I took this JS from the Distribution file in the latest Citrix Workspace Mac install, v24.05.0. Maybe you’ll find the internal workings interesting. I do.
Located: Citrix.dmg\Citrix Workspace\Install Citrix Workspace.pkg\Distribution
I ended up packaging the DMG into a PKG, signing the PKG, and publishing to Macs from Intune.
# MrNetTek
# eddiejackson.net
# 7/31/2024
function compatibleOSVersionCheck() {
system.log('Starting compatibleOSVersionCheck');
system.log('System Product Version: ' + system.version.ProductVersion);
if (system.compareVersions(system.version.ProductVersion, "12.0") < 0) {
system.log('Product version Test failed');
my.result.title = system.localizedString("InstallCheckFailedTitle");
my.result.message = system.localizedString("InstallCheckFailedMessage");
my.result.type = "Fatal";
return false;
return true;
function canUpgradeWorkspace() {
var bundleWorkspace = system.files.bundleAtPath('/Applications/Citrix Workspace.app');
if (bundleWorkspace) {
var installedWorkspaceVersion = bundleWorkspace['CitrixVersionString'];
system.log('Installed workspace version : ' + installedWorkspaceVersion);
if (installedWorkspaceVersion && system.compareVersions(installedWorkspaceVersion, '') > 0) {
my.result.title = system.localizedString("PreventDowngradeTitle");
my.result.message = system.localizedString("PreventDowngradeMessage");
my.result.type = "Fatal";
return false;
return true;
function canInstallWorkspaceOnExistingEnterpriseBrowser() {
var bundleHelper = system.files.bundleAtPath('/usr/local/libexec/Citrix Workspace Helper.app');
if (bundleHelper) {
var minWorkspaceAppVersionSupported = '';
var plistPath = '/Library/Preferences/com.citrix.apps.configuration.plist';
var plistfileExist = system.files.fileExistsAtPath(plistPath);
if (plistfileExist) {
var plistContent = system.files.plistAtPath(plistPath);
if (plistContent) {
minWorkspaceAppVersionSupported = plistContent['minWorkspaceAppVersionSupported'];
if (minWorkspaceAppVersionSupported && system.compareVersions(minWorkspaceAppVersionSupported, '') > 0) {
my.result.title = system.localizedString("PreventWorkspaceInstallationTitle");
my.result.message = system.localizedString("PreventWorkspaceInstallationMessage");
my.result.type = "Fatal";
return false;
return true;
function canUpgradeEnterpriseBrowser() {
var bundleHelper = system.files.bundleAtPath('/usr/local/libexec/Citrix Workspace Helper.app');
if (bundleHelper) {
var installedEnterpriseBrowserVersion = bundleHelper['CitrixVersionString'];
system.log('Installed enterprise browser version : ' + installedEnterpriseBrowserVersion);
if (installedEnterpriseBrowserVersion && system.compareVersions(installedEnterpriseBrowserVersion, '') > 0) {
my.result.title = system.localizedString("PreventDowngradeTitle");
my.result.message = system.localizedString("PreventDowngradeMessage");
my.result.type = "Fatal";
return false;
return true;
function canInstallEnterpriseBrowserOnExistingWorkspace() {
var bundleWorkspace = system.files.bundleAtPath('/Applications/Citrix Workspace.app');
if (bundleWorkspace) {
var installedWorkspaceVersion = bundleWorkspace['CitrixVersionString'];
system.log('Installed workspace version : ' + installedWorkspaceVersion);
if (installedWorkspaceVersion) {
if (system.compareVersions(installedWorkspaceVersion, '') > 0 || system.compareVersions(installedWorkspaceVersion, '') < 0) {
my.result.title = system.localizedString("PreventBrowserInstallationTitle");
my.result.message = system.localizedString("PreventBrowserInstallationMessage");
my.result.type = "Fatal";
return false;
return true;
function preventDowngrade() {
if ('cwa' == "ceb") {
system.log('Package enterprise browser version : ' + '');
var canInstallEnterpriseBrowserOnExistingWorkspace_ = canInstallEnterpriseBrowserOnExistingWorkspace();
var canUpgradeEnterpriseBrowser_ = canUpgradeEnterpriseBrowser();
return canInstallEnterpriseBrowserOnExistingWorkspace_ && canUpgradeEnterpriseBrowser_;
else {
system.log('Package Workspace version : ' + '');
var canUpgradeWorkspace_ = canUpgradeWorkspace();
var canInstallWorkspaceOnExistingEnterpriseBrowser_ = canInstallWorkspaceOnExistingEnterpriseBrowser();
return canUpgradeWorkspace_ && canInstallWorkspaceOnExistingEnterpriseBrowser_;
return true;
function compatibleOSVersionCheckAndPreventDowngrade() {
// Check if CWA can be installed on the machine OS.
