SCCM Agent: CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80070643

I ran into an issue where I could not install the CM agent. This was the fix. Repair WMI Repair MOF Repair system files Reset Windows Updates   CCMSetup.log Errors File C:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\{1990B09E-077D-46F9-B575-2AB675E44670}\client.msi installation failed. Error text: ExitCode: 1603 Action: SmsClientInstallSucceeded. ErrorMessages: An error occurred during the installation of assembly ‘Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.WinRTProvider.dll,Version=”″,Culture=”neutral”,PublicKeyToken=”31bf3856ad364e35″‘. Please refer to Help and Read More …

PowerShell – Sandbox Testing App Attach Apps – No WVD Required

Use these steps to test your MSIX VHD, without having to use Windows Virtual Desktop. It’s a great way to make sure your MSIX package and MSIX VHD are working properly, and simulate the installation of an app attach application.   Microsoft Magic The magic behind app attach is a mounted VHD (Mount-Diskimage), a file Read More …

Windows – Install Assemblies

Gacutil.exe allows you to install assemblies into the cache, remove them from the cache, and list the contents of the cache. Gacutil.exe provides options that support reference counting similar to the reference counting scheme supported by Windows Installer. Use the following command to install assemblies: gacutil /if c:\foo\foo.dll   Notes How to: Install an assembly Read More …

PowerShell – Remove Built-in Administrator Account

To delete the built-in Administrator account, this is the process: #1 Take ownership HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM\SAM #2 Grant reg rights HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM\SAM #3 Delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM\SAM\Builtin\Account\Users\Names\Administrator #4 Remove user account from Local Users and Groups     Notes PropagationFlags Enum InheritanceFlags Enum AccessControlType Enum Remove-Item -Path “HKLM:\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\Names\Administrator” HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\Names\Administrator

Batch – Create PFX Certificate – Sign Code or Package; MSIX

:: MrNetTek :: :: 9/16/2020 :: free for public use :: free to claim as your own @echo off cd “%~dp0” :: STEP 1 :: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17763.0\x86 makecert.exe ^ -n “CN=CodeSign” ^ -r ^ -pe ^ -a sha512 ^ -len 4096 ^ -cy authority ^ -sv CodeSign.pvk ^ CodeSign.cer :: STEP 2 Read More …

Batch – Clear Windows Logs

FOR /F “tokens=*” %1 in (‘wevtutil.exe el’) DO wevtutil.exe cl “%1” exit /b 0   Notes Clear events after saving log: wevtutil cl Application /bu:C:\backup\back.evtx Return names of logs: wevtutil el Status of log: wevtutil gli Application   All Options wevtutil [{el | enum-logs}] [{gl | get-log} <Logname> [/f:<Format>]] [{sl | set-log} <Logname> [/e:<Enabled>] [/i:<Isolation>] Read More …

Windows – Batch – Reset Default Local Windows Folders (Folder Redirect)

Having issues with redirected folders? Need to restore user profile folders back to their original paths? This is a script I wrote to fix broken or stuck redirected folders. Just run in the current user security context. NOTE: Perform profile backups, first!   :: MrNetTek :: :: 6/15/2020 :: free for public use :: Read More …