CURRENT EVENT 1. Final documentation will be prepared and will take the form of a user’s guide, administrator’s guide, or a guide as it pertains to your project. 0–20 points 2. Submits a report that describes the tasks completed in this milestone (the tasks should match those described in the IT project plan), an updated WBS, and an updated MS Project schedule showing the actual time it took to complete each task and finally describe lessons learned while implementing this milestone. 3. Demonstrates that the final milestone was fully completed by showing sufficient evidence. Depending on your project, the evidence can take the form of diagrams, screenshots, databases, queries, source code, configurations, videos, policies, etc. Assignment 5 – Points = 100 Outcomes addressed in this Activity: Unit Outcomes: IT Project Managers Prepare final project closure report. IT Specialists: Complete the project as defined in the IT project plan. Course outcomes practiced in this Assignment: IT599-1: Evaluate the theory, principles, and practices of information systems. IT599-2: Employ project management skills to construct plans for information technology projects. IT599-3: Assess and analyze data to arrive at logical decisions for solving complex problems. IT599-4: Apply appropriate technologies in the analysis and design of information systems. IT599-5: Assess ethical, legal, and social issues within the information technology field. Assignment Instructions: IT Project Managers: Produce a final project closure report (see template in Doc Sharing) that summarizes the planning and work executed throughout the length of the course. Submit the final project closure report as one document (note that a WBS may be submitted as a separate .mpp file). IT Specialists: Final documentation will be prepared and will take the form of a user’s guide, administrator’s guide, or guide as it pertains to your project. Also, prepare a report that outlines the tasks completed in milestone 3, the final milestone of your project. Evidence will be presented that your project has been completed as defined in the IT project plan. Class, In Unit 4, IT Project Managers encountered a challenge to their implementation plan. IT Specialists continued working on their project by working on milestone 2. In Unit 5, IT Project Managers will complete the final Project Closure Report. IT Specialists will complete their project by completing the final milestone. Discussion: There will be two discussion questions. Assignment IT Project Managers: Produce a final project closure report (see template in Doc Sharing) that summarizes the planning and work executed throughout the length of the course. Submit the final project closure report as one document (note that a WBS may be submitted as a separate .mpp file). IT Specialists: Final documentation will be prepared and will take the form of a user’s guide, administrator’s guide, or guide as it pertains to your project. Also, prepare a report that outlines the tasks completed in milestone 3, the final milestone of your project. Evidence will be presented that your project has been completed as defined in the IT project plan.