system.log('Checking compatible macOS versions');
var didSucceed = compatibleOSVersionCheck();
system.log('Result of compatible macOS version check ' + didSucceed);
// Check if the installed CWA is higher version than the one in this package.
if (didSucceed) {
system.log('Checking if higher version of CWA is already installed');
didSucceed = preventDowngrade();
system.log('Result of Downgrade Prevention check ' + didSucceed);
return didSucceed;
Script Breakdown
# 1 compatibleOSVersionCheck()
This function checks if the operating system version is compatible with the required version (12.0 or higher).
– Logs the start of the check.
– Logs the current system version.
– Compares the current system version with “12.0”. If it’s lower, it logs a failure message, sets the result to fatal, and returns `false`.
– Returns `true` if the version is compatible.
# 2 canUpgradeWorkspace()
This function checks if the installed Citrix Workspace version can be upgraded.
– Gets the bundle information for Citrix Workspace.
– Logs the installed version.
– Compares the installed version with “”. If the installed version is higher, it logs a message, sets the result to fatal, and returns `false`.
– Returns `true` if the upgrade is possible.
# 3 canInstallWorkspaceOnExistingEnterpriseBrowser()
This function checks if Citrix Workspace can be installed on an existing Enterprise Browser.
– Gets the bundle information for Citrix Workspace Helper.
– Checks for a configuration file and reads the minimum supported version.
– Compares the minimum supported version with “”. If the minimum version is higher, it logs a message, sets the result to fatal, and returns `false`.
– Returns `true` if the installation is possible.
# 4 canUpgradeEnterpriseBrowser()
This function checks if the installed Enterprise Browser version can be upgraded.
– Gets the bundle information for Citrix Workspace Helper.
– Logs the installed version.
– Compares the installed version with “”. If the installed version is higher, it logs a message, sets the result to fatal, and returns `false`.
– Returns `true` if the upgrade is possible.
# 5 canInstallEnterpriseBrowserOnExistingWorkspace()
This function checks if the Enterprise Browser can be installed on an existing Citrix Workspace.
– Gets the bundle information for Citrix Workspace.
– Logs the installed version.
– Compares the installed version with “” and “”. If the version is outside this range, it logs a message, sets the result to fatal, and returns `false`.
– Returns `true` if the installation is possible.
# 6 preventDowngrade()
This function prevents downgrading of the software.
– Checks if the package is for the enterprise browser.
– Calls the appropriate functions to check if the installation or upgrade is possible.
– Returns `true` if both checks pass.
# 7 compatibleOSVersionCheckAndPreventDowngrade()
This function combines the OS version check and downgrade prevention.
– Logs the start of the OS version check.
– Calls compatibleOSVersionCheck() and logs the result.
– If the OS version check passes, it calls `preventDowngrade()` and logs the result.
– Returns the final result of the checks.
How I Package for Deployment
The Packages App > Add Citrix.dmg to Payload – Applications folder > Add Code.sh to Scripts – Post-installation > Build PKG > Sign PKG > Upload to Intune > Test in Company Portal
cd /Applications
hdiutil attach -nobrowse '/Applications/Citrix.dmg'
ditto '/Volumes/Citrix Workspace/Uninstall Citrix Workspace.app' '/Applications/Uninstall Citrix Workspace.app'
installer -pkg '/Volumes/Citrix Workspace/Install Citrix Workspace.pkg' -target /
hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Citrix Workspace'
rm /Applications/Citrix.dmg