#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: CEoCEo Credits: BoardBabe, IT Troll, mr_smartepants, Shark007 Script Function: 1.51 'Nero Burning ROM' unattended AutoIt script. - Leave this script in the same dir as the executables and you are set to go. Either compile this script with AutoIt - http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3 or put AutoIt3.exe in any %PATH% environment variable and call 'AutoIt3.exe scriptname.au3' - History is found last in this script. - This script can handle Multilanguage distributions. - If there are any problems or suggestions regarding this script, write in this topic: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=56208 - Updated versions of this script can be found here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=20197&view=findpost&p=664489 Please edit serial, username, components and switches to your liking below. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ID = ""; Custom installation path example: $ID = "D:\Program Files\Nero" $SN = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"; Nero Serial Number $PI = ""; Add serials for your plug-ins separated by a comma "," to activate them $UN = "UserName" $CN = "CompanyName" $16 = 0 ; Nero Home $4E = 1 ; StartSmart $04 = 1 ; Burning ROM + Express $59 = 1 ; Vision $29 = 0 ; BackItUp $26 = 1 ; CoverDesigner $7B = 1 ; WaveEditor $46 = 0 ; SoundTrax $E2 = 0 ; ShowTime $20 = 0 ; MediaHome $0C = 1 ; Recode $52 = 0 ; Photosnap + Viewer $8F = 0 ; BurnRights $06 = 0 ; ImageDrive $E0 = 1 ; CD-DVD Speed $12 = 1 ; DriveSpeed $4A = 1 ; InfoTool $D8 = 1 ; Burn/Burn Settings Plug-In for MCE $B3 = 1 ; Media Streaming $69 = 0 ; Mobile $ASK = 0 ; Install Ask Toolbar $SCO = 0 ; Install Nero Scout $HLP = 1 ; Install Help files $NV4 = 1 ; Install Template Package for Nero Vision 4 $NFC = 0 ; Autostart Nero Filter Check $EAU = 0 ; Enable Automatic Update $AUD = 30 ; Change number of days before Nero checks for updates $SND = 0 ; Enable all sounds in Burning ROM $TWS = 1 ; Show temporary writing speed $EAC = 1 ; Enable all compilations $EDO = 0 ; Enable DVD overburning $ESL = 0 ; Enable generation of short lead-out $ECD = 0 ; Prevent the CD/DVD from ejecting after burning is complete $VWD = 0 ; Verify Written Data after burning is complete $SSS = 1 ; StartSmart: Show left panel $SSA = 1 ; StartSmart: Advanced Mode $RBR = 0 ; Run BurnRights to allow all users logged on locally to burn media $RFA = 0 ; Reset File Associations created by Nero ShowTime $OSD = 0 ; Delete Nero Online Upgrade Offering Desktop shortcut $OSS = 0 ; Delete Nero Online Upgrade Offering Start Menu shortcut $DPS = 0 ; Delete Nero ProductSetup Start Menu shortcut $DSS = 0 ; Delete Nero StartSmart Desktop shortcut $QSS = 0 ; Delete Nero StartSmart QuickLaunch shortcut $DNH = 0 ; Delete Nero Home Desktop shortcut $QNH = 0 ; Delete Nero Home QuickLaunch shortcut #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Script Start! #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim $I, $D, $P If $16 = 0 Then $I = $I & "C2FF8B816=0 " If $4E = 0 Then $I = $I & "CB035464E=0 " If $04 = 0 Then $I = $I & "CBCAFF604=0 " If $59 = 0 Then $I = $I & "C57D52359=0 " If $29 = 0 Then $I = $I & "CCB9D5429=0 " If $26 = 0 Then $I = $I & "C7CE8D626=0 " If $7B = 0 Then $I = $I & "CFA3A3F7B=0 " If $46 = 0 Then $I = $I & "C716FE146=0 " If $E2 = 0 Then $I = $I & "CD773A6E2=0 " If $20 = 0 Then $I = $I & "C53BEFA20=0 " If $0C = 0 Then $I = $I & "C6035F00C=0 " If $52 = 0 Then $I = $I & "CED1EAF52=0 " If $8F = 0 Then $I = $I & "C72CC518F=0 " If $06 = 0 Then $I = $I & "CE38B9E06=0 " If $E0 = 0 Then $I = $I & "C82602EE0=0 " If $12 = 0 Then $I = $I & "C7DFFCC12=0 " If $4A = 0 Then $I = $I & "CE72D824A=0 " If $D8 = 0 Then $I = $I & "C5AD292D8=0 " If $B3 = 0 Then $I = $I & "C79061EB3=0 " If $69 = 0 Then $I = $I & "C91F9B069=0 " If FileExists ( @CommonFilesDir & "\Ahead\Lib\AdvrCntr2.dll" ) Then MsgBox ( 0x40010, @ScriptName, "Please uninstall previous version of Nero before using this script", 3 ) Exit EndIf ; Clean up existing Nero temporary files $search = FileFindFirstFile ( @TempDir & "\NER*.