Class, In Unit 2, you produced an IT Project Plan for the project you selected. The Project Plan will be used so that IT Project Manager students can simulate managing a project and the IT Specialist students will design and develop all or part of their project based on the schedule with milestones that was put together in their IT Project Plan. In Unit 3, you will do two things --- First, all students will be a key stakeholder and will review one of your classmates’ IT project plan and provide substantive feedback. Then IT Project Managers will conduct a status meeting and create a status report. IT Specialists will work on milestone 1 as defined in the Project Plan. Readings: There is no book for this course so conduct research based on your project topic. Discussion: There will be two discussion questions. Assignment: Part 1 (All Students): Produce feedback to a classmate’s IT project plan and accept feedback from a classmate that reviewed your IT project plan. You will then update your IT project plan. Part 2: IT Project Managers: Produce a project status report, updated WBS, and conduct a project status meeting with key stakeholders. Note that if a virtual (mock) project was selected, then this would be a mock status meeting. IT Specialist: Produce a report that outlines the tasks completed for the Unit 1 milestone along with a thorough explanation of each. Provide evidence that the milestone was fully completed. Finally, provide an updated WBS that shows the actual time spent on each task for the milestone and lessons learned while working on the milestone. Seminar: We will go over items regarding this unit. Have a great week. Dr. R 1. Submitted constructive feedback to a classmate’s IT project plan to include at least three items with a sufficient amount of substantive detail. Received feedback from a classmate after reviewing your IT project plan that should be included in the Assignment submission. 2. Submitted a revised IT project plan based on feedback from a classmate. 0–10 points 3. Submitted a report that describes the tasks completed in this milestone (the tasks should match those described in the IT project plan), an updated WBS, and an updated MS Project schedule showing the actual time it took to complete each task and finally describe lessons learned while implementing this milestone. 4. Demonstrates that the milestone was fully completed by showing sufficient evidence. Depending on your project, the evidence can take the form of diagrams, screenshots, databases, queries, source code, configurations, videos, policies, etc.