Unit 4 I updated the MPP, updated the Table of Contents, added part 1 assignment on pages 16-19 (Milestone 2), part 2 of the assignment is at pages 53-55, and I added references for part 2 into the References section. Unit 5 For Unit 5, I plan to add the Milestone 3 Report, which describes the tasks, provide proof of the task completion, add references, finalize my documentation, and update my Table of Contents. Unit 6 Create Lessons Learned using Rubric. DISCUSSION Topic 1: Global Organizations and Cultural Concerns http://www.brown.edu/information-technology/knowledge-base/article/1254 Many organizations are global ones. If your project/product/service is not one that will be used in another country, imagine it will be in the future. Culture sometimes impacts the acceptance of information technology needs and goals. Explain why the concerns of customers/clients/end users might be different in another country? Topic 2: Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Discuss a current event, issue in information technology, or your project as it relates to an ethical, legal, and/or social issue. http://www.computerworld.com/article/2947216/security/cyberespionage-group-pawn-storm-uses-exploit-for-unpatched-java-flaw.html RUBRIC IT Specialists: You will continue the implementation of your project following the IT Project Plan you created in Unit 2. In addition, reflect upon your project and write at least a two-page paper in APA style discussing any ethical, legal and/or social issues that have could arise once your project/project goes live into a production environment. IT Specialists: Part 1: Prepare a report that outlines the tasks completed in milestone 2 of your project. Evidence will be presented that milestone 2 was completed as defined in the IT project plan. Part 2: Write at least a two-page APA style paper (excluding title page and references page) discussing any ethical, legal and/or social issues that have could arise once your project/project goes live into a production environment. Outcomes After completing this unit, you should be able to: Appraise project progress. Solve an unplanned event that can impact the project. Course outcome(s) practiced in this unit: IT599-2: Employ project management skills to construct plans for information technology projects. IT599-5: Assess ethical, legal, and social issues within the information technology field. PC 6.3: Integrate standards of the field and ethical principles into the problem solving process. What do you have to do in this unit? Review any Readings from past MSIT courses. Participate in Discussion Board. Participate in Seminar or complete alternative assignment. Complete unit Assignment. UNIT INTRODUCTION In Unit 3, all students conducted a peer review. IT Project Managers conducted a status meeting and created a status report. IT Specialists started working on milestone 1. In Unit 4: IT Project Managers: you will encounter a challenge to the plan. We will discuss the types of unplanned events that occurred. Some examples are: one of your key team members has left the team, a critical flaw in the plan was identified, your budget was cut by 10%. By conducting a meeting with the key stakeholders and reporting on project status, you will identify the risks, how they may be addressed, and any effect on the critical path and project outcome. IT Specialists: You will continue working on your project working towards completing milestone 2. Remember to plan accordingly as it will be important to complete all three milestones you defined in your unit 2 project plan. Readings: Web readings. Discussion: There will be two discussion questions. Assignment: See the assignment area in your course room for specific instructions. Seminar: We will review expectations and course work for this week.