I want to automate my login, but it always stops at the part where I have to enter my password. The solution to this depends on how your login command works. First try typing login /? and see if it is possible to specify the password on the command line. No decent system should allow it! Next, try creating a file with EXACTLY the keystrokes you need to enter in order to log in. On my system (using Netware 4), we can specify server and user name on the command line. All I have to do is enter my password and hit "Enter". So the first thing I do is create a file named "login.txt" with nothing but my password and a carriage return: --------- PaSsWoRd --------- Then I create the batch file which logs me in. It "pipes" the login.txt file into the actual login command. Basically, this forces the login command to take it's input from the login.txt file INSTEAD of from the keyboard: --------- type login.txt | login sanwfs1/ericp --------- In the above example, sanwfs1 is my server, and ericp is my user name. Now, if something goes wrong with your login (say it tells you your password expired and asks you for a new one), you are screwed. Nothing you do to the keyboard will work because the login command ONLY looks at what you've typed into the login.txt file. So you better type everything you think you MIGHT need in there. You might want to put a couple "N" characters in there to answer "No" to any questions. Frankly, no decent system should allow you to automate your login! Any GOOD system will AT A MINIMUM clear the keyboard buffer and flush STDIN to force password entry from the actual keyboard. Because your problem won't be as easy to solve as the above suggestion, you might also want to take a look at the "sendkeys.txt" file in this same directory for more suggestions.