*" ) While 1 $TMP = FileFindNextFile ( $search ) If @error Then ExitLoop DirRemove ( @TempDir & "\" & $TMP, 1) WEnd FileClose ( $search ) ; Search distribution $search = FileFindFirstFile ( @ScriptDir & "\Nero-7*.exe" ) $SF = FileFindNextFile ( $search ) ; Run installer If $search = 1 Then If Not $ID = "" Then $D = "INSTALLDIR=" & Chr ( 34 ) & $ID & Chr ( 34 ) & " " Run ( @ScriptDir & "\" & $SF & " /qb! /NORESTART RebootYesNo=No SERIALNUM_USERVAL=" & $SN & " AgreeToLicense=Yes EULA_AGREEMENT=1 " & $D & $I ) Else MsgBox ( 0x40010, @ScriptName, "Nero executable not found", 3 ) Exit EndIf ; Search extraction dir Sleep ( 5000 ) $search = FileFindFirstFile ( @TempDir & "\NER*.*" ) $dir = FileFindNextFile ( $search ) $path = @TempDir & "\" & $dir AdlibEnable ( "Toolbar" ) ProcessWait ( "SetupX.exe" ) AdlibDisable() ; Delete configuration file to enable custom installation FileDelete ( $path & "\Redist\Config\conf.txt" ) ; Delete (The Weather Channel Desktop) installer to prevent execution FileDelete ( $path & "\Redist\NeroWeatherChannelDesktop\Weather Channel Installer.exe" ) ; Update DirectX during setup if necessary $DX = $path & "\Redist\DirectX\dxsetup.exe" If Not FileExists ( @SystemDir & "\d3dx9_28.dll" ) Or Not FileExists ( @SystemDir & "\d3dx9_30.dll" ) And FileExists ( $DX ) Then Run ( $DX & " /silent" ) ProcessWaitClose ( "SetupX.exe" ) $TP = RegRead ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7", "TargetPath" ) ; Search for Nero 7 Helpfile Pack $search = FileFindFirstFile ( @ScriptDir & "\Nero7_chm_*.exe" ) $HF = FileFindNextFile ( $search ) ; Install Nero 7 Helpfile Pack If $HLP = 1 And $search = 3 And $ID = "" Then RunWait ( @ComSpec & " /c " & "del /q /s *.chm", $TP, @SW_HIDE); Search and delete all Help files RunWait ( @ScriptDir & "\" & $HF & " /S" ) EndIf ; Install Template Package for Nero Vision 4 If $NV4 = 1 And $59 = 1 And $ID = "" And FileExists ( @ScriptDir & "\NV4content.exe" ) Then RunWait ( @ScriptDir & "\NV4content.exe /S" ) ; Handle Nero SFX installers if custom installation path is modified If Not $ID = "" Then If $HLP = 1 Or $NV4 = 1 Then DirRemove ( @ProgramFilesDir & "\Nero", 1 ) If $HLP = 1 And $search = 3 Then RunWait ( @ScriptDir & "\" & $HF & " /S" ) If $NV4 = 1 And $59 = 1 And FileExists ( @ScriptDir & "\NV4content.exe" ) Then RunWait ( @ScriptDir & "\NV4content.exe /S" ) If $HLP = 1 Or $NV4 = 1 Then RunWait ( @ComSpec & " /c " & "xcopy /EQY " & Chr ( 34 ) & "Nero 7" & Chr ( 34 ) & " " & Chr ( 34 ) & $ID & Chr ( 34 ), @ProgramFilesDir & "\Nero", @SW_HIDE ) If $HLP = 1 Or $NV4 = 1 Then DirRemove ( @ProgramFilesDir & "\Nero", 1 ) EndIf ; Apply username RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info", "User", "REG_SZ", $UN ) RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Plugins\Info", "User", "REG_SZ", $UN ) RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info", "Company", "REG_SZ", $CN ) RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Plugins\Info", "Company", "REG_SZ", $CN ) ; Activate plugins If Not $PI = "" Then $PI = StringSplit ( $PI, ",") Do $P = $P + 1 RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Plugins\Info", "Serial7_" & $P, "REG_SZ", "*" & $PI[$P] ) Until $P = $PI[0] EndIf ; Nero Scout removal If $SCO = 0 Then ; Deletes Nero Scout Optionswizard from Autostart RegDelete ( "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", "NeroHomeFirstStart" ) ; Disable Nero Scout in Explorer RegDelete ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\{3d6be802-fc0d-4595-a304-e611f97089dc}" ) ; Disable Nero Scout RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero Home\MediaLibrary", "DisableNeroScout", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) ; Delete Nero Scout executable to prevent execution FileDelete ( @CommonFilesDir & "\Ahead\Lib\NeroScoutOptions.exe" ) ; Search and delete Nero Scout shortcut Run ( @ComSpec & " /c " & "del /q /s NEROSC~1.LNK", @ProgramsCommonDir, @SW_HIDE ) EndIf ; Apply settings $KE1 = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom" $KE2 = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero StartSmart\Settings" If $NFC = 0 Then RegDelete ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "NeroFilterCheck" ) If $EAU = 0 Then RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Settings", "AutomaticUpdate", "REG_DWORD", 0 ) If Not $AUD = 0 And $EAU = 1 Then RegWrite ( "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Settings", "LastUserAutomaticUpdateDays", "REG_DWORD", $AUD ) If $SND = 1 Then RegWrite ( $KE1 & "\General", "CdChangeCheck", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) RegWrite ( $KE1 & "\General", "CdFailCheck", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) RegWrite ( $KE1 & "\General", "CdSuccessCheck", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) EndIf If $TWS = 1 Then RegWrite ( $KE1 & "\Recorder", "ShowSingleRecorderSpeed", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) If $EAC = 1 Then RegWrite ( $KE1 & "\General", "bShowAllCompilationTypes", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) If $EDO = 1 Then RegWrite ( $KE1 & "\General", "EnableDVDOverSize", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) If $ESL = 1 Then RegWrite ( $KE1 & "\Recorder", "ShortLeadOut", "REG_DWORD", 375 ) If $ECD = 1 Then RegWrite ( $KE1 & "\General", "EjectTheCDLater", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) If $VWD = 1 Then RegWrite ( $KE1 & "\General", "UseVerifyAfterBurn", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) If $SSS = 1 And $4E = 1 Then RegWrite ( $KE2, "DisplayLeftPanel", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) If $SSA = 1 And $4E = 1 Then RegWrite ( $KE2, "AdvancedMode", "REG_DWORD", 1 ) If $RBR = 1 And $8F = 1 Then RunWait ( $TP & "Nero Toolkit\NeroBurnRights.exe /all" ) ; Reset File Associations created by Nero ShowTime If $RFA = 1 And $E2 = 1 Then RegWrite ( "HKCR\.aif", "", "REG_SZ", "AIFFFile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.aifc", "", "REG_SZ", "AIFFFile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.aiff", "", "REG_SZ", "AIFFFile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.avi", "", "REG_SZ", "avifile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.m1v", "", "REG_SZ", "mpegfile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.m3u", "", "REG_SZ", "m3ufile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.mid", "", "REG_SZ", "midfile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.midi", "", "REG_SZ", "midfile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.mp2", "", "REG_SZ", "mpegfile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.mp3", "", "REG_SZ", "mp3file" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.mpa", "", "REG_SZ", "mpegfile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.mpeg", "", "REG_SZ", "mpegfile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.mpg", "", "REG_SZ", "mpegfile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.rmi", "", "REG_SZ", "midfile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.wav", "", "REG_SZ", "soundrec" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.wma", "", "REG_SZ", "WMAFile" ) RegWrite ( "HKCR\.wmv", "", "REG_SZ", "WMVFile" ) EndIf ; Remove shortcuts $QL = @AppDataDir & "\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch" If $OSD = 1 Then FileDelete ( @DesktopCommonDir & "\ONLINE~1.LNK" ) If $OSS = 1 Then Run ( @ComSpec & " /c " & "del /q /s ONLINE~1.LNK", @ProgramsCommonDir, @SW_HIDE ) If $DPS = 1 Then Run ( @ComSpec & " /c " & "del /q /s NEROPR~1.LNK", @ProgramsCommonDir, @SW_HIDE ) If $DSS = 1 Then FileDelete ( @DesktopCommonDir & "\Nero StartSmart.lnk" ) If $QSS = 1 Then FileDelete ( $QL & "\Nero StartSmart.lnk" ) If $DNH = 1 Then FileDelete ( @DesktopCommonDir & "\Nero Home.lnk" ) If $QNH = 1 Then FileDelete ( $QL & "\Nero Home.lnk" ) ; Close the search handle FileClose ( $search ) ; Remove temporary files DirRemove ( $path, 1 ) FileDelete ( @TempDir & "\*.tmp" ) ; Handle Ask Toolbar installer Func Toolbar() If WinActive ( "Nero Ask Toolbar" ) And $ASK = 1 Then ControlClick ( "Nero", "", "Button4" ) If WinActive ( "Nero Ask Toolbar" ) And $ASK = 0 Then ControlClick ( "Nero", "", "Button2" ) ControlClick ( "Nero", "", "Button4" ) EndIf EndFunc #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- History: 'Nero Burning ROM' unattended AutoIt script. Version: 1.51 (minor update) * Updated: Delete (The Weather Channel Desktop) installer to prevent execution Version: 1.5 * Added: Optional install of Template Package for Nero Vision 4 (NV4content.exe) * Added: Special treatment of SFX packs when using a custom installation path * Added: Ability to activate additional Plug-ins * Added: Option to set Advanced Mode in StartSmart * Added: Option to run BurnRights to allow all users logged on locally to burn media * Added: Option to change number of days before Nero checks for updates Version: 1.4 * Updated: Support for different version of 'Nero Burning ROM' featuring (The Weather Channel Desktop) * Updated: Only update DirectX if necessary * Added: Option to specify a custom installation path * Added: Clean up temporary files before installation starts * Added: Exit script if Nero is already installed * Added: Option to Delete Nero ProductSetup shortcut * Added: Option to Delete Nero Online Upgrade Offering shortcuts * Added: Option to Reset File Associations created by Nero ShowTime * Removed: Obsolete component (Fast CD-DVD Burning Plug-In for WMP) Version: 1.31 (minor update) * Updated: Support for 'Nero Burning ROM' Version: 1.3 * Fixed: Improved 'Ask Toolbar' management * Updated: More tweaks and improvements Version: 1.2 * Added: Automatic search and install of distribution (Nero-*.exe) * Added: Automatic search and optional install of help file (Nero7_chm_*.exe) * Added: Exclude components via command line * Updated: Few more tweaks and improvements * Removed: Removed dependency to 'conf.txt' Version: 1.1 * Added: Handle 'Ask Toolbar' if it is found in the distribution (mainly English users) * Added: Delete 'Nero Scout' in StartSmart to prevent execution * Updated: More tweaks and improvements Version: 1.0 'Nero Burning ROM' initial release Unattended script for Swedish and possibly other language distristributions. Script based on configurationfile 'conf.txt' #ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------