Class, In Unit 1 we will focus will be on becoming familiar with the course syllabus, structure, instructor, and students. Please review the course syllabus and any other materials in the DocSharing area of your classroom. You will also review the System Development Life Cycle, Project Management Life Cycle and create a proposal for your capstone project. Readings: There is no textbook for this class. Discussion: Please introduce yourself in the discussion area. There are also two discussion questions. Assignment: Part 1: IT Project Theory/Practice Paper Write a 2–3-page paper (excluding title, abstract, introduction, and references) describing the concepts of the information systems development life cycle (SDLC) and how the project management life cycle can be effectively leveraged to deliver IT projects meeting time, cost, and schedule. Integrate and synthesize concepts from the Readings, or other credible sources researched throughout the paper, as appropriate. Identify how these concepts have been applied, or may apply, within a specific project — either through personal experience or as researched. For optimal scoring, please ensure that at least two sources are included and correctly cited. Use APA formatting and include a list of references used. Part 2: IT Project Proposal Prepare an IT-related project proposal for approval by your instructor. The submitted proposal should reflect one of the IT-related specializations and/or your area of interest and be of sufficient scope to achieve the requirements as stated in the Capstone Project document found in DocSharing (IT599_CapstoneProject_Specifications). Included in the proposal should be a statement of purpose or need, an overview of the proposed project, key milestones, a high-level budgetary estimate, benefits, return-on-investment (ROI) calculation, and key stakeholders. Note that the proposal may reflect a real project, as assigned within your place of employment or elsewhere (non-profit organization), a textbook-based case study, a scholarly journal case study, industry journal case study, or a hypothetical project, at the student’s discretion. Seminar: We will review expectations and course work for this week. Have a great week.