Section One Information


Section One

I would like to welcome you to Section One.  Section One is a website made publicly available after many of my friends requested that I create a technical site built with the professional in mind.  The types of information you will find here at Section One are VBScripts, Shell scripts, Javascripts, HTA Apps, PowerShell scripts, C# development, documentation on various software applications, and monthly articles detailing a script, addressing errors and error codes, and discussing current technology in the news.   As important as the knowledge itself, I also present many of the scripts in motion, demonstrating the when, where, why to use them.  It is a site built for the technical mind and the professional on the go.  It is currently under construction and I hope to have it fully operational by the end of the year 2010.

I believe that a a true IT Professional, once given the opportunity, should begin making  contributions back to the IT Community, this is my way of giving back. 

If you have any questions or would like to see something added, please feel free to email me at: 



..I'm a Computer  
..Systems Engineer

iving and loving life

