In Unit 1 you focused on the SDLC and PMLC along with deciding upon your capstone project and the role you will take. In Unit 2 you will put your Implementation plan together for your capstone project. Discussion: There will be two discussion questions. Project: Produce an IT implementation project plan based on the approved project you selected in Unit 1. The submitted plan should be of sufficient detail. Included in the plan should be an overview of the proposed project (per the project proposal), the development of a WBS including tasks, durations, dependencies, predecessors, milestones, and resources (in MS Project format), the identification of the critical path, a risk management plan, a quality plan, and a communications plan. You will also determine your role: IT Project Manager or IT Specialist. If you pick the IT Project Manager role, your project will have a budget of $250K. If you pick the role of IT Specialist, the project plan must be designed to have a milestone for Units 3, 4, and 5 as you will need to complete a milestone for each unit, respectively. Seminar: I have posted a past class’s seminar recording however it was directed toward the IT Project Manager role. As you know, the class now has another role, the IT Specialist, so keep this in mind and review the assignment and rubric. Have a great week. Dr. R FOLLOW How to create a clear project plan Project Planning a Step by Step Guide 10 Steps to Creating a Project Plan RUBRIC Submitted a project overview to include sufficient scope. Submitted a budgetary estimate (for the IT Project Manager role, the budget for the project will be $250K). Submitted at least three stakeholders. Submitted project benefits. Submitted return on investment. Submitted project organizational structure to include roles and responsibilities. Submitted a work breakdown structure with Gantt chart using MS Project. Submitted critical path with milestones noted using MS Project. Submitted a risk plan that includes identified risks and mitigation strategies. Submitted a communications and reporting plan.