Folders: /src/ : AutoIt Source Code /src/websites/ : HTML Files /bulid/ : Compilied Exe and everything requied for it to run Credits: eltorro : For correcting the issue with standard compliant browers displaying html pages incorrectly. MrSpacely : FileGetExt() UDF erifash : For giving me th idea in the first place through AutoProxy Other: To easily extend this server for other purposes (like for a game server) refer to README.html in the DSO directory. How to setup: 1) Disable Windows Firewall 2) If you don't have a firewall, get free firewall. (Sygate is a good one) 3) Go to the menu that says "Advanced Rules" or something similar. 4) Set the settings as follows: Action: Allow this traffic Network Interface: All Remote Hosts: All Protocol: TCP Local Port: 80 Traffic Direction: Incoming 5) Set other settings as appropriate.