' Description: Lists all the attributes and values for an ADAM inetOrgPersonAccount named Syedabbas. On Error Resume Next Set objUser = GetObject _ ("LDAP://localhost:389/cn=syedabbas,ou=Accounting,dc=fabrikam,dc=com") Set objUserProperties = GetObject("LDAP://localhost:389/schema/inetOrgPerson") For Each strAttribute in objUserProperties.MandatoryProperties strValues = objUser.GetEx(strAttribute) For Each strItem in strValues Wscript.Echo strAttribute & " -- " & strItem Next Next For Each strAttribute in objUserProperties.OptionalProperties strValues = objUser.GetEx(strAttribute) If Err = 0 Then For Each strItem in strValues Wscript.Echo strAttribute & " -- " & strItem Next Else Wscript.Echo strAttribute & " -- No value set" Err.Clear End If Next