Acrobat 2020 – App Attach Testing and Troubleshooting

Unregister Package (unload app) Remove-AppxPackage AdobeAcrobat2020_20.1.30002.0_x64__1nrb0vh0kd882   Register Package (load app) Add-AppxPackage -Path ‘C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AdobeAcrobat2020_20.1.30002.0_x64__1nrb0vh0kd882\AppxManifest.xml’ -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register   Launch App start shell:AppsFolder\AdobeAcrobat2020_1nrb0vh0kd882!ACROBAT   Create Desktop Shortcut explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\AdobeAcrobat2020_1nrb0vh0kd882!ACROBAT     Notes Element Not Found Check the Access Control Entry for each user; look for corrupted entries. Resets ACE (Remove Corrupted Entries) icacls “C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\AdobeAcrobat2020_20.1.30002.0_x64__1nrb0vh0kd882” /c Read More …

Windows – Rename Computer

PowerShell $(gwmi win32_computersystem).Rename(“PC-NewName”) Rename-Computer -NewName PC-NewName -Restart Invoke-command -computer PC-OldName -script {rename-computer PC-NewName; restart-computer} Commands WMIC ComputerSystem where Name=”PC-NewName” call Rename Name=NewName netdom renamecomputer %computername% /newname:PC-NewName /userd:domain\adminaccount /passwordd:password /reboot:10   Notes Rename-Computer Invoke-Command Netdom.exe WMIC.exe Get-WmiObject (gwmi)

Windows 10 – Freeze a Windows Build Version

This is how you lock the Windows build version—meaning this will prevent a future release from being automatically applied. Useful for gaining control over the build versions in your fleet. Enable reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate” /v TargetReleaseVersion /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f /reg:64 Set Version reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\M9icrosoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate” /v TargetReleaseVersionInfo /t REG_SZ /d 2004 /f /reg:64 Read More …