@ECHO OFF REM REM |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM | Purpose: This is caused by Windows Resource Protection (WRP), which stops programs overwriting essential system files. REM | It keeps its log files in C:\Windows\Logs\CBS. The SFC.exe program writes the details of each verification operation REM | and of each repair operation to the CBS.log file. The CBS.persist.log is generated when the CBS gets to be around 50Mb in size. REM | CBS.log is copied to cbs.persist.log and a new cbs.log file is started. The cbs logs would only be useful for serious troubleshooting issues. REM | If the system is running fine, we can delete this file and SFC.exe will create a new one the next time it is run. REM | REM | So why do we have this mysterious process writing a files in the temp folder?? It appears that on a number of servers REM | we can see the SFC archive process has failed to recycle properly and as a result had been running for a long time. REM | REM | Ver. Date Author Details REM | 1.00 13-DEC-2016 Anthony Duguid Initial version. REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SETLOCAL set CBS_LOG_FILES=%windir%\Logs\CBS\CbsPersist_*.log set CBS_CAB_FILES=%windir%\temp\cab_* set LOGFILE=C:\temp\delete_cbspersist_%USERNAME%_%date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%_%time:~6,5% REM Removes the oversize CBS persist logs "cmd /c del /q %CBS_LOG_FILES% && echo %CBS_LOG_FILES%>>%LOGFILE%.log || echo %CBS_LOG_FILES%>>%LOGFILE%.err" REM Removes the duplicate failed cab_ files from Windows\temp. "cmd /c del /q %CBS_CAB_FILES% && echo %CBS_CAB_FILES%>>%LOGFILE%.log || echo %CBS_CAB_FILES%>>%LOGFILE%.err"