Assembly – Hello World – Variation 2

Tested in Windows 10, with NASM v2.14.02. ; —————————————————————————————- ; INFORMATION ; MrNetTek ; Check Prime Number ; ; 3/10/2020 ; free for public use ; free to claim as your own ; ; DOWNLOAD ; ; ; SAVE AS ; hello2.asm ; ; COMPILE ; nasm -fwin64 hello2.asm && gcc -o hello2.exe Read More …

Assembly – Check Prime Number

Tested in Windows 10, with NASM v2.14.02. ; —————————————————————————————- ; INFORMATION ; MrNetTek ; Check Prime Number ; ; 3/9/2020 ; free for public use ; free to claim as your own ; ; DOWNLOAD ; ; ; SAVE AS ; prime.asm ; ; COMPILE ; nasm -fwin64 prime.asm && gcc -o prime.exe Read More …

Assembly – GUI Message Box

Tested in Windows 10, with NASM v2.14.02. ; —————————————————————————————- ; INFORMATION ; MrNetTek ; Assembly Message Box ; ; 3/9/2020 ; free for public use ; free to claim as your own ; ; DOWNLOAD ; ; ; SAVE AS ; hello_gui.asm ; ; COMPILE ; nasm -fwin64 hello_gui.asm && gcc -o hello_gui.exe Read More …