: STEP 2 Read More …

Batch – Clear Windows Logs

FOR /F “tokens=*” %1 in (‘wevtutil.exe el’) DO wevtutil.exe cl “%1” exit /b 0   Notes Clear events after saving log: wevtutil cl Application /bu:C:\backup\back.evtx Return names of logs: wevtutil el Status of log: wevtutil gli Application   All Options wevtutil [{el | enum-logs}] [{gl | get-log} <Logname> [/f:<Format>]] [{sl | set-log} <Logname> [/e:<Enabled>] [/i:<Isolation>] Read More …

Windows – Batch – Reset Default Local Windows Folders (Folder Redirect)

Having issues with redirected folders? Need to restore user profile folders back to their original paths? This is a script I wrote to fix broken or stuck redirected folders. Just run in the current user security context. NOTE: Perform profile backups, first!   :: MrNetTek :: :: 6/15/2020 :: free for public use :: Read More …